this soup is feeding my soul - taste tested by non sick ppl and they approve. I used 3 bouillon cubes #lowcarb #chickensoup #comfortfood
Microwave times will vary but mine was 1_30. #mugcake #boxcakehack #boxcakes #sugarfreedessert #sugarfreelifestyle #lowcarb #zerosugar #cake
This is not keto. This is a Vietnamese lunar new year tradition and it was 10⧸10 in the waffle maker! #banhtet #lunarnewyear #vietnamese
This is how I order except I double the protein and can make 3 meals out of this #lowcarb #chipotle #burritobowl #easylowcarb #chipotlebowl
The viral grinder salad sandwich but make it keto #lowcarb #EasyRecipe #sandwich #grindersaladsandwich #lunchidea #sandwichthin
Mini quesadillas with the mini dash griddle. I love these mission zero net carb tortillas. Follow us for #lowcarb #EasyRecipes
My nose is chaffed but this solving all of my life’s issues. #vaselinestick #vaseline #targetfind #walmartfind
This is a super easy sugar free dessert - follow us for more #EasyRecipes #sugarfree #dessert
The zero sugar slurped tasted so good! Not fake and not too sweet. #7eleven #zerosugar
Mcgriddle vibes #lowcarb #EasyRecipe #stuffedpancakes #pancakes
Low carb not strict keto #lowcarbeating #whatieat #whatieatinaday #foodvlog #easymeals #mealideas
This magnetic pill case is so convenient! I got this for my mom but gonna buy for myself! #amazonfinds #amazonfind #amazon