So proud of my baby girl for going after what she wants and not giving up. We spent all summer trying to transfer her into another school and we didn’t think it was going to happen.
With mamas persistence with the district, we made it happen even a week after school started.
She’s nervous to be starting a week late, but excited for the new chapter. I’m so proud of her for admitting she’s nervous but ready to do this.
I’m so thankful to be awarded a life that gives me the time freedom to harass City Hall, call guidance counselors all day, and then be there to hold her hand on the first, second day of school. Even if she wouldn’t let me stand in front of the class while she entered and shoo’d me away.
She held my hand the entire time of the tour until she felt strong enough to tackle the new walk on her own.
We all need support and it’s okay to ask for help.