20 Years
A glimpse into 20 years of TackleBox Films.
This is So Exciting!!! Introducing a new Christmas collection “A Classic Christmas with Shannon Brown! Available for download Dec. 4th on ITUNES! To top this great news!! We are so thrilled to have her performing along with The Jody Nardone Trio & special guests LIVE at the Glass House Studio Dec 5th @7:30pm! Get cozy or get dressed up & Head to Tackleboxfilms page (@lureoffilms) to TUNE in! @stereophonicfilms @forward_post #christmas #live @dtsb3 @glasshouse_studionash @shaunmfsilva
Check out my film from 2010 the Boys of Fall LIVE from the GLASS-HOUSE Studio TONIGHT!!
RIGHT HERE on Facebook
8:00pm cst
Live stream with RED Komodo Stormtrooper @redkomodousers @redcamerausers @forward_post @glasshouse_studionash
Behind The Scenes: Luke Bryan
Just a little behind the scenes clip from our multi camera shoot for Luke Bryan on The Today Show📽🎞📸
Shaun Silva Luke Bryan
Komodo UnBoxing
Pretty pumped that we got our Komodo shipment today! Check out the unboxing and stay tuned for future tests. Also launching our TackleBox Entertainment Group YouTube channel in the coming days. Channel will feature LIVE from the Glass-House performances as well as camera tests, BTS, new series work and so much more!
Shaun Silva
We are Super excited to announce LIVE from the Glass-House Studio featuring performances from Leslie Jordan Danny Myrick & Travis Howard !! LIVE 7:00pm CST (5pm PST) THIS Thursday night!! Be sure to set a reminder & View LIVE, Right HERE!!! You won’t want to miss this incredible experience!! Stereophonic Films Forward @glasshouse_studionash #tackleboxfilms #shaunsilva #lesliejordan #livefromtheglasshousestudio
See you all TONIGHT!!! Live stream starts at 8pm CST.
Tanner Silva Live from The Glass-House Studio
13-year-old singer songwriter Tanner Silva performing Live from The Glass-House Studio
A Tacklebox Films production, proudly presents TONIGHT on Crackle. Yelawolfe A Slumerican Life . #yelawolf #crackle #tackleboxfilms #forward_post
A Tacklebox Films production, proudly presents, TONIGHT, on Crackle
We are so excited we can finally talk about our new show for the Discovery Network and HGTV !! Lots of time and effort went into these two episodes premiering on Halloween! 🎃 Congrats to @Moe Anato, her talented team, the entire creative and production team at Tacklebox, Forward , and Shaun Silva. Make sure to tune in! 🏠📺🔨
Posted @withrepost • HGTV We love a themed party, so why not a themed room? 🎉 Watch the premiere of Theme Queen, Thursday Oct. 31 at 4pm|3pm c.
#HGTVThemeQueen #hgtv #moeanato #halloween #tackleboxfilms #forwardpost #shaunsilva
Have you seen the full video yet? Link in our bio.
Danielle Bradbery and Parker McCollum singing #Shallow. What a privilege to shoot this video.
#tackleboxfilms Shaun Silva Forward post production
#Repost Danielle Bradbery
#Shallow exclusively on CMT (link in bio) now. Hope you’re signing along 💕