Part 3 of Mrs. Francis Boomer, a 40 plus year educator and former board member of Craven County Schools. Dropping truth bombs for everyone to see. Whatever is in the dark, Must come to light….👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Mrs. Boomer!
This is part three of the events that occurred at the Craven County Schools Board Meeting on June 18, 2024. After the negative reaction and the false statements made about me by one of the School Board Members on my post yesterday, I realized even more how corrupted the Craven County Schools System is becoming and I am not responsible for the cooruption. A Board Member accused me of causing the corruption and the reason why teachers are leaving the system because I am bold enough to speak out when I recognized unfairness and injustice being portrayed.
According to Policy Code: 2320 Board Meeting Agenda, the Superintendent's contract should not have been discussed or recommended in Closed Session. It was not on the agenda and no motion was made to have it added to the agenda. The only amendment to the agenda was made by Board Member Scott Murphy in refernce to insurance. It was approved and added to the agenda.
Policy 2330 reads "The chairperson and the superintendent will prepare a proposed agenda for each Craven County Board of Education meeting. A request to have an item of business placed on the agenda must be received at least six working-days before the meetings. (See also policy 2310, Public Participation at Board Meetings, regarding agenda requests by individuals or groups.) A board member may, by a timely request, have an item placed on the agenda.
Each board member will receive a copy of the proposed agenda five days prior to the meeting, and the proposed agenda will be made available for public inspection and/or distribution when it is distributed to the board members. At the meeting, the board may, by a majority vote, add an item that is not on the proposed agenda before the agenda is adopted. After the agenda has been adopted, a two-thirds vote is required to add an item to the agenda. Any new policy or budgetary items presented as an addenddum to the published agenda are not subject to action at the same meeting."
Legal References: G.S. 115-36.
The Superintendent, the Board Chair, and especially the Board's Attorney should have recognized that this policy was not being enforced. As I said in my second post, the dicussion of the Superintendent's contract should have never occured and should have not been recommended or voted upon on that day. According to this policy , the contract and the bonus are not legal.
The Board should have a Special Called Meeting to address this situation immediately. The Board has the right to discuss and take other actions, but I will not at this pont say what those actions are and I trust that some of them will not ignore these actions.