@EvaristoModesto (Cabildo Congo of Lajas) 🇨🇺. Threads: ProyectoCubanoEntertainment. Instagram.com/Proyecto_Cubano_Entertainment_ Instagram.com/Proyecto_Cubano_Entertainment. Instagram.com/DanceStreet Instagram.com/HoHoFashion. Proyecto Cubano Entertainment. Dance Street by Proyecto Cubano Entertainment. Ho’Ho Fashion. #evaristomodesto #cabildocongodelajas #masamba #CubanRoots #raicescubanas #CubanTraditions #cubaherenciaafricana #cubaafricaheritage #africa #wemilere #havana #proyectocubanoentertainment
New Year Eve “A Sancochar 🍠” at The Cayotonazo, Cayó Santa Maria . 🇨🇺 Elito Revé y su Charangón Elio Reve Matos was a percussionist (timbalero) and Cuban composer who was born on June 23, 1930 in Guantanamo, dubbed the "father of changüí" because of his great contribution to the genre.Starting in the mid-1950s, Elio Revé was the founding member of two of Cuba’s greatest bands, Ritmo Oriental and Los Van Van. In 1956 he formed his own orchestra, Elio Reve y su Charangón – or Orquesta Reve – a charanga, which also included paper clips and batá.With Orquesta Revé, he created a unique style – more traditional and percussion-oriented than most salsa bands. No drum kit was used but instead the deep bata drums of Santeria ceremonies, along with the usual Cuban percussion of claves, bongos, maracas, bell, and congas. Revé was the brilliant timbales drum player, while keyboards, trombones, violin and tres provided the harmonic base.One of the most distinctive features of Revé’s band was their high-pitched, nasal style known as the ‘voz de vieja’ – the ‘old woman’s voice.’ Revé spent three years looking for just the right singers to re-create this style of the old ‘soneros.’ whose skill was to improvise lyrics to suit the occasion, whipping up the audience as they sing.Many acclaimed musicians have been part of the orchestra, including pianist Chucho Valdés, bassist Juan Formell, pianist Cesar Pedroso (who formed the Los Van Van group), the Yumurí singers and Juan Carlos Alfonso (Dan Den group) and his son, pianist Elio Reve Jr. called Elito Reve.Over the years the rise in Revé’s popularity was explosive, with his records hitting the top of the Cuban charts and earning him two gold discs. Massive audiences travelled for miles to see him play and dance to his music. The sound of Revé can still be heard pouring out onto the streets of Cuba, blasting from the clubs, bars and taxis. His well-earned title: La Explosion d
Instagram.com/Proyecto_Cubano_Entertainment_. Instagram.com/Proyecto_Cubano_Entertainment. Threads.com/ProyectoCubanoEntertainment. Instagram.com/HoHoFashion_. Instagram.com/DanceStreet. Proyecto Cubano Entertainment Dance Street by Proyecto Cubano Entertainment Ho’Ho Fashion. #dancestreet #hohofashion #proyectocubanoentertainment
Septeto Nacional Don Ignacio Piñeiro. Ignacio Piñeiro was a brilliant rumbero who worked with musical groups from 1903 onwards. In 1906, was a member of the Timbre de Oro coro de clave y guaguancó (a vocal group precursor of contemporary guaguancó), and later directed Los Roncos, another famous coro de guaguancó. He was taught the double bass by María Teresa Vera, and in 1926 he was a member of her band, Sexteto Occidente, which recorded in New York City. In 1927 he founded the Sexteto Nacional de Ignacio Piñeiro, later simply known as Sexteto Nacional, in which he was the director and songwriter. With the addition of a trumpet the band became the Septeto Nacional.For financial reasons, Piñeiro quit the group in 1935; it was then led by trumpet player Lázaro Herrera until the group disbanded in 1937. Piñeiro became for some years the leader and principal songwriter of Los Roncos. The Septeto Nacional was recreated several times from 1954 onwards, initially under Piñeiro’s direction, and it continues to perform.Piñeiro’s composition “Échale salsita”, written on a train to Chicago in 1930, influenced George Gershwin’s Cuban Overture. The two met when Gershwin visited Cuba in February 1932. Many of Piñeiro’s songs have been performed by other artists like Ray Barretto (“Don Lengua”) and René Álvarez (“A la lae la la”). In 1999, Piñeiro was posthumously inducted into the International Latin Music Hall of Fame. Instagram.com/SeptetoNacionalIgnacioPineiro Instagram.com/Proyecto_Cubano_Entertainment_ Instagram.com/Proyecto_Cubano_Entertainment Threads.com/Proyecto_Cubano_Entertainment #IgnacioPiñeiro #septetonacionalignaciopiñeiro #soncubano #sondelaloma #elsonescubano #cubanson #tradicionescubanas #cubantradicions #hechalesalsita #proyectocubanoentertainment
