Fritz: "Maaaaaaamaaaa, Ionia is pickin' on meeeeeee!"
Fiona: "No, I'm not! I was just layin' here minding my own business and you came and stuck your hiney in my face! You are sooo rude!"
Bibi: "Um Tucker, could you help me out here! Your son is being a pest"
Tucker: "Let them handle it, he has to learn sometime"
Fiona: "You are so gonna get it Tot! Go bother your Pops and give me some space. I need my beauty rest!"
Fritz: "Youz being a meanie! I don' wike you, youz ugly!
Fiona: "Moooommmmm!! Fritz is pickin' on me!"
Bibi: (Shaking her head) It never ends...... If my legs were longer I would face hoof"