Powers of M

Powers of M Powers of M is the creative subsidiary of Millions, LLC a multimedia and asset management company cre

We had some black woman calling cowardly Tim Walz, “Big Dad.” Well, I was trying to let the ppl on that page know who Bi...

We had some black woman calling cowardly Tim Walz, “Big Dad.” Well, I was trying to let the ppl on that page know who Big Dad Tim Walz really is. He’s a damn snake oil salesman, a con artist, a cowardly lion, a liar, a fraud, a White Supremacist who has tampons being distributed in boys bathrooms, a coward who abandoned his unit…. I could keep going but you all get the picture. These Democrats are the true threat to the black community and if you all don’t demand something in exchange for your votes, they will keep ignoring your needs and giving unearned benefits to illegal immigrants and the Alphabet Mafia who are looking to have more pervert pleasure rights. 🤷🏾‍♂️💯

I had two cackling hyenas on my page this morning trying to PYSCHO-BABBLING trying their best defend their pack leader K...

I had two cackling hyenas on my page this morning trying to PYSCHO-BABBLING trying their best defend their pack leader Kamala Harris. And it didn’t work. I showed them that their ability to speak isn’t a sign of intelligence. And yes, I shut them animals down just like the Final Boss knows how to do… with the TRUTH!! I don’t tell you what I feel, I tell you what I know and the truth needs NO DEFENSE!!! Once again, before any of you start rage typing any buffoonery and negro psycho-babble, none of this is an endorsement for Trump, but if Trump is such a “threat to democracy” then why are you, Kamala Harris, plagiarizing straight from his policies? Why you can’t come up with your own? And aren’t you and the Biden Administration the reason why these ppl got taxed on tips in the 1st place? Ain’t it funny that she said she’s going to “do all of this” and “do all of that” once she’s elected, but can do all of this right now if she wanted to? But she’s not because she won’t. And don’t blame it on Jim Crow Joe Biden, he’s barely alive, clinging on to life. That bag of bones hasn’t been in control for the entire Summer. She could have done all that she’s claiming, right now… if she wanted to… but she doesn’t. 🤷🏾‍♂️💯

I’m shadowbanned yet again, that’s why I haven’t been able to put out posts like I want to. I posted Kamala Harris’s act...

I’m shadowbanned yet again, that’s why I haven’t been able to put out posts like I want to. I posted Kamala Harris’s actual birth certificate to prove my point, but it instantly got deleted. I posted excerpt from Donald J. Harris’s book telling you in his own words HE AINT BLACK and a video of Donald J. Harris speaking like he was an actor on the movie Slum Dog Millionaire (he was speaking with an INDIAN accent not Jamaican) and that got taken down. Now this message was instantly flagged by IG’s AI algorithm because I’m spitting the facts about everything they want you all to forget about the Jim Crow Joe Biden Administration. So yes, I’m shadow banned ppl, they want you to follow the narrative so I can’t post certain sensitive information without getting flagged and my page being limited but I DO NOT CARE… this is the comment I left on a Pro Democrat’s page who’s blaming Trump for everything that’s going WRONG in the Biden Administration. I don’t like Trump either, but let’s hold the ppl in charge accountable for their screw ups and not point the blame at somebody else just because we don’t like them. That ain’t keeping it real. So Read it and find where I broke the rules, then ask yourself what are they trying to hide from y’all…

And this is what happens when Democrats say they will tax the rich. FYI: the rich DO NOT PAY TAXES! Before you start rag...

