Robert Presson

Robert Presson Robert Presson is an evangelist, revivalist, healing minister, author and pastor.


Evangelist Robert Presson


Jesus is God with us.
The Holy Spirit is God within us.

A NEW TOMBNow in the place where he was crucified there was a garden, and in the garden a new tomb in which no one had y...


Now in the place where he was crucified there was a garden, and in the garden a new tomb in which no one had yet been laid — John 19:41

Crucifixion was surprisingly common in the Roman world of Jesus’ day. Since Israel was dominated by Rome at that time, when Jesus was sentenced to death, the method to be used was a torturous crucifixion at the hand of Roman soldiers.

Let’s think for a moment about what the cross that our Lord was crucified upon would have looked like. If you think Roman crosses were made of the finest wood purchased from a lumber yard, perfectly symmetrical, sanded to perfection, stained in a beautiful cedar color for an added dose of dignity, and covered in polyurethane as a glossy finishing touch, you are mistaken. Crosses were not manufactured for beauty; they were made for utility. The executioner’s cross would have been thrown together out of two pieces of a sawn, rough cut tree (which is why the Bible sometimes refers to the cross as “the tree,” e.g. 1 Peter 2:24). Most likely, a trunk split in two for the vertical and horizontal beams, or a trunk for the vertical and a large limb for the horizontal.

Perhaps you have never had this thought before, but the cross upon which Jesus died was probably reused. In other words, it is very likely that someone else had previously been crucified on Jesus’ cross, and it is very unlikely that that cross was custom made, or that it would have been the first time that someone had been crucified upon it. I can’t prove this exactly from the Bible, but I can just about prove it from the law of probability. They would often crucify people in rows, necessitating many crosses, and we know of only three people being crucified on Good Friday — Jesus and the two thieves, one on either side of him. Because they reused their crosses, the chance that they used a new cross for him is almost zero.

That cross could have been used once before, it could have been used ten times, but because they crucified people often in that culture, we could almost guarantee that Jesus’ cross was not unique to his own crucifixion, but rather he shared a cross with other people who were put to death prior to him. This brings a whole new meaning to Jesus taking our place, “the righteous for the unrighteous” (1 Peter 3:18). In fact, it adds a stunning depth of meaning when you think about the fact that while Jesus was shedding his blood, that very blood was dripping down a cross that almost certainly already had someone else’s blood on it. The precious blood of a lamb without blemish was being commingled with the blood of a guilty sinner on what the old hymn accurately calls an “old rugged cross.”

But what about the tomb?

In contrast to the old rugged cross, Jesus was laid in a new, unused tomb. Why does that matter? Because the crucifixion was about Jesus identifying with us in our humanity and taking our sins upon himself. But the resurrection is about Jesus making all things new and creating a new humanity that has buried the old man and risen to new life as a new one, and will be forever united in a place without sin or its consequences.

He died on an old cross because that cross was for our old self. He rose again in a new tomb because he was making all things new, as the firstborn from the dead (Colossians 1:18) and the firstborn among many brothers (Romans 8:29). Nothing about your new life as a Christian is tied to your old life, except your testimony about how you got set free from that old life. Your old self is not your identity; your new co-union with the risen Christ is your identity. You have no obligation to the old man dominated by sin and death, but now you are united to the one who rose from the dead. He died and rose again. You died to your old self and are united with him in the newness of life (Romans chapters 6-8).

The resurrection makes all things new. The resurrection paved the way for us to be born again (1 Peter 1:3). His resurrection from the dead in the past ensures our resurrection from the dead in the future (1 Corinthians 15). His resurrection in a new tomb validated his death on an old cross. He is risen! He is alive! He has the victory, because he took an old cross upon himself and then defeated death in a new tomb by his own resurrection from the dead. Hallelujah.

SURPRISE! I went to Nepal  🇳🇵… What God did is beyond words(Written 02.01.24)Hey y’all! I spent the month of January in ...

SURPRISE! I went to Nepal 🇳🇵… What God did is beyond words
(Written 02.01.24)

Hey y’all! I spent the month of January in the nation of Nepal. I had a ball. But that’s not all…

Ok, I’ll stop. You’re welcome.

All throughout 2023, I sensed God calling us to expand our ministry to new cities and new nations. God is doing something powerful in our beloved city of New Orleans, and if you’ve kept up with our ministry here, you’ve seen the undeniable hand of God all over it… but I would be in prayer last year and see us going to nations from out of nowhere and the same Holy Spirit outpouring happening there. In October, I was ending an extended fast to consecrate this next season of my life to God. I was also at a ministers conference, and I was seated next to a very prophetic man who kept on looking over at me during worship. And when I say “looking over at me,” I mean that Superman-laser-eyes thing that prophets do (you know the feeling), and I knew the Lord was about to speak. There was a prophetic word that contained information about my past that was unknowable unless revealed by the Spirit of God, and that got my attention. The next phrase this man said was, “I see your feet on fire, you’re going to the nations in 2024. Your ministry has been in the U.S., and will continue to be, but God is expanding you to the nations in 2024.”

