Learn Something Today
Learn Something Today
So, if anyone plays into and uses the term in that way, and believes it, it would follow that they most likely are what they promote since one skin color of people made up the term to basically put another ethnic people "in their place." Therefore, to fight against the term proves you are not the accepted use of the word but continuing to use it makes you what you play along with.
Logic. "If you permit it, you promote it. If you condone it, you own it."
Pagan Cognitive Dissonance
Pagan Cognitive Dissonance We are a rebellious race of people as demonstrated time and again in scripture. Disobedience isn't anything new, and the enemy has been honing his crafty ways since the beginning in the Garden of Eden. He's very adept at blurring the line between the truth and lies, and he did so with the Roman emperor Constantine in the 4th century AD. Many traditions celebrated today are in direct disobedience and disregard of the Word of Elohim. For more references read the following verses and then test the traditions you participate in with them to see if you are truly striving to be obedient to your Savior, Yahusha Ha'Mashiah, as a follower of The Way.
Bible Verses about Pagan Holidays
• Deuteronomy 12:29-32.
• Jeremiah 10:2-5.
• 1 John 2:15
• John 4:23-24.
• Revelation 18:4-5.
• Romans 12:2.
• Leviticus 18:3-4.
• Mark 7:9.
Turn from your rebellion today and live free with a clear conscience that you are doing the will of your Father in true obedience.
Christian? Talk about "losing Your Way"....
I am a follower of Yahusha Ha'Mashiah and The Way. The "christian" moniker was not adopted by the Apostles because I believe it was considered a slang term by them similar to a "cracker" or "MAGG-ATT" or any other derogatory group term.
But considering it was all made up by Constantine in 325AD by marrying some sellout people of The Way with the Pagans. The Apostles or Yahusha would never have anything to do with a bastardized "church." Too harsh? It's truth.
The Greeks tried to join the Hebrews and Pagans together in 167BC and they would have none of it. Read Macabees, that's where Hanukkah originated was after the Macabees fought back the Greeks for years and years to be able to worship in their own temple again. The Way was persecuted so heavily I think it was an easy sell since The Way didn't take up arms like the Pharacees and Saducees sects.
The "Christian" concept is flawed my friend and I welcome you telling me where I am wrong. I believe after you research it you will find that the current 501c3 church business is built on sand and not rock. All denominations come from Constantine's church and Martin Luther didn't change much except he didn't like the selling of indulgences. Look it up and prove me wrong. I really welcome the chance to be shown any error I may be adopting. Even Christmas and Easter are pagan and go against Deuteronomy 12:29-31. Read it.
Elohim stays the same Hebrews 13:8. Even the "church" doesn't observe the true Sabbath because the Pope changed it. Constantine changed the name of Yahusha and got out as much of The Way as he could mask to get the Pagans to go along. They didn't care because little changed as they still have their winter solstice celebration of a mom and son and their spring celebration of eggs and fertility and all remnants of anything Hebrew was done away with and Yahusha's name changed to Iesous.
The truth will set you free.
Use your eyes to see and ears to hear
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Ecclesiastes 9:10 NKJV
[10] Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might; for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going.
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You know.....
This verse was from Yahushua before He himself went to the cross.....
Luke 9:23 NKJV
[23] Then He said to them all, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me.
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