And this is what happens when Democrats say they will tax the rich. FYI: the rich DO NOT PAY TAXES! Before you start rage typing any buffoonery, look it up and see if I’m lying 1st. Rest assured that I’m not, but check it out for yourself anyways so you can understand that the FINAL BOSS only spits FACTS!! Not fiction!! Whenever the Democrats lie to you and say they are going to tax the “rich” and make the rich pay their fair share, what they really mean is that they’ll tax businesses. Democrats are “the Rich” so why would they tax themselves? Answer: THEY WON’T!! They tax you, the American Citizens and businesses just to send those tax dollars to foreign governments to fund wars and political agendas across seas. Why? Because the Democrats don’t work for you, AMERICAN PEOPLE, they work for FOREIGN POWERS. These new age Democrats have communistic ideals. If you don’t know what Communism is then I suggest you look it up too. Just know that most if not all economies that base their ideals of Communism FAIL!! And whenever the Democrats use communist ideology to threaten businesses by taxation, people take their money and leave because when businesses get taxed, in an attempt to offset the extra expenses from taxation; those businesses pass those extra tax expenses on to you… the consumer in the form of higher prices and dollar devaluation, thus leading to economic crashes… and this is exactly what those Democrats want. Why? I already told you why. Because the Democrats don’t work for you, the Democrats aren’t the party of the people anymore, the Democrats now work for foreign powers. They want to push a ONE world government and that’s why our borders are bust wide open with illegals getting the benefits that actual American citizens need and deserve. That’s why the Democrats are sending billions of your dollars to fund wars on foreign soil, instead of fixing our economy and now we are facing a financial crisis in the form of an economic meltdown that leads to depression. The Biden/Harris Administration are running the USA into the ground with their incompetence and corruption and want you to vote for them for reasons like race and gender AND ignore their policies.

“Ayo, you haven’t posted in days what’s wrong” Nothing just moving my money around, securing my funds getting ready for ...

“Ayo, you haven’t posted in days what’s wrong” Nothing just moving my money around, securing my funds getting ready for Hell on Earth..”
The Jim Crow Joe Biden Administration (btw, where is that walking bag of bones and his part time black Vice President at right now? They are pretty damn quiet right now while the economy is burning…), but anyways they couldn’t keep up the lies that the economy was doing great and that things are all good under Democratic control… no it’s not!! It’s never was. The economy is bad and has been bad for a while now. The reason no one noticed is because they’ve been pumping money into the economy but the effects are starting to wear off and the truth is starting to reveal itself. There’s a reason why you’ve been working and working and working and still can’t afford the same things that you could afford a few years ago. It’s all fake. The numbers, the data, it’s all fake. Stop thinking the Democrats have a plan, they are in office now, right now. Trump isn’t the cause of this. They are the ones who said if Trump gets into office then America will fall, it’s falling right now and guess who’s in charge? They don’t have a plan, they don’t know what to do and let me tell y’all something else if you’re still stupid vote that part time black Asian lady who has no plan of action into office then the economy is going to crash before the end of 2024. It’s all going to hell as you read this and it’s only going to get worse. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. Some of you are going to have to put your personal feelings to the side and do what’s best for yourself and your families. If you keep playing these silly ass race politics games with these goofy Democrats then you’re going to go down to financial hell with them…

“Kamala is black because she’s an AKA!!” NEWSFLASH my brainwashed black people… AKA isn’t an exclusively black sorority!...

“Kamala is black because she’s an AKA!!” NEWSFLASH my brainwashed black people… AKA isn’t an exclusively black sorority!!! Like I said AKA has THOUSANDS of NON BLACK members!!! Wake up!!! I’m not on here lying to you or am I a supporter of Republicans. I’m trying to stop y’all from being victims of your own ignorance. Stop voting for ppl just because you think they are black. Stop endorsing ppl based off their skin tone and start looking at the policies they uphold and enforce. Look at Harris’s record and see past her color. Yes, she looks like she came out the 7th Ward, but she ain’t black. She’s taking a play straight out the Obama playbook. The Democrats are trying to scam you out of your votes so you all can keep them in office without them having to do anything for you. GET ON CODE and Start to demand tangible benefits for your community in Exchange for your vote. Stop voting for free!! That’s not how the voting process works. That’s why the black community is socioeconomically in last place and dependent on government help. These ppl are lying to you and they’ll play dumb as long as you stay blind to the games they are playing on you. 💯💯💯

Yet another headline from another source, The Times of India… the 1st INDIAN American? 🤔💭… that’s not black!!! To my bla...

