my adobe mission

my adobe mission Timeless wisdom, woven with a mission. Ancient, not Artificial Intelligence. Visually connecting Astrology, the Tarot, the I Ching and Sabian Symbols.

Personalized repatterning, courtesy of Pluto in Aquarius. Currently most active on Instagram!

Happy New Year!New for 2025 = my Daily Transits that combine the numerological vibration Tarot card of the day, the spec...

Happy New Year!

New for 2025 = my Daily Transits that combine the numerological vibration Tarot card of the day, the specific movements of the Sun and Moon + key transits of the day.

Welcome to 2025 🎉!New Year’s Day sees Luna conjunct Pluto in Aquarius 2 (An unexpected thunderstorm) - a degree getting ...

Welcome to 2025 🎉!

New Year’s Day sees Luna conjunct Pluto in Aquarius 2 (An unexpected thunderstorm) - a degree getting a lot of attention this month as Pluto opposes Mars in Leo 2 (An epidemic of the mumps) on 1/3, giving this year an extra spicy start.

The start to the year heralds widespread shifts in the collective, heightened tensions, and confusing communications related to power structures, leadership and difficult negotiations.

For the first 11 days of Jan, the North Node sits in Aries 1 (the Aries Point/World Axis) and on the 11th, the nodes of fate move into Pisces/Virgo. January should provide some pretty clear and immediate foreshadowing of what to expect over the next year as this Aries/Pisces cusp dominates the headlines throughout 2025 and 2026.

Neptune enters Aries this year for the first time since 1861 and Saturn follows right behind while Mercury and Venus both retrograde over the Aries Point. With Uranus also changing signs and both outer planets ending the year back in their current signs (Pisces and Ta**us), 2025 brings significant but impartial previews of the more permanent changes we can expect to see in 2026.

January’s Full Moon on the 13th is trine Uranus and loosely opposing Mars. Thwarted ambitions, surprising upsets, and corrupt power players being exposed are all key themes of this lunation.

Venus spends the month exalted in Pisces! The week of the Full Moon, she squares Jupiter in degrees inspiring her purpose and certainty, then meets up with Saturn for a powerful conjunction before sextiling Mercury in degrees related to the sanctity of public rituals.

When the Sun moves into Aquarius and conjoins Pluto on the 21st (hi Unexpected Thunderstorm!), expect some powerful truths to be coming to the surface.

The New Moon occurs the same day Mercury joins Pluto (hi again, Unexpected Thunderstorm) and also marks the beginning of the Lunar New Year - Welcome Wood Snake!

We end the month with Uranus ending its retrograde cycle and moving direct plus a lovely Sun trine Jupiter!

To #2025!

“Do not try to create unity by force. Radiate calm, be the peace you want to see.” This new moon gives us a very clear a...

“Do not try to create unity by force. Radiate calm, be the peace you want to see.”

This new moon gives us a very clear assignment going into the New Year: Keep calm and carry on.

The Tarot correspondences include The Devil (Capricorn), The World (Saturn rules Cap), The Wheel of Fortune (Jupiter rules Cap Decan 1), and the 2 and Queen of Pentacles. These cards tell a story of freeing yourself from old chains/patters, starting new chapters, weighing options, and embodying the security you desire.

Capricorn 10’s Sabian Symbol, “An albatross feeding from the hand’”, is the culminating degree of the 5-degree Sabian Expression of “Wisdom”, indicating that we’re integrating ancestral, perhaps even past-life wisdom related to completion, power and our own limitations. James Burgess gives this degree the keynote “Radiating peaceful harmony” and notes “Trust begets trust and the world will be free of war when and only when it becomes the prominent mood of our species.”

I Ching Hexagram 38 (Opposition), Line 1 comes with the wisdom not to “chase after what will return on its own”, and specifically advises us not to force change when opposing/malevolent forces have brought about the apparent loss of freedom and power. The light will return in due time. This line changes Hex38 to Hex264 (Before Completion), which also emphasizes restraint, taking your time and remaining steady and calm.

Heed the wisdom of this New Moon on the eve of a New Year and tap into your inner wisdom. Set intentions for navigating the year ahead in a manner that embodies security, harmony and purity of heart.

"Victory over forces of entropy and destruction"This week Venus is on a profound, and possibly surprising healing journe...

