godine, a ima za cilj jačanje i obogaćivanje kulture i
umjetnosti, te turističke ponude u Mostaru, a samim tim i Bosne i Hercegovine.
2008. godine ju je ponovo oživjelo pet institucija kulture: Centar za kulturu, Narodno pozorište, Muzej Hercegovine, Narodna biblioteka i Pozorište lutaka. Cilj manifestacije "Mostarsko ljeto" je da se svi oni koji dođu ovdje, naravno uz stanovnike Mostara, osjeća
ju još ugodnije i ponesu lijepe utiske iz kulturnog i turističkog središta Hercegovine. "Mostarsko ljeto" svake godine priprema mnogo različitih sadržaja (koncerata, predstava, izložbi, promocija, radionica, druženja, prezentacija, književnih večeri, ceremonija i dodjela nagrada, plesova i igara, javnih rasprava i predavanja, filmskih večeri), koji se mogu razlikovati od godine dogodine, ali uvijek s ciljem da i Mostarcima i Mostarkama, ali i svim gostima što ugodnijim učine ljetne dane. Mostarsko ljeto (The Mostar Summer) is a traditional, international cultural, and touristic event, dating from 1979. Its goal is to strengthen and enrich the culture and the arts, and the tourism in Mostar, consequently in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In 2008, the event was interrupted, and in 2015 five institutions in Mostar – Center for Culture, National Theater, Herzegovina Museum, National Library, and Puppet Theater revived the event. The purpose of The Mostar Summer is to make all the people coming to Mostar, including Mostar’s residents, of course, feel even more comfortable and make them get a lasting impression of Herzegovina’s culture and touristic center. The Mostar Summer brings in many different events – concerts, plays, exhibitions, promotions, workshops, social gatherings, presentations, literature prize ceremonies, dances, round tables, and lectures – every year. These events can vary year after year, but their goal is to make summer days as comfortable as possible for all Mostarians and all the guests alike.