Yet another headline from another source, The Times of India… the 1st INDIAN American? 🤔💭… that’s not black!!! To my black people, you’re being hustled!!! The Democrats are trying to make fools out of you and I’m not about to have it. They are trying to figure out a way to get you black folk to the polls without having to do anything for you. Y’all not protecting another black woman, you all are protecting an Asian East Indian woman who’s masquerading as a black woman. She’s pulling straight from the Obama playbook. Learn y’all lesson and start demanding something for your vote. I’m exposing her so you all can stop voting for people based off skin tone. Now that the truth is coming out, let’s start focusing on policies and what the Democrats are going to do SPECIFICALLY for black ppl to EARN OUR VOTE. ✊🏾💯

The Trump interview was more comical than informational. It was honestly one of the biggest wastes of time I had in a wh...

The Trump interview was more comical than informational. It was honestly one of the biggest wastes of time I had in a while. He didn’t say what he’s do to SPECIFICALLY help black ppl, the interviewers were asking more “I gotcha!!! 🫵🏾” questions than really relevant questions for the community and nothing was said that the general public didn’t already know. What he did say that caught everyone’s attention is that he said that he didn’t know Kamala Harris was black until recently and that she “turned black.” What did he mean by that? The same thing I’ve been trying to explain to y’all for the past two weeks. She’s not black, she’s Asian East Indian aka a PART TIME black woman. This is a headline taken straight from the Los Angeles Times before Kamala Harris started pandering for much needed black votes. Now why would a reputable News outlet like the LA Times refer to Kamala Harris as an Indian? (East Indian for those who mistakenly believe that when someone mentions Indian and think they are referring to Native Americans. East Indians are from the ASIAN country of India. A country that practices a nasty form of colorism classism. The darker you are, the less social status you have. Sounds familiar?) The LA Times referred to her as Indian because for her entire life from Childhood to Adulthood she considered herself East Indian until it was time to hustle black ppl. “But Ayo, she went to an HBCU!!! She’s black!!” So y’all mean to tell me that all those Asians and East Indians that are CURRENTLY attending HBCU’s such as Xavier University and Dillard University here in the city of NOLA are ALL honorary black people just because they attend a HBCU? Are y’all serious? The interviewer said the same thing. “She went to an HBCU!! She identifies as black.” That’s pure ignorance. “But she’s an AKA!! That’s a black sorority!! She’s black!!” Do you know how many non black members there are in these sororities? THOUSANDS!!! AKA doesn’t discriminate by race. She was attending a Historically Black University, there were no powerful NON BLACK sororities available to her so she could climb the ladder and gain access to powerful influencers and networks. But wait there’s more…

Black people gotta stop it with that mythical Project 2025 garbage. I can’t believe some of you black folk can’t see the...

Black people gotta stop it with that mythical Project 2025 garbage. I can’t believe some of you black folk can’t see the hustle that’s being played on y’all. “We can’t do nothing for you and we can’t do anything to stop Republicans… but look how scary it’s going to be if Trump wins!!! Just shut up and unconditionally obey us. So stop demanding something for your vote and continue to vote for nothing.” To my black ppl, YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO GET SOMETHING IN EXCHANGE FOR YOUR VOTE!! You’re not going to end up in the plantations when Trump wins. This is nothing but another scare tactic to get you black folk to continue to vote for them without the Democrats having to commit to any of your causes. Stop allow yourselves to get pimped out by anti-black racist Democrats. The things they are saying Trump is going to do is the same EXACT things that the Democrats are doing to you right now. Wake up and stop the damn madness!! We got a lot of smart stupid ppl in our community that repeat stupidity and think they are smart. The Democrats want a bunch a scared to death negroes that are unconditionally obedient and not ask any questions or make any demands in exchange for their vote. They gave something to EVERYBODY else except BLACK PPL. Look at Biden’s record and look at Kamala’s record. What is it exactly that Trump is going to do that Jim Crow Joe Biden and Kamala Harris hasn’t ALREADY done or still doing? The author of Project 2025 has already stepped down because Trump has denounced Project 2025 so what is it that Trump is going to do that the Democrats aren’t already doing to you right now? Biden is Pro-police, Kamala is pro-police, and Trump is pro-police so what’s the difference? So stop being scared to death over the unknown future and start putting some demands behind your votes. You black folk already gave the Democrats everything they asked for and what did you get for doing exactly what the Democrats told you to do? NOTHING!! So stop making the same mistakes over and over again.

