The World has gone Social and the Trend is Accelerating!
If you have not been paying attention the Internet is back and Booming again.
Many of us remember the Internet Boom and Bust that was referred to as the Dot Com Dot Bomb bubble that burst in 1999/2000.
Plenty of so called mavens are warning with veiled questions if we are not approaching another bubble and the answer is a resounding NO.
What makes things different this time? The internet is no longer a novelty but a daily indispensible tool for doing business and keeping in touch with everyone.
The numbers are truly remarkable. The entire world has embraced social networks, the world is literally going social and Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn dominate with Google+ close behind.
1. The ITU (International Telecommunications Union) reports over 5 Billion Cell Phone accounts Worldwide in 2011.
• Google reports over 1 Billion subscribers now use its YouTube video service on a regular basis.
• Facebook reports over 800 Million registered Social Network Users, 75% of which are regular users.
• Facebook reports over 350 Million mobile users and Mark Zuckerberg expects their next 1 Billion users to be mobile.
• Yahoo reports over 580 Million monthly visitors.
• LinkedIn reports over 100 Million business networking profiles
• Ebay reports over 1.5 Million people earn a full time or significant part time income on Ebay.
• See our True 4G Whitepaper attached for full market size, growth and scope information.
2. Media reports 80% of internet users will be accessing the internet with new Smart Phones, tablets and iPod touch wifi devices from:
• Apple iPhones, iPads,
• Androids by Motorola, HTC, Samsung and others
• Blackberry, Torch Touch and Keypad Smart Phones
• Microsoft Windows 8/Nokia Mobile phones by multiple manufacturers
• And Google+ Growth Accelerating dramatically. Google+ Passed 62 million users. Adding 625,000 new users per day. Google Predits 400 million users by end of 2012.
There are 700,000 Android devices activated daily and this will become a very significant source of new users for Google+. That number will also grow next year (2013).
3. Ubiquitous Social Network Icons, full color and glossy 3d buttons and button bars to “Like”, “Send”, “Share”, “+1” and “Tweet” are everywhere:
“Like” us on facebook
“Follow” us on twitter
“Join” us on LinkedIn
“+1” us on Google +
Neilsen.com the ratings service reports on their blog that Facebook and apps from Google like Gmail and the Android Market are the most popular smartphone apps among Android owners 18 years and older in the U.S. according to Nielsen’s latest research on smartphone usage. To rank mobile apps by active reach, that is, by the percentage of Android owners who used the app within the past 30 days, Nielsen analyzed usage data from its proprietary device meters on the smartphones of the thousands of consumer panelists who agreed to be part of Nielsen’s ongoing Smartphone Analytics research.
Staying Social
Facebook’s popular app is the most active among Android owners 18-24 and 25-34, who both hover at around an 80 percent active reach. Additionally, more than three quarters of users 35-44 used the app recently as well.
Google’s YouTube app gets heavy usage from Android smartphone owners 18 -24: 64 percent have used it in the past 30 days, compared to 56 percent and 51 percent of 25-34 and 35-44 year olds. A preference for media apps with a social dimension (e.g. Words with Friends) among the 18-24 set is also reinforced by their sizable usage of music and video apps (e.g. Pandora) compared to older demographics.
Play Time
Not just for the kids, the ubiquitous game, Angry Birds, appeals more to those 35-44 when compared to other age groups: 35 percent of them have used the app in the last 30 days, while only 22 percent of those 18-24 and 29 percent of 25-34 year-olds launched the game.
Apps and More for Sale
Apart from gaming, the 35-44 segment demonstrates a greater inclination to shop using the Amazon AppStore: 24 percent of them used the app in the last 30 days, while only 14 percent of those 18-24 did the same. Groupon appeals more to those 25-34, not even making the top 20 ranking for those 18-24. A similar trend was found on Google+: active reach was higher for those 25 and older when compared to the 18-24 demographic.
The recent IPOs of companies like Group, Yelp and the enormous buzz around the upcoming Facebook app generate tremendous media buzz but the average user is locked out of participating in this boom unless they are a well heeled VC insider or qualified investor. That was up till now…
Is it Possible to Earn Real Social Media Income with a Kicker?
Yes the UZAP™ team has launched the UZAP™ 2.0 Social Marketplace and is looking for both Social Media Sales & Marketing Area Account and National Account Representatives.
The kicker is that these positions offer both Commissions plus Equity Shares for Top performers.
The Exciting Top Listed UZAP™ 2.0 Social Marketplace features Social Media Content integration with their Social Business Listings Web Platform for maximum Social Media Content Listings Promotion and Engagement. The industry is in transition from traditional static Yellow Pages to fully curated Social Multimedia enabled content listings with Social promotion and cross linking with all major social media engines.
UZAP™ is seeking self motivated Area Marketing Sales Representatives to fill multiple openings in all Cities nationwide. If you are looking for a new and rewarding challenge in an explosive growth industry this could be your ground floor opportunity. We are in the process of building a national sales organization.