"Victory over forces of entropy and destruction"

This week Venus is on a profound, and possibly surprising healing journey, Pluto moves into "An unexpected thunderstorm", Chiron stations direct, and the final installment of the mutable T-Square between Mercury, Saturn and Jupiter perfects.

Venus starts the week with a gorgeous sextile to Chiron from Aquarius 20 (A big white dove, a message bearer) - This Sabian, according to James Burgess relates to this week's summary quote and the "end of calamity and re-emergence of peace". With the wounded healer, Chiron, in Aries 20, a degree about experiencing joy through giving and experiencing love, I can't imagine a more healing transit to kickoff the week of Christmas!

Venus then ends the week with a square to Uranus from Aquarius 24, a Sabian related to sharing our experiences to teach others. With Uranus in Ta**us 24, a degree about channeled aggression, it's a good day to be intentional with your words - we could end up having some eye-opening conversations.

Lessons lie in the "missing legs" when confronted with powerful T-Squares. For this week's culmination of the Mercury/Saturn/Jupiter T-Square, the missing leg lies in the middle degrees of Virgo, specifically in the "Reorientation" Sabian expression. Find solace in traditions, contemplate ancestral patterns, and reorient your approach and ideas for achieving balance when confronted with significant choices of direction. The squares to Saturn can realistically validate our intuition, asking us to cautiously prepare while the Jupiter/Mercury opposition may unearth some much-needed wisdom that will inform our path forward.

Finally, on Sunday, Chiron stations direct and Pluto officially completes its journey through Aquarius 1 - An old adobe mission. My namesake degree will continue to loom large as it was also the seeding degree of Jupiter and Saturn's "great conjunction" of 12/21/2020, so the mission of building lasting foundations will be a collective theme for decades to come.

The light is returning - and so it is.

Happy Solstice and welcome to Capricorn season! The Sun entering this Saturn-ruled cardinal earth sign may feel like a r...

Happy Solstice and welcome to Capricorn season! The Sun entering this Saturn-ruled cardinal earth sign may feel like a reality check coming off the expansive energies of Sagittarius.

On this darkest day of the year, we can look forward to the return of the light. The solstice is a great day to reflect and set intentions for this next season of change, to hug a tree, climb a mountain (physically or mentally), and take inventory of what you’ve accomplished this past year and what you’re diligently taking care of as we approach 2025.

And while this is the first Capricorn season since 2008 where Pluto’s not co-present, its ruler, Saturn (in Pisces) squares Jupiter over this next week. So we may feel like after years of significant transformation, we’re still facing some uncomfortable realities and/or difficult choice points. Capricorn season gives us the courage to step into our inner authority, embrace our responsibilities and find the highest path towards long-term peace.

Don’t forget to save/share/bookmark this all-things-Capricorn guide and enjoy my free interactive digital download (link in bio) with detail on all of Cap’s Tarot, I Ching, and Sabian Symbol correspondences!

"Share the good news - we're already living the dream"Fresh off the Full Moon, this week holds just two exact transits. ...

"Share the good news - we're already living the dream"

Fresh off the Full Moon, this week holds just two exact transits. The Sun perfects its square with Neptune Wednesday, re-activating degrees Venus and Neptune brought to our consciousness in early November. This square may catapult our daydreams into overdrive. When we realize we're already living the dream and sink into gratitude, we can make the best of this sometimes difficult, reality-blurring transit.

And speaking of Venus, she and Jupiter, the 2 benefics make a lovely flowing trine on Thursday. It's a great day to connect with others - talk for hours with your bestie and have some fun!

When the Sun shifts from Sag into Capricorn on Saturday, we'll be shifting into a more diligent, practical, accounting-focused mindset which can help us put more concrete plans around the big dreams we conjured up during Sag season.

In my adobe mission news: I'm trying out a new structure/visual this week for the Personal, Social and Outer Planets' movements across the Sabians. My hope is these new views show more clearly what Sabian Symbols are being activated in any given week - tell me what you think!

"Work smarter, not harder - Practice optimism and strategic techniques to claim inner peace" This month's Gemini Full Mo...

"Work smarter, not harder - Practice optimism and strategic techniques to claim inner peace"

This month's Gemini Full Moon ends a major chapter, and Mercury stations direct about 12 hours after this powerful lunation which will help us formulate concrete ideas on creative paths forward. PSA: Mars now retrograde may still hamper forward movement, but strategies should be easier to develop with Mercury moving forward.

