Looking for a full-fledged Taxi Booking, Rental, or Ride Sharing app? Trust the solution that is being used by 250+ top Cab companies in 15 countries & received multiple awards since 2017.​
Developed with AI-Driven technologies, integrated with more than 20 payment gateways, available in 54+ languages & fully tested for more than 5 years.
We have two options:
-Monthly subscription-based solution
-Standalone solution with source codes
Have your own branded Cab Solution with
Apps for Passengers & Drivers
Smart Cab Management System
đź”·Passenger App
-On-demand & scheduled -booking​
-Live tracking​
-Automatic fare calculation​
-Multiple payment options
đź”·Driver App
-Rate Card​
-Flexible vehicle options​
-Email alerts​
-Automated e-receipts​
-View trip routes
-Real-time tracking
đź”·Admin Panel
-Geolocation boundary settings​
-Role, Vehicle, Complain management
-Trip/Cab tracking
-Flexible payment options
-User/Driver, Trip, Revenue, Rate management
-Track daily reports & transactions
-Billing & Invoicing
đźź It's similar to Uber, Ola, Gojek, Grab, Lyft