Well… what can you say to that?

A couple months ago, in December, I got a call from my friend Dustan Stanley. He and his wife Darlene have an amazing ministry called Hasten Nations. As the name implies, their ministry is in the nations, on the foreign mission field. In fact, they spent several years traveling from nation to nation, from unreached people group to unreached people group, in surrendered obedience to the Lord. Now they have national ministers in other nations, but they are based in the U.S.A., and they take several trips a year to preach the gospel and strengthen the churches. These are people Franki and I can hang out with! They get us and we get them! Brother Dustan is a great friend of mine, so I was excited when he called me and asked if I wanted to go to Nepal.

BUT… in the natural, it didn’t make sense. It didn’t make sense financially, it didn’t make sense with our schedule, it was short notice, there would be a ton of things we would have to take care of in advance, there would be an extra load on Franki while I was gone, we have house projects and ministry projects and school stuff, I normally visit my friends at the Rock Family Worship Center during the Summit in January and this one was going to be a monumental one, I was scheduled to teach at a ministry school online every Monday in January, and on and on and on… if I were not a praying person, I would have just told him I was too busy to just take January off to go to the nations.
�I’m glad I didn’t say that. Franki and I prayed and the Lord clearly confirmed that I should go, with specific instruction.

As Franki and I were in prayer about whether I should go or not, she got a strong impression that I was to go and not tell anyone I was going, but to keep my focus on Jesus and the people I’m ministering to. The door opened for me to be able to go, and I took it, but I took it under the condition that it was a time to consecrate myself to the Lord and draw near to him, and to show the love of Jesus to people and serve those who could’t pay me back. I want a pure heart. I want to be real. Doing something like this will help refine you and show you how mixed motives can creep into your heart and the desire for self-exaltation can very much be alive in you. I’m a minister and I’ve lived a consecrated life for a long time, but the Lord is still revealing things about myself to me. I find him asking more and more about my motives — these days he’s not so much dealing with me about what I do, but about WHY I do what I do. I came out of it with more of a desire to serve God from more a place of purity the fear of the Lord than ever. So it was not only a powerful time of ministry, it was a time for the Lord to purify me and change things in me.

I love seeing the hand of God. Can I just testify quickly what happened? This has been the hardest financial season for us—the last 12 months. We haven’t talked about it much because we’re faith people and we don’t parade our needs very often. God is our provider and we have wonderful ministry partners and friends who seem to know exactly how to hear from God when there’s a need and they give! So this time, like I mentioned, the financial situation was not great, but as soon as we told the Lord we would go, we had someone come to our house and slide a check for several hundred dollars under our door. The next day, someone I had never met in my life showed up at our front door and said he had heard of our ministry and wanted to give me a gift and handed me a crisp $100 bill. Someone else sent a totally unexpected high level offering on Cashapp. A generous monthly partner sent an extra offering online. Nobody knew what was happening. We only told God we were going, and he made it very clear that we were doing the right thing.

It’s hard to put into words what God did on this trip, but I want to take you on a journey and give you the best sense I can of what happened. What we essentially did was a ministry tour of two cities and four remote villages. I will give you a quick summary in this email, and then over the next few weeks, I will be sending out several updates that highlight each ministry location. I also got invited to be on Bro. Dustan’s podcast in the next few weeks to talk about what happened, so when that airs, I will send out a YouTube link as well. And I will be making a video compilation of my own to send out, along with a print summary for our partners. So altogether, you will get several emails, two videos, and our monthly partners will get something special in the mail.

In summary, we preached the gospel to the unreached and had several revival meetings. We also did one-on-one evangelism and met with church leaders. In every service, the lost were saved, the sick were healed, demons manifested violently and were cast out, and people were empowered with the precious Holy Spirit from heaven. Hindu people who were sick came and said “if I get healed, I will follow Jesus.” We showed up to one remote village on top of a mountain in the Himalayas, and the people told us they wanted to have at least five services over the course of 48 hours. People had walked from all over the nearby villages to come to the services, some even planning on sleeping in the church sanctuary, and they were going to get everything they came for. People were called into ministry through words of knowledge, people had visions of Jesus, people were set free from witchcraft,

The Holy Spirit is the same all over the world, and all over the world God is saving people, delivering people, healing people, and touching people with his power.

I can’t wait to give you all the details, so look out for the next few emails! We want to thank our partners and invite YOU to partnership if you’re not already one of our awesome partners. You can do so very easily by going to our giving page at revivalgive. com and using one of our many giving methods to set up a monthly account. Please just pray and ask the Lord 1) if you’re supposed to partner and 2) how much you should sacrificially give in obedience to him each month. Thank you for your obedience to him and participation with us in our mandate to win 1,000,000 souls with 1,000 partners! Let’s continue to burn for him! Talk to you soon!

