This is ACTUAL teenage writing from Jane!
Get all the fun at the latest episode of CraftLit here:
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I had an absolute blast on last week's episode! And I loved seeing how most of you reacted to this part of the episode! 🤣
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I'm sure you already heard me mention them in last week's episode. Ever wonder why some book-to-screen adaptations soar and get retold over and over? Go check out our friends at Adapt or Perish podcast for a deep dive into iconic stories through their adaptations! Head over to to listen now. 😃
We are working our way around to make our perks more accessible so we are thrilled to announce that CraftLit's YouTube Channel Memberships is now open! When you join or subscribe, you'll get access to tons of goodies like custom emojis, badges, access to exclusive book parties, movie nights, and access to premium audiobooks!
Don't miss out on the fun! Click the "Join" button on our channel page here:
See you there!
Catch you all on the first episode of Emma, this Friday, March 29th!
Also, we're now adding videos, so be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel so you won't miss when the episode drops this week! 🙌
#classicbooks #books #booktok #booknerd #booktube #podcast #craftlit #TBR #emma #austen #janeausten #emmacraftlit #austencraftlit
That’s right, we're kickin' off Emma this Friday, March 29th!
But before we start our adventure, I need to ask you something. I am hoping to get a feel of your current relationship to the book, can you respond in the comments below or shoot me a message on my social media of where you currently stand with Emma?
Just choose from the options below:
Previously I…
A. Read Emma and thought it was awesome!
B. Read Emma and I dislike it
C. Watched but haven't cracked open the book yet
D. Emma? Who's that? Wait, am I missing something here?
Looking forward to hearing back from you about this. Thank you and catch you on our first episode of Emma! 💜
Who says you can't be a scientist and a bookworm at the same time? 🤓📚
Go to and start listening today! 😉
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Who knew that the secret weapon for those all-nighters could be found in the soothing world of CraftLit? Like a warm hug for a weary soul. ☕
Go to and start listening today. 😉
(Also, shoutout to all the amazing mamas who turned to CraftLit during those sleepless nights with their newborns!)
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Is it possible to have fun with classic literature while honing your language skills? Absolutely! Just go to and start listening today. 😃 #classicbooks #books #booktok #booknerd #booktube #podcast #craftlit #TBR
Yup, I'm a fan of Swift (the 1726 version) #classicbooks #books #booktok #booknerd #booktube #podcast #craftlit #TBR #gulliverstravels #swift #craftlitgulliverstravels #craftlitswift
Check out the annotated audiobook version of Gulliver's Travels here:
Get the enhanced eBook of A Modest Proposal here:
A classic novella about SHAPES?! #classicbooks #books #booktok #booknerd #booktube #podcast #craftlit #TBR #flatland #abbott #craftlitflatland #craftlitabbott
Check out the annotated audiobook version of Flatland here: