INSIDE THE TEMPLE OF KING SETI I Part-2 #seti #abydos #hystori #civilizatio #egypt2021 #egypte #egypttiktokers🇪🇬 #ägypten🇪🇬 #pyramidsofegypt #ageofcivilization2 #egypt #egypttiktok #cairo_egypt #tra #568
Sphinx of King Thutmose III 1479-1425 BC Dynasty 18 #egypte #egypt2021 #egypt🇪🇬 #egyptiantiktok #egyptiancivilization #egyptianarabic #pharaohs #traveltiktok #cairo_egypt #egypttiktok #egypt #ageofcivil #534
THE WORLD'S LARGEST STATUE OF A COUPLE. THE STATUE OF KING AMENHOTEP III. AND HIS WIFE TEJE. Amenhotep III, also Amenhotep or Egyptian AmenhetepImenhetep was an ancient Egyptian king and the ninth of the 1 #1296
Now this is what I call a GIANT entrance #karnak #ancienttemple #ancientegypt #23
THE PYRAMID OF KING MERKAUE. The third and smallest of the great pyramids of Giza is attributed to Pharaoh Menkaure. It is thought that this structure was completed at the end of the twenty-sixth century B #1000
TOMB OF KING TUTANKHAMUN #tutankamon #tutankhamun #tutan #cairoegypt #egyptiancivilization #egyptianking #egypt🇪🇬 #civilization #ageofcivilization2 #egyptiantiktok #egyptianarabic #pharaohs #king #tra #817
When women feared trains could make their uteruses fly out! 🚂💨 #weirdhistory #history #bizarrepast #LearnOnTikTok #educational #didyouknow #funfacts
WHAT A BEAUTIFUL VIEW OF THE ABU SIMBEL TEMPLE #civilization_egypt #everydayegypt #egyptology #Egyptiangods #hatshaping #kemet #luxor #karnak #cairo #Alexsandria #ancientcivilizations #pharaon #Temple #tra #1220
TEMPLE OF KALABSCHEH, NUBIA - EGYPT. The temple was situated on the west bank of the Nile River, in Nubia, and was originally built around 30 BC #nubia #hystori #hystorytime #egypt🇪🇬 #cairo_egypt #ägyp #1166