While New York City vigilantes Daniel Penny was in court trying to convince a jury that he his killing Jordan Neely, a 30-year-old homeless man was not criminally as it was done in defense of others, in a case he ultimate prevailed, two an half hours north the New York State Supreme Court heard arguments Nov. 18 to set aside or outright dismiss the case of Alex Stokes Contompasis, who is currently incarcerated after being convicted for stabbing two Proud Boys at the New York State Capitol on Jan 6, 2021. The difference, between the cases is those in the Proud Boys group was physically attacking others. Nor did Contompasis one was killed. Still, Contompasis was he was sentenced to twenty years even though he was defense of others others.
In a few weeks we will learn if the New York State Supreme Court if they feel if he Alex was given a fair shake in court or no. We believe he wasn't, and hopefully they agree. Recent news in the news out of New York would suggest they would.