my adobe mission

my adobe mission Timeless wisdom, woven with a mission. Ancient, not Artificial Intelligence. Visually connecting Astrology, the Tarot, the I Ching and Sabian Symbols.

Personalized repatterning, courtesy of Pluto in Aquarius. Currently most active on Instagram!

TGIF and Happy Valentines! This week has had a real   vibe to it, no? Today vibrates to the charming Knight of Wands and...

TGIF and Happy Valentines! This week has had a real vibe to it, no? Today vibrates to the charming Knight of Wands and the Moon is still in get-er-done Virgo. As we wrap up a super charged, Uranian Full Moon week, Mercury enters the sign of its detriment and fall, Pisces. Fear not. What we’ve communicated, shared and realized in all the “ah ha” moments this week must now be surrendered to a greater power. Trust the universe will do its work, it always does.

Thursday vibrates to the confident Queen of Wands. The Moon spends all day in the efficient and productive Virgo, and th...

Thursday vibrates to the confident Queen of Wands. The Moon spends all day in the efficient and productive Virgo, and the Sun completes its journey through the Sabian Expression of Poise and enters the expression of Alchemy.

Hopefully we’ve been improving how we maintain our composure, finding balance (or at least identifying what’s off balance) under Wednesday’s powerful and awakening Full Moon. It’s now time to start running experiments and performing necessary maintenance on the areas of our life that need more attention.

Wednesday’s Full Moon in Leo is square Uranus so it’s packing quite a punch. It’s doling out stamina, support for self-s...

Wednesday’s Full Moon in Leo is square Uranus so it’s packing quite a punch. It’s doling out stamina, support for self-sufficiency and helping us to find balance amidst turbulent times. For more details check out the correspondence guide I posted last Friday.

Tuesday vibrates to The Fool and Sun is square to Uranus - we’re ready for new starts! Take a leap (but also…watch where...

Tuesday vibrates to The Fool and Sun is square to Uranus - we’re ready for new starts! Take a leap (but also…watch where you’re going, Uranus transits can make us accident prone😂).

The moon in Leo is reminding us of our strength and individuality - share your experiences with others.

Monday vibrates to The World and Mercury is square to Uranus which could bring some surprising, disruptive information i...

Monday vibrates to The World and Mercury is square to Uranus which could bring some surprising, disruptive information into our awareness - or perhaps just be the ah-ha moment that you needed to break free from a stale cycle and start a new chapter! After all, The World represents endings and beginnings of major cycles.

The Moon enters Leo mid-morning and is building up to its culminating lunation Wednesday. Check out my Full Moon Correspondence Guide (posted Friday) for all the details.

Fresh off Sunday’s Mercury cazimi, Mercury and the sun both square Uranus for a dynamic start to the week. Be intentiona...

Fresh off Sunday’s Mercury cazimi, Mercury and the sun both square Uranus for a dynamic start to the week. Be intentional with your words, actions and body - Uranian transits can catch you off guard.

In the lead-up to Wednesday’s Leo Full moon, we will be learning and sharing new information that may disrupt our trajectory. This could come in the form of ah-ha moments that strategically inform our next steps forward…or unexpected distractions that take our eyes off the ball. Stay vigilant.

Check out my Leo New Moon Correspondence Guide, posted Friday for all the juicy details on Wednesday’s culminating lunation. Fortify yourself for a fast-paced week and prepare to make steady progress - this Full Moon is doling out stamina, support for self-sufficiency and aide in finding balance amidst turbulent times.

The rest of February is relatively quiet transit-wise, with heavy Piscean influence. Mercury moves into Pisces Friday, and the Sun will follow next Tuesday. Pisces’ ruler Neptune now sits in Pisces 29 (A prism), helping us see the beauty and grace in all things as we integrate the kaleidoscope of experiences around us.

Happy Cazimi Sunday funday! Mercury’s rebirth through the heart of the Sun occurs Aquarius 22 - a degree related to the ...

Happy Cazimi Sunday funday! Mercury’s rebirth through the heart of the Sun occurs Aquarius 22 - a degree related to the kindness of humanity. The day vibrates to Pluto’s Tarot card, Judgement, while the Moon enjoys time in her home sign of Cancer.

Mars (still retrograde in Cancer) also trines Saturn, a much needed flowing transit between the two malefics. May it usher in maturity, steadiness, guidance and new structures to bring us into better alignment ahead of Mars’ upcoming station (2/23).

Expect positive, healing news today as both the Sun and Mercury sextile Chiron, the wounded healer. Saturday vibrates to...

Expect positive, healing news today as both the Sun and Mercury sextile Chiron, the wounded healer.

Saturday vibrates to The Sun and today the Sun moves into the Sabian expression of “Poise”. The Moon enters its domicile Cancer. Enjoy this lovely weekend energy!