The Tarot majors for this Full Moon include Temperance (Sagittarius), The Lovers (Gemini), The Wheel of Fortune (Jupiter rules Sag), and The Magician (Mercury rules Gemini). The decans hold the energies of all 4 elements with the Queens of Pentacles/Cups and the 10 of Wands/Swords. These cards remind us that we have all the tools at our disposal to wrap up one very hard-fought chapter with steadiness and grace. We're now faced with a choice on how to approach the next chapter - the symbols advise moderation, extending generosity and nurturing our inner child to reap the rewards of past battles we're no longer interested in fighting.

The Moon sits in Gemini 24 (Children skating on ice), a symbol related to stagnation, refusing to be defeated, creativity and playfulness. The Sun sits in Sagittarius 24 (A bluebird standing at the door of the house) in a symbol about affirming justice, reducing stress, and relaxing into inner peace and happiness.

The Full Moon sits in Hexagram 12 (Standstill), and the Sun is in Hex 11 (Peace), Lines 2. These lines both relate to cultivating patience and generosity in the face of difficult people or situations. "By persevering in humility, gentleness, and openness, you rescue yourself and others as well."

Given this Full Moon is the culmination of the 12/1 New Moon that kicked off with a "hurry up a wait" vibe, and Mercury stations direct the next day, expect definitive endings/new starts. While work will be required going forward, the assignment is to be strategic as we enter this next chapter - it's time to work smarter, more creatively, and remember to play.

“Refuse to be defeated - fuel goodwill to fuel the resistance. Prepare for the worst, expect the best”This week nearly a...

“Refuse to be defeated - fuel goodwill to fuel the resistance. Prepare for the worst, expect the best”

This week nearly all transits involve personal planets in relation to each other. It culminates with a peaceful resistance-fueled Gemini Full Moon that occurs the same day Mercury ends its retrograde.

Monday, the Sun trines Chiron from Sagittarius 20 “Men cutting through ice” - a symbol related to disciplined, strategic preparation and stockpiling surpluses for future times of scarcity. May we find creative ways to help ourselves and others in anticipation of uncertain times ahead.

Thursday, Venus in Aquarius opposes Mars retrograde in Leo. Right after this halfway point in their synodic cycle, Venus re-activates the degree in which these two planets started the cycle. Aquarius 7 - “A child born out of an eggshell” relates to dramatic breaks from traditions and Mars’ degree (Leo 6 - “An old-fashioned woman and an up-to-date girl”) also activates themes of generational divides and changing social values. Personally, allow your receptive side to get a boost, and be adaptable if creative, initiating endeavors hit some roadblocks. It’s a great week to try non-traditional, innovative, role-reversing strategies.

On Friday, Venus sextiles a nearly standstill Mercury in Sagittarius 7 - “Cupid knocking at the door”. Open your heart and lighten your approach. Flirt all day long!

The week ends with a Gemini Full Moon and the END of Mercury retrograde. More to come soon on the beautiful correspondences associated with this lunation that reward optimism, inner-peace and help us formulate tactical, creative strategies for overcoming adversity.

The social and outer planets are once again in a virtual standstill this week - with the exception of Chiron’s trine to the Sun Monday, only Jupiter changes degree into Gemini 16 “A woman suffragist haranguing” - a Sabian related to passionate persuasion, grassroots and social change. Strategies are being refined and we are laying necessary foundations for resistance and collective change.

“Remembrance - life is a great gift, a miracle and a joy”Fresh off the New Moon in Sagittarius, we get a very busy start...

“Remembrance - life is a great gift, a miracle and a joy”

Fresh off the New Moon in Sagittarius, we get a very busy start to December with an array of transits that follow two storylines, both fueling a renewal of spirit.

The first storyline follows Venus rapidly moving through Capricorn, making connections to each of the 3 outer planets. On Monday, she trines Uranus in Ta**us 25, a degree recently activated by last month’s Full Moon. This connection can reignite our urge to protect and enjoy the spaces, faces and places that surround us and may offer us new, collaborative, unconventional ways to do so.

On Wednesday, Venus sextiles Neptune from Sag 28 (An old bridge over a beautiful stream), reactivating degrees related to building connection, fulfilling our desires without greed, and making the mundane beautiful. With Neptune going direct Saturday, our ability to creatively work with our conscious desires is heightened.