I just finished my evening workout and I was about to roast Kamala Harris some more but it looks like she threw herself ...

I just finished my evening workout and I was about to roast Kamala Harris some more but it looks like she threw herself in the oven and cooked herself all on her own. I’m going to get into the trash speech she made later on, but let’s discuss the cooning, jigging and buckdancing that was on display tonight. Now let me call our the hypocrisy… let this have been a Trump rally… you know black ppl would be calling that man a racist, but for some reason they aren’t recognizing that this Asian lady, Kamala Harris, is just as racist as a White man who only sees black ppl as s***s and thugs. A lot of ppl are feeling a disconnect. They are wondering why Kamala Harris would think showcasing stereotypical s**t activities and ghetto behavior would attract black votes. Some say it was because she’s trying to attract young voters. Na, that is the excuse the Democratic Party makes whenever they use bought and paid for sellout celebrities to pander to the black community. Let me tell you all the truth. The disconnect is, and if you’ve been following my page lately then you know what I’m about to say… she’s not really black!!! So she doesn’t really know how to connect with the black community. She believes in the disrespectful stereotypes that a lot of NON BLACK people think the black community values. This showcase was HIGHLY DISRESPECTFUL and I know a lot of Kamala supporters are extremely disappointed in her. I knew this was coming. Pandering is the only bullet she has in her proverbial gun. She believes that she can make black people jig and buckdance to the voting booth like some mindless little slaves. This Asian lady is showing you black folk what she and her paymasters think about you. You got trashy ass Meg the Stallion with her fuffy gut out, shaking her ass at a political rally. This part time black woman is a complete joke!!! She takes the black community as some fools. But I’m glad to announce that not all he black people that were in attendance are some unconditionally obedient bootlicking fools. My black ppl with some common sense, saw the circus for what it was and left once the s**t show was over. They left 15 mins before that Asian lady hit the stage. 🤷🏾‍♂️💯

What we’re not going to do on my page is sit here and lie on the lady. If you disagree with Kamala Harris like myself, t...

What we’re not going to do on my page is sit here and lie on the lady. If you disagree with Kamala Harris like myself, then we are going to do it stating FACTS not lies and propaganda. I’m saying this because I saw a comment that stated that it’s a shame that she has no love for her own kind and I can’t let that lie be told because no matter how I feel about the lady, she has shown nothing but undying loyalty to her kind. It just so happens that her kind isn’t you black folk. Her kind is Asian East Indian Hindus. What’s going on is that we have people hearing the word “Jamaica” and hearing that her father is of Jamaican NATIONALITY and people are assuming that her father is some Rastafarian black man smoking w**d in the fields of Jamaica. That’s incorrect. I happened to have been on vacation out there in Jamaica and Jamaica is full of multi generational Asians. Ain’t it strange that we see pictures of her FULL BLOODED East Indian mother and that the media can tell you that her mother was one of those college Exchange students who originated from the country of India and was a scientist, but when it comes to her father they just say he’s from Jamaica and that’s it. It’s to make you all ASSUME that he’s some black man with Rastafarian heritage. Well that assumption would be a LIE!!! Her father actually identifies as a Hindu Brahmin with an Irish Slave owner’s background. The grand mother who she claims is the origin of her mythical black heritage was actually a Hindu house servant so WHERE’S THE BLACK? Answer: There is no Black!! So when you repeat the rhetoric that she’s a black sellout that doesn’t care about her own people. That’s a lie!! She cares about her people; as a matter of fact she made she her people got special laws and legislation passed as soon as she entered office under the Jim Crow Joe Biden Administration. She passed Asian hate laws, passed Pro Asian legislation. So when you see the video of her proudly saying “I’m not going to something that benefits only black people… NOOO!!” She’s not saying that because he has hate for her own people. She’s saying that because she’s not doing something specifically for people who aren’t her people. 🤷🏾‍♂️💯

Governor Harper, you’re a smart man!!! Kamala Harris is a horse with no legs so you knew you wasn’t going anywhere jumpi...

