New Philadelphia and Dover squared off on the mat last night, the Quakers win the match 58-20.
At 106, Frank Ramirez (Dover) won 24-7 by Tech Fall over Kyle Beaber of New Phila.
At 113, Brock Reynolds (Dover) won 15-0 by Tech Fall over Brodie Beamer of New Phila.
At 120, Kyle Miller (Dover) won 16-3 by major decision over Evvan Torchik of New Phila.
At 126, Luke Fockler (Dover) lost by pin to Camden Richardson of New Phila.
At 132, Pedro Velasco Hernandez (Dover) wins by pin over Brandon Wheeler of New Phila.
At 138, Paris Ellis (Dover) lost by pin to Tyler Ulmer of New Phila.
At 144, Patrick Moran (Dover) lost by major decision 6-14 to Crespo Reyes of New Phila.
At 150, Dover forfeits to Aiden Arnder of New Phila.
At 157, Wilson Rodriguez (Dover) lost by pin to Caleb Crowthers of New Phila.
At 165, Dover forfeits to Nicholas W**d of New Phila.
At 175, Christian Duent Guzaro lost by pin to Zyane Kozelka of New Phila.
At 190, Dover Forfeits to Gavin Hans of New Phila.
At 215, Dover forfeits to Jackson Korns of New Phila.
At 285, Dover forfeits to Hawk Walkolee of New Phila.