Finally, Venus ends her week by making a conjunction to Pluto (and my natal Venus) in the 1st degree of Aquarius - this is the second synod these two have started from my favorite degree (the last one began this past Feb) and a good time to check in on the changes you’ve made to your relationships, finances and priorities this year - is your foundation more solid?

The second storyline this week focuses on retrograde Mercury’s cazimi to the Sun (Thu) in Sag and their oppositions to Jupiter and squares to Saturn. This busy T-square plays out all month in the middle degrees of the mutable signs activating symbols that have us reconciling deep, hidden truths, visions and wisdom with what’s practical.

Mars also starts its ~3 month retrograde Friday in Leo 7 (The constellations in the sky) - more to come on this in the coming weeks, but keep 1/3/25 on your radar as the 2nd (of 3) times Mars will oppose Pluto - this time in the 2nd degrees of Aquarius/Leo (An unexpected thunderstorm/An epidemic of mumps).

Renewal is on offer this week - balance relaxation, discipline, preparedness, caution and optimism.

December is bookended by two New Moons and while it appears to be a very busy month (esp during the first and last weeks...

December is bookended by two New Moons and while it appears to be a very busy month (esp during the first and last weeks of the month), it’s full of energy to deepen our practice of patience, service to others and restraint.

The Mercury-Sun/Saturn/Jupiter T-Square in the middle degrees of the mutable signs is the predominant transit of the month, and we get a double whammy of its medicine given Mercury’s retrograde motion for the first half of December. This T-Square may bring up analysis paralysis, overthinking and have us feeling pulled in opposing directions - its resolution points sit in the middle degrees of Virgo (the mutable sign without planets actively in the T-Square), so taking diligent, practical, efficient, small steps will be the best course of action. It’s not a month for giant leaps forward, but rather gentle, practical, rational service-oriented contributions and small wins.

As both Mercury and Mars re-excavate many of the degrees they traveled over during November, we have opportunities to gather new information, tools and methods for solving old problems in novel and creative ways. However, forward momentum is not assured when potential solutions arise - it’s a month for observation, re-evaluation, caution and optimistic planning.

Mid-month we are graced with a Gemini Full Moon that occurs the same day Mercury ends its retrograde and stations direct. More to come next week on this powerful culmination point.

When we enter Capricorn season, new plans may start taking more concrete shape as we integrate the lessons we’ve learned in 2024.

The month ends as it begins, with another busy week, a mutable T-square and a New Moon. Give yourself plenty of time this month to rest, rejuvenate and reformulate your strategies before the New Year.

"Darkness has temporarily enveloped the light. A time for gentle steps. The sage's action is inaction." The 12/1 Sagitta...

"Darkness has temporarily enveloped the light. A time for gentle steps. The sage's action is inaction."

The 12/1 Sagittarius New Moon is imbued with the energy of news, manipulation, and the reversal of fortunes. Mercury retrograde may be dishing out a frenzied array of mixed messages this lunar cycle which has a real "hurry up and wait" vibe. Don't get swept up and away by the noise - the correspondences tell us we should use this New Moon to practice quiet, centered observation.

The Tarot correspondences include Temperance (Sagittarius), Wheel of Fortune (Jupiter rules Sag), The Magician (Mercury rules Sag Decan 3), and the 8 and King of Wands. These cards tell a story of cycles of change, inspirational and bold leadership, manipulation, transforming one thing into another and fast and furious communication.

Sagittarius 10's Sabian Symbol, "A golden haired 'goddess of opportunity'", is the culminating degree of the 5-degree Sabian Expression of "Training", indicating that we're integrating lessons on false gods, propaganda and distinguishing reality from theater. James Burgess says of this degree - "None manage to perfect their social skills fully, although the best of those who do rise in popularity, importance and repute - typically until their imperfections are revealed purposely and vindictively in order to bring them down. We must find our own way to deal with this inevitable aspect of group behavior."

I Ching Hexagram 9 (Small Taming), Line 5 says the dark has overcome the light and that it's a time for small, gentle actions to inspire others and return chaos to order. This line changes Hex9 to Hex26 (Great Taming), which also re-emphasizes that while we hold great power and potential, this time calls for restraint and training on how to tame our baser instincts so we may ultimately invest our power in a way that best advances humankind.

