Biden’s Ghost Guns and Immigration
Today we discuss Biden’s Gun control argument, and his ignorance regarding immigration.
How Russia’s Gold Standard Will Impact The World Economy
Russia recently decided to peg the ruble to gold. Putin also stated that unfriendly nations must buy commodities in rubles. What doe this mean for the global economy and should we be concerned?
is discrimination ok?
Today we discuss if discrimination is ok and when it is acceptable. Have we over done it in the US?
We are joined by a Democrat to Discuss Voter Fraud
Does Voter Fraud exist? Today I discuss this with a Liberal podcast host!
The True Impact of Inflation on your finances and Taxes, Updates on Ukraine and Russian War
Today we discuss the True Impact of Inflation on your personal finances and wether or not you are paying more in taxes. Ukraine also launched an attack inside of Russia on an oil depot. What will we the consequences of this moving forwards?
Conspiracy Talk Pt. 2
Conspiracy Theories regarding Ukraine and Russia
Updates On Ukraine and Russia
Updates On Ukraine and Russia
The Marxist Leadership Of America
Exposing how the current leadership in the United States is turning our economy, and society into a communist enterprise in the name equity and equality.
Joe Biden Said What?! This Could Definitely Start a War Between The U.S. And Russia
Joe Biden took a trip to Poland last week to discuss the Russian invasion of Ukraine with NATO officials. During a press conference, Biden called for a regime change in Russia and the Kremlin is not taking it very lightly.
Battling Misinformation and the MSM
Battling Misinformation and the MSM
Real Conservative Talk
OPIC and corruption in our government.
Exposing the Biden Family and The Media
Exposing the Biden Family and The Media