Governor Harper, you’re a smart man!!! Kamala Harris is a horse with no legs so you knew you wasn’t going anywhere jumping on that bandwagon!!! , yeah, I’m tagging you because I know your staff that’s running your page is going to see this. The fearless black men of the black community refuse to allow the Democratic Party to make fools out of the black people again. You said you wasn’t going to do anything for black SPECIFICALLY ppl, well I want to see you try that so we can watch you and your black bootlicks cry when that clown Ronald McDonald Trump beats you because you didn’t get enough of the black votes. If you want to win this election, you have to give the black community something tangible for our votes!!! I know that goes against the anti-black Democratic agenda, but we are going to leave you with no choice!!! You can’t spook us to the polls with that mythical Project 2025 propaganda. You won’t manipulate us. Your top VP candidates are leaving you high and dry because they know as of now, you have no chance. The FULL TIME black men of this community aren’t voting for a PART TIME black woman. Come clean about your ethnicity!! We know the truth about your true ethnicity and racial background and if all of us don’t; WE ALL WILL KNOW BEFORE WE CAST OUR VOTES!! You’re not going to be able to make us jig and buckdance to the polls using bought and paid for celebrity performances. You’re not going to be able to get sellouts like your Democratic bootlicks, DL Hugley or Steve Harvey to shame us to the voting booth. The truth tellers of the black community will not have it. You need to come clean about your corrupt practices and show up to the table with policies that SPECIFICALLY and DIRECTLY benefit the black ppl who you need to vote for you. We will NOT accept any indirect benefits or crumbs off the table. If you do try to play any mindgames and think you’re smart enough to fool us, the TRUTH TELLERS OF THIS COMMUNITY WILL CALL YOU OUT ON YOUR LIES!! You can do this the easy way or you can continue to do this the hard way. No tangible benefits for black people, then there will be no vote for you, Mrs. Harris. So saith THE FINAL BOSS… 🤷🏾‍♂️💯

Kamala Harris did NOT support police reform. She was NOT soft on crime. She was NOT soft on black defendants. That’s a b...

Kamala Harris did NOT support police reform. She was NOT soft on crime. She was NOT soft on black defendants. That’s a bunch of LIES!!! The California justice system of corrupt and the police departments were corrupt as well that’s why the prisons were overpopulated and had inhumane conditions. They locked so many ppl up that the System was forced to release the nonviolent prisoners. There’s a plethora of documented cases of her corruption. This is just one of them. Don’t believe the lies people say on social media if they don’t have OFFICIAL PAPERWORK to back up what they are saying. this is the research… what research were you talking about? All the research CONFIRMS everything the TRUTH TELLERS were saying and it discredits the trash you was spewing on that podcast…. Send that money back to the Harris group and get on code!!! Because right now you’re OFF CODE as Hell!!!! And you brothers reposting his garbage are OFF CODE too!!!

Now we can do this all day  my brother. I got official state and federal documents hat confirm every word I’m saying. I ...

Now we can do this all day my brother. I got official state and federal documents hat confirm every word I’m saying. I don’t spread NO LIES!!! What you’re saying does make sense. The Attorney General is in charge of all things law. He or she is a LAW ENFORCER; the top law enforcer. There isn’t a person on the side that can overrule an Attorney General in matters of law.

Once again, WHEN THE FINAL BOSS SPEAKS, you need to shut up and listen!!!  🤷🏾‍♂️💯

Once again, WHEN THE FINAL BOSS SPEAKS, you need to shut up and listen!!! 🤷🏾‍♂️💯

I see these highly influential people out of New Orleans posting about bought and paid for Negroes LIKE FAKE ASS DL HUGL...