It may feel like a time to take action, but the lessons of this lunar cycle are in training, restraint, control, and reserving our energy for the right moment.

"Rediscover your essence"Monday, Mercury stations retrograde, just in time for holiday travel here in the US 🤣. It does ...

"Rediscover your essence"

Monday, Mercury stations retrograde, just in time for holiday travel here in the US 🤣. It does so in a degree about discovery and reorienting to a new way of life. Expect re-work, revision, and (if we're lucky) some relaxation and REwards. Retrogrades can be a great time for recharging your batteries, refreshing your routines and revisiting items on your to-do lists that may have fallen through the cracks.

Wednesday, the Sun in Sagittarius trines Mars in Leo in degrees related to playing by the rules and generational differences. Embrace activities that physically and personally motivate you. Venus in Capricorn also squares Chiron in Aries from degrees related to clairvoyance, group consciousness and giving to others. As friends and families gather in the US, we are given opportunities to practice self-refinement in our relationships with others and these transits bolster our ability to show compassion when confronted with generational or ideological divides. James Burgess says of Leo6 "This is how we learn the dance of struggle and surrender – changing only what can be changed, and accepting all else."

November ends and December begins with a New Moon in the 10th degree of Sagittarius - the culminating degree of the "Training" Sabian Expression. Stay tuned for my correspondence guide on this New Moon which should serve as a nice master class on tuning out the noise of propaganda and false gods.

The social and outer planets are in a virtual standstill this week - with the exception of Chiron's square to Venus, none make any exact aspects to other planets or even shift a single degree. Take advantage of this pause in collective shifts to rejuvenate yourself. The personal planets and luminaries run the show this week - tune out unnecessary distractions, tap into joy and rediscover your essence.

Happy Sagittarius season! The Sun moves into this wisdom-seeking, optimistic mutable fire sign at 1:56pm CT Thursday 11/...

Happy Sagittarius season! The Sun moves into this wisdom-seeking, optimistic mutable fire sign at 1:56pm CT Thursday 11/21 and sextiles Pluto less than an hour later. This powerful transit may unearth some transformative information as we begin this 20-year era of Pluto in Aquarius.

Save/like/share this Sagittarius: 30° Woven Wisdom correspondence guide - also available as a downloadable interactive 1-page pdf, free all season long in my shop (link in bio).

And happy upcoming solar returns to my fellow ♐️ ladies/icons which, if I’m honest, completely dominate my music playlists 🤣: Sia

"Laying foundations for what we want to outlive us"Monday, 11/18, Mercury opposes Jupiter, and the Sun makes a supportiv...

"Laying foundations for what we want to outlive us"

Monday, 11/18, Mercury opposes Jupiter, and the Sun makes a supportive trine to Neptune. Our minds may be in overdrive with ideas and disinformation (check your sources!) AND it's a great day for meditation and envisioning the world as you DESIRE it to be. Consult ancient wisdom amidst present concerns of insecurity/confusion to bolster your emotional well being.

Tuesday's Mercury/Chiron trine brings supportive, compassionate energy for helping others and preparing for the future....and speaking of the future, at 2:30pm CT Tuesday, Pluto, the great transformer, re-enters my namesake (and natal Venus') degree (An old adobe mission) for the third and final time in our lifetimes. This officially begins the much anticipated 20-year era of Pluto in Aquarius.

If it feels like things have been crumbling or falling apart, it's right on time: remember that between The Devil (XV - Capricorn's card) and The Star (XVII - Aquarius' card) sits The Tower - XVI. The first decan of Aquarius is also associated with the fast-and-furious Knight of Swords and tricky saboteur energy of the 5 of swords. Old structures must fall for us to lay a solid foundation for something of true collective value. And that's exactly what An old adobe mission's degree relates to - creating something of lasting value that serves the greater good and stands the test of time. That time starts now, this week. What foundations are you laying?

On Thursday, when the Sun enters my personal Sun sign of Sagittarius (I'm a relentless optimist - can you tell?), it also makes an empowering sextile to Pluto in its new home of Aquarius. It's a great day to clean house, both literally and metaphorically. Break stale patterns, create new routines and rejuvenate your soul.

Venus sextiles Saturn Friday, helping us to clarifying our values, set clear boundaries, and discover ways to practically and purposefully work with others.