Work from home and create your own flexible schedule full or part time. Combination inside and/or outside sales whatever works best for YOU! You must have a cell phone and pc, tablet or laptop. Full and Part Time opportunities available. This is a commission only independent contractor sales position with residual income from your customer base. Monday -- Friday you set your own hours and days!
UZAP™ solves the online casino syndrome problem, all the major Social Media sites and companies are doing everything they can to lock in users time and eyeballs on their sites only just like a the Vegas Casinos. UZAP™ 2.0 solves the problem by allow its users to place Listings with their own engaging multimedia content and cross links to their web sites and social media profiles benefitting from all the major and new social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Apple, Amazon and the rapidly growing new Pinterest platform.
The income is unlimited! You determine your income based upon your level of effort and the types of B2B accounts you bring in and service packages you sell.
UZAP™ team provides all the on-line marketing materials that you will need to sell. The positions are all flexible and you work when where and how you like.
Your income potential with UZAP™ is designed to be unlimited! You determine your income based upon your level of effort and the types of B2B accounts you bring in and service packages you sell.
So what is the kicker? The UZAP™ team has allocated a pool of equity for people who actually help promote and build the UZAP™ 2.0 platform. It works like this for every premium service (see http://www.uzap.com/uzap/services/ ) an independent rep sells they also earn points at a rate of $1 = 1 Point and when the UZAP Team builds toward a future liquidity event the Points will be calculated and pro-rated against equity pool and the more business the reps generate to help build UZAP™ the more equity they will earn. This is classic sweat equity without all the Sweat as the UZAP™ platform is designed to enable full social engagement with embedded high quality social multimedia and video content, premium advertorial and on line informative and engaging infomercials and useful high impact content to help business transition to the always on always connect social media world we now all live in and enjoy.
UZAP™ Helpful tips and good to know information:
All UZAP listings are reviewed and content approved to comply with our TOU or Terms of Use. http://www.uzap.com/uzap/help-tou/
UZAP users are responsible to ensure any item or service transaction (Buy, Sell, Trade, Lease and Donate) are legal and lawful in your jurisdiction.
If the item or service is in any way questionable, UZAP’s and or TLG Internet, Inc., corporate policy is not to list the item or service in order to protect our members from unnecessary legal risk.
In all cases, UZAP users agree that any decision by UZAP to list an item or service are solely at the discretion of UZAP and or TLG Internet, Inc., and all decisions are final. The general rule is if it is illegal or banned for shipping by the US Postal Service or otherwise controlled for interstate commerce then it is also banned from UZAP. Basic common sense.
We have enabled you to cut and paste and to insert html and video, audio and/or iframes (see Upload insert icons above the edit page after you register and login above). This is so that you may include cut and paste html links to your pages, Google +1 pages, LinkedIn page and twitter follow you account as well as links to YouTube or Vimeo videos and SCRIBD documents so that you can promote both yourself personally as a business professional and your business brands and current projects in real time.
Then the UZAP team does the rest to insure all of our members listings have the best possible SVMSEO – social video mobile search engine optimization to drive the maximum possible demand to you including best practices for sharing, promotion and monetization of your personal and business brands.
All listings are added to subcategories (child links) below our categories (parent links) so if you do not see a category/subcategory pair that is best for your personal and business brands feel free to use our contact form and tell us what you would like us to do to help you promote yourself and your brands.
Under the hood and behind the scenes the UZAP team works tirelessly to insure we have integrated the best possible social media optimization and security technology and make it easy for the top search engines to crawl our sites as soon as possible after you update your Profile, Listings, Content and links so that you can gain the maximum benefit and build your personal, professional and business brands. Right now if you search the “uzap” or “UZAP” keywords the UZAP knowledge Marketplace and or our UZAP page come up as top #1 or #2 Organic search result on the world’s major Search engines including Google, Bing, Yahoo, Ask, Blekko, Yandex, and DuckDuckGo. So why be one of millions of results when you can join at the top with UZAP. The old adage states that Knowledge is Power – so why not put the real time power of the UZAP teams knowledge to work for you towards building your brands today?
Please note that all basic personal, professional and business “brand” Listings are free. Keep any eye out for our premium custom content features and enhanced UZAP™ Power package branding services designed to help you accelerate your SVMSEO branding efforts and our new programs as we continue to roll out our exciting UZAP knowledge engines road-map.
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Contact UZAP™
Harvey Lawner, President & CEO
UZAP™ 2.0 Social Marketplace
[email protected]
“UZAP” your Brands with UZAP™ Power Packages and Custom Content Services! Knowledge is Power! Leverage the UZAP™ platform and Put the Power of the UZAP teams’ Social Media Marketing knowledge to work for You today! Click for UZAP™ Power Packaged Servicess FREE – Are you interested in promoting you...