I see these highly influential people out of New Orleans posting about bought and paid for Negroes LIKE FAKE ASS DL HUGLEY in an effort to discredit me and other TRUTH TELLERS so guess what… I’m about to roast you boys and discredit y’all with the Facts!!! Now before I start SPITTING FACTS, I need you all to know that most of these influencers ARE NOT TO BE TRUSTED!!! I’m not telling you all not to trust these people because they are bad or corrupt; they really are good hearted people. They aren’t bad, they are just BAD JUDGES OF CHARACTER. They don’t know a walking talking DEMON in the flesh when they see one. They are easily manipulated by mainstream white media and the propaganda that they spread. Now…FACT: California, while under the leadership of that Asian lady Kamala Harris, was cited by the SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES for wrongful jailing and prison overpopulation. Now this goes COMPLETELY against the Propaganda being spread that she was just “doing her job” and what’s being said about Kamala Harris isn’t true. FACT: she locked up ppl for more than just W**D!!! That’s was LIE by omission and all you brothers that are listening to that bought and paid for negro!!! She IGNORED the Supreme Court’s ruling for over TWO YEARS and battled to keep people locked up behind bars to be used for cheap hard labor during the California wildfire. DL, this the research you told us to do. We did it!!! DL Hughley, I used to respect you, but You’re a damn fool. You’re a Bought and paid for negro who can not be trusted to TELL THE TRUTH!! And to you local influencers who’s listening to this clown and not doing y’all own research, don’t worry, I’m coming with more FACTS!!! Right now, I’m just posting news articles; later on I’ll be posting actual COURT DOCUMENTS!!! You brothers should be ashamed of yourselves!! Don’t you ever question my ability to speak the truth!!! You can take my word and take it to the bank because my word is as GOOD AS GOLD!!! When the FINAL BOSS speaks, I need you black folk to shut your mouth and listen… because if you’re speaking against me… it’s only going to hurt your own credibility. I get to the PAPERWORK!!

I tried to give you local influencers a chance to correct yourselves. I DM’d yall, I called yall, I sent y’all messages,...

I tried to give you local influencers a chance to correct yourselves. I DM’d yall, I called yall, I sent y’all messages, but you would rather listen to these bought and paid for sellout celebrities and now I gotta discredit yall. This is only a tip of the iceberg!!! This is y’all final warning!!! Soon as I finish working out, I’m dropping bombshells!!! I’m about to make a lot of you brothers who are openly supporting Kamala Harris look pretty damn stupid. This is y’all final warning…

If you black folk think you’re getting something different from Kamala Harris, y’all are SADLY MISTAKEN!!! I’m ashamed o...

If you black folk think you’re getting something different from Kamala Harris, y’all are SADLY MISTAKEN!!! I’m ashamed of some of you brothers and sisters because I thought you all were smarter than than. They BOTH ARE PRO POLICE and PRO ISRAEL!!! So all them videos y’all are posting about Trump supporting the police, that Asian lady that’s lying to y’all about her race and ethnicity, she is just like Trump; maybe even worse!!! They both are in the pocket of the billionaires. More evidence coming soon… 🤷🏾‍♂️💯

Don’t act like y’all forgot!!! The bought and paid for mainstream media lied to y’all before and they are lying to you a...

Don’t act like y’all forgot!!! The bought and paid for mainstream media lied to y’all before and they are lying to you all again. If white women didn’t vote for a fellow white woman, they aren’t coming out to vote for no Cackling Hyena. They said Trump had ZERO chances of winning… look what happened. The polls that the mainstream white media shows you isn’t a snapshot of public sentiment, they make up these polls to MANIPULATE you. And for dummies who act like they just got off the short bus, NO I’m not Republican and NO I’m not voting for Trump!! A majority of black people vote Democrat so the Democrats don’t get to say “look at how bad the Republicans are” whenever black ppl say “We voted for you, where’s our tangibles? You’re giving to everybody else, where’s ours?” I’m not falling for the “Anybody but Trump” fear mongering bulljive, WHAT ARE BLACK PEOPLE, the Democratic base, GETTING FOR THEIR VOTE?! I’m going to speak the truth no matter how many scared to death negroes and Black Democratic loyalists don’t like how I’m rocking the boat. I’m not buckdancing, jigging or donating to people who don’t do anything for the black community. Black people vote Democrat so we need to hold the people we vote for, THE DEMOCRATS, accountable for their inaction and not worry about what’s going on with Republicans… now back to what I was saying… The mainstream media made everybody think that Hillary had a chance and she got smoked in the election. They lied to you before and they are lying to you now. They are making it like Kamala Harris has a chance just to keep the political narrative going. NEWSFLASH: NO WAY!!! NO HOW!!! They are gassing y’all heads up. One thing about White Supremacy, they like making jokes with punchlines that take long to unfold. The plan is to get you all excited and jumping on the bandwagon and that’s when the media drops the hammer on you and crush your spirits. White Supremacy likes to get y’all hopes up just so they can demoralize you in the end. Kamala Harris is a horse with no legs. So y’all can jump on that bandwagon if you want… it’s still a free country. You’re free to make as many mistakes as you want. 🤷🏾‍♂️💯