“Devotion to truth enables a revolution”The   is steadily forming as February’s Full Moon in Leo squares Uranus (who als...

“Devotion to truth enables a revolution”

The is steadily forming as February’s Full Moon in Leo squares Uranus (who also rules over the Sun). And while this lunation holds heavy undertones of rebellion and revolution at the collective level, on the personal front, it’s blessing us with energies of steady progress, stamina for arduous journeys, self-sufficiency and finding balance amidst turbulent times.

The Tarot Majors for this Full Moon include Strength (Leo), The Star (Aquarius), The Tower (Mars rules Leo’s 3rd decan), The High Priestess (the Moon rules Aquarius’ 3rd decan), The Fool & The World (Uranus and Saturn co-rule Aquarius) and The Sun (ruler of Leo). The decans hold the energies of all 4 elements with steadiness of the Kings of Cups/Pentacles and the defensive and tactical 7s of Swords/Wands. These cards ask us to strategically stand firm, remain hopeful, build up perseverance and trust our intuition amidst turbulence and upheaval.

The Moon sits in Leo 25 - the culminating degree of the Straightforwardness Sabian expression - focusing our emotions on base needs for survival, mental self-control, and practical ways to boost our stamina/endurance. The Sun sits in Aquarius 25, the culminating degree of the Poise expression, related to the need for balance, in life and also between our logical and intuitive/creative minds.

The Moon sits in Hexagram 4 (Youthful Folly), and the Sun is in Hex 49 (Revolution), Lines 6. Hex4.6 warns us not to become adversarial when defending our ground against adversaries. translates “No gains yielded from expelling the foe. No gains yielded from becoming a foe. Gains come from resisting the attack”. Hex 49.6 speaks of an enemy changing face and also advises now is not the time to go on the offensive - remain steady, devote yourself to what you know to be right and true, and the right time will come.

Friday, a Moon day, may find us deep in our emotions and is a day here to remind us that blessings always appear after t...

Friday, a Moon day, may find us deep in our emotions and is a day here to remind us that blessings always appear after times of trouble.

Venus sextiles Pluto from a degree that is helping us to see our place in the context of the bigger picture. Pluto has also moved into Aquarius 3 where it will remain all February in a degree about the refusal to accept the unacceptable. Trust that abuses of power will ultimately be held to account. The resistance is building ahead of the Feb 12 Full Moon - more on this tomorrow!

Thursday vibrates to The Star, and with the Moon in Gemini all day, fill your busy mind with hopeful visions for a bette...

Thursday vibrates to The Star, and with the Moon in Gemini all day, fill your busy mind with hopeful visions for a better future.

Wednesday still finds us under a stable, Ta**us Moon while vibrating to the intensity of the Tower. Finding peace amidst...

Wednesday still finds us under a stable, Ta**us Moon while vibrating to the intensity of the Tower. Finding peace amidst the chaos seems to be the theme.

The Sun makes its way from Aquarius 17 (A watchdog standing guard) into Aquarius (A man unmasked). These degrees in the “Assurance” Sabian Expression relate to protection and truths being revealed. Protect yourself from obtrusive energies and as the wise sage will tell you, remember “you’re only as sick as your secrets”

Tuesday vibrates to the Devil, raising our awareness to any material and figurative chains that bind us. The Moon spends...

Tuesday vibrates to the Devil, raising our awareness to any material and figurative chains that bind us. The Moon spends all day exalted in Ta**us, Venus moves into her fall in Aries, and Jupiter finally stations direct!

There’s much to integrate after the busy-ness of the past several weeks, so use this mid-week Ta**us moon to nourish yourself and settle into what brings you feelings of safety, security and comfort.

Monday, Mercury trines Jupiter! This expansive transit can help us see both the forest and the trees, connect with other...

Monday, Mercury trines Jupiter! This expansive transit can help us see both the forest and the trees, connect with others, boost our optimism and awareness of possibilities. The Sabians activated relate to themes of equality (and inequality) so power struggles and abuses of power may be top of mind, especially with Mars also squaring Chiron. This more struggle-bus-y energy may test our compassion. We’re being asked to scrutinize our behaviors, boundaries and patterns. Ask yourself - are there new ways I can deal with old wounds?

Monday vibrates to Temperance, reminding us to alchemize the lessons, see the bigger picture and take things one step at a time. The moon is void-in Aries all day until its evening ingress into Ta**us, so while our minds may be expanded and our wounds may be triggered, intentionally alchemize but don’t feel the need to act upon every idea that comes into your consciousness.

“Practicing kindness as a spiritual path”This week holds assurance that blessings follow strife, bringing supportive opp...

“Practicing kindness as a spiritual path”

This week holds assurance that blessings follow strife, bringing supportive opportunities for growth/maturity, spreading kindness, compassionate integration and self-care.