Together With You In His Harvest,

Ev. Robert and Franki Presson
City Revival Ministries

Join me this Sunday, 02.04.24 at House of Refuge to hear a word from heaven and experience the Holy Spirit like never be...

Join me this Sunday, 02.04.24 at House of Refuge to hear a word from heaven and experience the Holy Spirit like never before. Thanks to Pastor Jim Jeffries for the invite. See you there!

Excited about this! Please note that it does require giving an offering of any amount, AND the offer is only available i...

Excited about this! Please note that it does require giving an offering of any amount, AND the offer is only available in the US for now. Blessings!


In this installment of a five-part teaching series on the fire of God, Evangelist Robert Presson explains how the fire of God represents the presence of the Holy Spirit all through the Scripture. The “fire of God” is not just a Pentecostal catchphrase; it’s something God intended for every believer to experience. This message will teach you how to consistently live a life of fire.


Do you want to pray longer, more consistently, and from a more connected relationship with God? In this teaching, Evangelist Robert Presson explains a simple way to expand your prayer life, and shares his testimony of how he started to go deeper with the Lord. You will learn from Jesus’ model prayer in Matthew 6:9-13 how you can build a longer, deeper prayer life.


As Christians, we know that we should pray more, and many of us feel guilty because we don't pray as much as we could or should. In this teaching, Evangelist Robert Presson helps you dive deeper in prayer and expand your prayer life, using the Lord's Prayer in Matthew 6:9-13 as a pattern. (Part 1 of 2)


Join in to Bible Study with me! I want to help you study and interpret the Bible for yourself!


Watch my latest teaching, "3 Places You Can Find The Holy Spirit"

EXCITING ANNOUNCEMENT: I will be expanding to an additional platform! It’s a brand new streaming service. You have to ch...

EXCITING ANNOUNCEMENT: I will be expanding to an additional platform! It’s a brand new streaming service. You have to check this out!!

My friend David Diga Hernandez is launching a Netflix-style subscription-based streaming service called NUMA. It will start with less than 30 Christian content creators and I am so honored to be selected as one of the first! I will be posting weekly full length, teaching videos, as well as NUMA Exclusives, which are monthly videos only available on that platform. The launch is a month from today, so you will hear about it again around that time once again, I am humbled and honored, and excited to see what God does.

I am uploading videos to the platform currently, as well as to my other platforms, so watch out for some new teaching videos coming to YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram.

Together with you in His harvest,
Evangelist Robert Presson

100K FOLLOWERS! THANK YOU to all 100K+ of you, and I pray you are blessed by the Spirit led content. Exciting announceme...

100K FOLLOWERS! THANK YOU to all 100K+ of you, and I pray you are blessed by the Spirit led content. Exciting announcement coming Friday! 💥 🔥 🕊️


We are almost to 100K followers! Welcome to all the new people! Also, I want to give a special shoutout to the angry atheists and people who have mocked my posts recently- your views, comments and reactions are helping the algorithm greatly, which means my content gets in front of more people who get to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. Keep it up y’all! ✌️


PASTORS: If you want to invite someone who will bring the presence of heaven and a word in season, I would love to the opportunity to preach, minister, and bring a fresh touch of revival to your church. I don’t just give a speech and collect a check. I try to go above and beyond, and I also have many other services I offer, which you will notice if you read till the end.
If you want someone who will preach a strong word and impart the presence of God, please consider having me minister to your people. If you don’t want revival, don't want to win souls, and aren’t open to the manifestation of the Holy Spirit, please don’t invite me.
- I always seek God for a word in season
- There is a unique mantle God has put on my life, and I am especially graced to lead believers into encounters with the Holy Spirit.
- My services are marked by a strong presence of the Holy Spirit. Many have called it a “revival anointing”
- I tell faith-filled, inspiring stories about our ministry in the French Quarter and testimonies from years of street ministry in some of the darkest places in America
- People always come to the altar, and the people who do experience the Holy Spirit’s power refreshing, prophetic words,
- Your people should bring their lost and backslidden loved ones because I always give a clear, strong salvation altar call
Along with preaching in your church, I offer the following optional services:
- training your people in evangelism
- soul winning and outreaches
- preaching as many services and other events as possible while I’m there
- strategizing together about how to reach your community
- speaking to your staff or core team members, bringing an encouraging, faith-filled word that challenges them to step up and make a difference
I am available Sunday mornings as well as throughout the week. I preach and minister at churches, revival services and nightly meetings, youth camps, tent meetings, street corners, under bridges, you name it.
To invite me, please email [email protected]
Find out more about our ministry, including my bio and pastors references at our website and cityrevivalnola . com
Together With You In His Harvest,
Evangelist Robert Presson


Here is a promo video for our ministry. If you want to connect with the ministry, check out our website. To invite me to preach and minister at your church or event (no honorarium required - only offerings), contact the ministry via the info at the end of the video and we will pray about coming 🙏


New Orleans, LA


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