What are you? 🤔💭 … a bum… a dummy… 🤷🏾‍♂️💯. I can keep going but I think you get the picture. You should have took that m...

What are you? 🤔💭 … a bum… a dummy… 🤷🏾‍♂️💯. I can keep going but I think you get the picture. You should have took that money that you was tricking off to her and used that to BUY YOUR OWN PLACE!!! Stop valuing women more than you value yourself and your purpose so you don’t end up outside homeless because she had a mood swing. If you was working and living on your own and not chasing easy sexual access then you wouldn’t be able to get kicked out of your own place. But you moved in with her and paid her bills when you’re supposed to be out here paying for yourself. You don’t move in with her, she moves in with you. But you saw a quick way to easy sexual access and moved in with her thus changing the power dynamics of your relationship. Making broke dummy decisions only brings dumb bum n***a results. Hopefully you get off the streets and get your life together… and for the love of God, stop depending on women to help support you. Depending on women just to keep a roof over your head is not masculine; that’s childish. And when you maneuver like a child these women will, without a shadow of a doubt, treat you like a child. 🤷🏾‍♂️💯

To all my black brothers: Women like Sonya Massey and other FULL TIME Black women are the only black women that need our...

To all my black brothers: Women like Sonya Massey and other FULL TIME Black women are the only black women that need our protection. She was mercilessly and brutally shot and killed by a state sanctioned White Supremacist race solider aka one of the thugs in Blue; the Police. I support and respect REAL BLACK WOMEN, not make believe part time black women like Asian East Indian Kamala Harris. Now we’ve been having people hoop and holler about how bad it’s going to be if Trump is in office, but these Brutal killings of black people are happening under BOTH the Democratic Party’s and the Republican Party’s watch. We can start with Travon Martin on down… Both sides of the aisle hate you because you’re black and they are able to victimize you by making sure you help yourself at staying poor. By protecting and supporting Kamala Harris, a NON BLACK WOMAN who’s masquerading as a black woman, you’re helping yourself stay poor and helpless. There’s no logical reason to why this lady was shot and killed like that, other than SHE WAS BLACK and black lives don’t matter even if there’s a Democrat in office. She’s the one who needed protection, she was the one who needed help. I’ve seen more black men defending Scamala Harris more than they were supporting this innocent black woman. That’s why I’m posting this message to let our black women know that we love and support them and that it’s Our FULL TIME BLACK WOMEN are the ones who deserve our support and protection, not some “I’m only black when it’s convenient for me” Asian lady. I pray that Sonya’s family gets ABSOLUTE justice and the White Supremacist race solider gets severely PUNISHED. The family of Sonya Massey is in my prayers. 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾💯

I keep it real and I will not stop keeping it real. I refuse to be a phony just so people can accept me. I’m not here on...

I keep it real and I will not stop keeping it real. I refuse to be a phony just so people can accept me. I’m not here on this Earth to be accepted by nobody but God and I don’t care who don’t like what I’m posting. I don’t want to be a part of a crowd that’s emotionally and financially dependent on people who are actively working against them. My political posts gets flagged everyday, I get shadow banned at least once every two months and you all have never once seen no FACT CHECK NOTIFICATIONS under any of my posts because everything I’m telling y’all is the TRUTH no matter if you agree with it or not. I keep it real by standing on FACTUAL INFORMATION not opinions because nobody cares what I think or feel. It’s all about the FACTS AND STANDING ON TRUTH AND RIGHTEOUSNESS. And so help me God, if I have to stand alone, I’ll stand alone. God and the truth will always be my vindicator. 🤷🏾‍♂️💯


New Orleans, LA


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