Monday, Mercury trines Jupiter! This expansive transit can help us see both the forest and the trees, connect with others, boost our optimism and awareness of possibilities. The Sabians activated relate to themes of equality (and inequality) so power struggles and abuses of power may be top of mind, especially with Mars also squaring Chiron. This more struggle-bus-y energy may test our compassion. We’re being asked to scrutinize our behaviors, boundaries and patterns. Ask yourself - are there new ways I can deal with old wounds?

Monday, the moon is void-in Aries all day until its evening ingress into Ta**us, so while our minds may be expanded and our wounds may be triggered, remain measured and don’t feel the need to act upon every idea that comes into your consciousness.

Tuesday, the Moon is exalted in Ta**us, Venus moves into her fall in Aries, and Jupiter finally stations direct! There’s much to integrate after the busy-ness of the past several weeks, so use this mid-week Ta**us moon to nourish yourself and settle into what brings you feelings of safety, security and comfort.

Venus sextiles Pluto on Friday from a degree that helps us to see our place in context of the bigger picture. Pluto has also moved into Aquarius 3 where it will remain all February in a degree about the refusal to accept the unacceptable. Trust that abuses of power will ultimately be held to account.

Expect positive, healing news this weekend when the Sun and Mercury sextile Chiron from Aquarius 20 then have their Cazimi/rebirth in Aquarius 22 - a degree related to the kindness of humanity. Mars also trines Saturn Sunday, ushering in maturity, guidance and new structures that will bring us into better alignment.

Reposting my Feb 2025 preview with my monthly Transits by Aspects visual ♒️♓️🙌💕🌊February begins with a significant conju...

Reposting my Feb 2025 preview with my monthly Transits by Aspects visual ♒️♓️🙌💕🌊

February begins with a significant conjunction of the Moon, Venus, Neptune and the North Node in Pisces. This rare alignment in Pisces 28 is a potent and inspired creative jolt of energy in a degree related to peak experiences, Mother Nature’s gifts and the realization that “Enough is a feast”. At its worst, this energy may have you feeling disillusioned or unaligned with your purpose/path. At its best, it can help deepen your spiritual/gratitude practice and attunement to the divine feminine and the patterns of the universe.

The first day of February vibrates to Neptune’s Major Arcana - the Hanged Man - asking us to gain wisdom by shifting our perspective. So much of 2025 and 2026’s astrology is focused on these late degrees of Pisces and early degrees of Aries (the ending and beginning of the zodiac wheel) - so as the Moon crosses over into Aries this evening, take notice of any subtle or not-so-subtle shifts in your emotional state.

Sunday, the day of the 2/2 Portal vibrates to the Death card - this midwinter, transformation is assured, regardless of whether the groundhog sees its shadow. Release what no longer serves you.

Also this month: Jupiter stations direct, Venus moves into Aries (Note: she stations retrograde 3/1, so know she’ll be revisiting these later degrees of Pisces again in March/April), the Sun/Mercury cazimi squares Uranus before the Leo Full Moon (2/12) and Mars finally moves direct on 2/23. The last week of February is the only week of the year where ALL planets will be direct, giving us an opportunity for some forward momentum the week of the Pisces New Moon (2/27).

Happy Groundhogs Day! Today vibrates to the Death card, and whether or not we have 6 more weeks of winter, transformatio...

Happy Groundhogs Day!

Today vibrates to the Death card, and whether or not we have 6 more weeks of winter, transformation is guaranteed.

February begins with a   - a significant conjunction of the Moon, Venus, Neptune and the North Node. This rare alignment...

February begins with a - a significant conjunction of the Moon, Venus, Neptune and the North Node. This rare alignment in Pisces 28 brings us a potent and inspired creative jolt of energy from a degree related to peak experiences, Mother Nature’s gifts and the realization that “Enough is a feast”. At its worst, this energy may have you feeling disillusioned or unaligned with your purpose/path. At its best, it can help deepen your spiritual/gratitude practice, attunement to the divine feminine and the patterns of the universe.

The first day of February vibrates to Neptune’s Major Arcana - the Hanged Man - asking us to gain wisdom by shifting our perspective. So much of 2025 and 2026’s astrology is focused on these late degrees of Pisces and early degrees of Aries (the ending and beginning of the zodiac wheel) - so as the Moon crosses over into Aries this evening, take notice of any subtle or not-so-subtle shifts in your emotional state.

Also this month: Jupiter stations direct, Venus moves into Aries (Note: she stations retrograde 3/1, so know she’ll be revisiting these later degrees of Pisces again in March/April), the Sun/Mercury cazimi squares Uranus before the Leo Full Moon and Mars finally moves direct on 2/23! The last week of February is the only week of the year where ALL planets will be direct, giving us a critical opportunity for some forward momentum the week of the Pisces New Moon (2/27).



Nashville, TN



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