Oh, and spoiler alert: Mercury goes retrograde Monday the 25th...double check those travel plans!

"A breakdown of structure...if the sage has been defeated by the adversarial forces, when all is said and done, the peop...

"A breakdown of structure...if the sage has been defeated by the adversarial forces, when all is said and done, the people realize that the sage was right all along."

Saturn stations direct the morning of the Full Moon in Ta**us in a symbol related to laying down arms and certainty of purpose. This Full Moon is conjunct Uranus, so unexpected new information may come to light as the Sun opposes the Great Awakener.

The Tarot for this Full Moon includes The Hierophant (Ta**us), The Empress (Venus rules Ta**us and Scorpio's 3rd decan), Death (Scorpio), Judgement and The Tower (Pluto and Mars rule Scorpio), The World (rules Ta**us' 3rd decan). The decans hold the King of Wands, King of Swords, and 7s of Cups and Pentacles. These cards relate to radical transformations of leadership and trusted structures as well as careful re-assessments and planning for a new chapter during a period of confusion, illusion and dissolution.

The Moon sits in Ta**us 25 in a symbol related to working collectively towards shared goals and the putting aside of fear, competition and aggressiveness. The Sun sits in Scorpio 25 in a symbol about seeing beneath the surface, cutting through illusion and getting to the truth of the matter.

The Full Moon sits in Hexagram 23, and the Sun is in Hex 43, Lines 6. These lines relate to times where dark forces have come to a culminating moment. They underscore the Sabians' messages of maintaining correct behavior amidst the fear-based, chaotic events to ensure that harmonious forces can ultimately prevail.

Walker's notes on these lines: Hex43, Line 6: "The situation seems resolved but may not be. Only a steady devotion to correct behavior brings the desired completion."
Hex 23, Line 6: "Evil feeds on evil and in time destroys everything connected with it. Cling to what is correct, and evil withers quickly away. Good fortune returns."

May we receive insightful illuminations during this Full Moon that promote our collective healing.

"Learning to integrate both failure and accomplishments"Venus enters Capricorn Monday, and this week Capricorn's ruler, ...

"Learning to integrate both failure and accomplishments"

Venus enters Capricorn Monday, and this week Capricorn's ruler, Saturn, squares Mercury and stations direct during an illuminating Ta**us Full Moon conjunct Uranus (more to come on this Tuesday).

Tuesday's Mercury/Saturn square has us struggling to reconcile the extreme polarities of our past with a certainty of purpose and intent for a better future.

Friday's Uranus-infused Ta**us Full Moon holds a unique mix of energies - Of truths being revealed, penetrating through illusions, connecting the dots, adapting to new information, working collectively and using our voices to touch the hearts and minds of others.

And with Saturn stationing direct in Pisces 13 (A sword in a museum), we're reminded that laying down our sword is not the same as giving up the fight - remain firm in your convictions and what you know to be right and true.

As just reminded us: "Sometimes the fight takes a while. That doesn't mean we won't win....Don't ever give up. Don't ever stop trying to make the world a better place....Only when it is dark enough can you see the stars....let us fill the sky with the light of a brilliant, brilliant billion of stars. The light, the light of optimism, of faith, of truth and service."

With very few exact transits occurring this week, we'll be taking our cues from the Moon, and our emotions may be runnin...

With very few exact transits occurring this week, we'll be taking our cues from the Moon, and our emotions may be running the show. Monday, 11/4, the Sun in Scorpio 13 (An inventor experimenting) trines Saturn in Pisces 13 (A sword in a museum) gifting us with an excellent day to take care of business. With a clarity of intent, we're able to see how things are connected, and accomplish more than we may expect.

It's eerily quiet astrologically for the remainder of the week, but last week's intensity is still reverberating - especially the Venus/Jupiter and Mars/Pluto oppositions that occurred over the weekend. The moon travels through the last quarter of the zodiac, meeting up with Pluto in the last degree of Capricorn on Thursday, entering the collective sign of Aquarius by Friday.

On Saturday, Venus squares her higher octave, Neptune in Pisces 28 (A fertile garden under the full moon) from Sagittarius 28 (An old bridge over a beautiful stream) - these Sabians remind us that abundance is possible without greed, that useful and mundane things hold beauty and building bridges beats building walls every time.


Nashville, TN



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