Remembering the Rumberos Starring: @OctavioRodriguez (Ilù Bàtá, Afro Cuban Singer, Composer, Arranger, Master Percussionist & Culture Conservative) & @AlejandroFalcon (Classic, Contemporary, Composer, Arranger, & Music Producer Pianist) ft Julio Kutan ( Percussionist, Afro Cuban Culture Conservative). Soon by https://youtube.com/@proyectocubanoentertainmentoff?si=xpwoby646yUlFhwS Instagram.com/Proyecto_Cubano_Entertainment. Instagram.com/Proyecto_Cubano_Entertainment Threads.com/ProyectoCubanoEntertainment
(Palm) Ernesto Reyes Proenza Cuban Bassist & Composer Dir of Jóvenes Clásicos del Son (The Classic Cuban Son). Instagram.com/Ernesto.ReyesProenza.5. Instagram.com/Proyecto_Cubano_Entertainment_. Instagram.com/Proyecto_Cubano_Entertainment. Instagram.com/HoHoFashion. Instagram.com/DanceStreet. Threads.com/ProyectoCubanoEntertainment. Proyecto Cubano Entertainment Ho’Ho Fashion Dance Street #ernestoreyesproenza #sondeloma #sonmontuno #sonnatural #SONDELAHABANA #SonHavana
Calixto Oviedo (Cuban Percussionist, Composer & Music Producer) @CalixtoOviedo is a Latin Grammy nominated artist (La Rumba del Siglo, 2000) who had the Honor to play with @GrupoAchere, pachito alonso y sus kini kini (Father), Adalberto Alvarez y su Son, @NGLabanda & numerous internationally known artists such as Paquito D'Rivera, Arturo Sandoval Music , Gonzalo Rubalcaba Official Fan Page, Chucho Valdés Oficial, Danilo Perez, @DavidSanchez Luis Conte, Rey Barreto, @GionanniHidalgo Alfredo Rodriguez, @DaveValentin,@JuanPabloTorres , Orlando Maraca Valle & @AntonioMartinez as well as the celebrated Cuban percussionists Tata Güines, José Luis "Changuito" Quintana, and Miguel "Angá" Diaz in a very successful career that spans over 38 years.Calixto was born on October 14, 1955 in the Havana barrio of La Vibora and his earlier musical recollection was at the age of two or three, waiting in front of the television, toy violin in hand, waiting to play along with the performances of his favorite band Orquesta Aragon de Cuba.It was at the advanced age of four, however, that it became clear to this young prodigy that his true calling was to play the drums so, he discarded his toy violin in favor of a plastic bucket, several empty cans, and an old frying pan, all of which he played with drumsticks fashioned from coat hangers.At the ripe age of eight, he entered the primary music school of Caturla in Havana, and appeared with several famous Cuban musicians, among them the piano master Rubén Gonzalez. After graduating from the National High School of the Arts, he plays with many different bands, such as the Radio & Television Orchestra, Grupo Achére. Later, he joined the band of the Cuban bolero singer Pacho Alonso. In the early 80’s, he became the very first drummer in the band of Arturo Sandoval, after he left Irakere.In 1983, with his old school mate, Adalberto Alvarez, he founded the Adalberto y Su Son orchestra, where he played timbales and stayed there until the
Ibiandi Marquetti 'EL International' (Cuban Artists Manager) Instagram.com/International_Marquetti Instagram.com/Proyecto_Cubano_Entertainment_. Instagram.com/Proyecto_Cubano_Entertainment. Threads.com/ProyectoCubanoEntertainment Proyecto Cubano Entertainment Visual.
Madreagua (AfroCuban Rhythm, Folklore & Culture Conservative Dance Crew) Directed by @RoverSilva (Afro Cuban Dancer & Choreographer) Instagram.com/Madreagua_Cuba Instagram.com/Proyecto_Cubano_Entertainment_ Instagram.con/Proyecto_Cubano_Entertainment Threads.com/ProyectoCubanoEntertainment Proyecto Cubano Entertainment Visual
@FranciscoHernández (Mikiki) Cuban Singer, Thirteen & Composer. At Guantánamo, Cuba Instagram.com/Proyecto_Cubano_Entertainment_ Instagram.com/Proyecto_Cubano_Entertainment Threads.com/ProyectoCubanoEntertainment Proyecto Cubano Entertainment #changuidemonte #CubanTraditions #Guantanamo #proyectocubanoentertainment
Jóvenes Clásicos del Son (The Classic Cuban Son) ft @JoseA. Rodriguez (Sonero of 🇨🇺) & @JuandelaCruzAntomarchi “Cotó” (Cuban Thirteen Player).
Skarlet Artista Cuban Singer & Composer. Instagram.com/Skarlet_Oficial Instagram.com/Proyecto_Cubano_Entertainment_ Instagram.com/Proyecto_Cubano_Entertainment Threads.com/ProyectoCubanoEntertainment Proyecto Cubano Entertainment #skarletartist #lasvegas #reggaetoncubano #latingrammys #proyectocubanoentertainment