Natural Awakenings Magazine - Naples and Fort Myers Area

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From Melancholy to Sweet Remembrance“No loss is felt more keenly than the loss of what might have been. No nostalgia hur...

From Melancholy to Sweet Remembrance

“No loss is felt more keenly than the loss of what might have been. No nostalgia hurts as much as nostalgia for things that never existed,” says Rabih Alameddine in one of his poignant novels, and his words strike a chord, especially during the holidays. As another year takes a bow at the stroke of midnight, it is easy for many of us to succumb to grief for what we have never tasted. Those of us that lost what is cherished can feel homesick for times that might never come again.

Much of our society—as well as our inner emotional landscape—is molded by unrealistic family ideals. The holidays can serve up dark times and memories for those that have struggled through a dysfunctional dynamic, and can trigger trauma. Isolating ourselves and turning down invitations might seem like the only way of coping, but there is a fine line between being a prisoner of the past and living joyously in the present.

The willingness to create fresh memories or start new traditions with loved ones can be a soul-soothing balm. For those traversing a solitary path, novel activities and social gatherings can provide something to look forward to during the festive season. Feeding pigeons in the park, gifting a delicious dessert to a mail carrier, attending a religious service or having a winter picnic can help us find a sweet spot that tempers the holiday blues.

Although the world is decked with festive reminders, some people mourn a rapidly changing society, but we can maintain surer footing when we remind ourselves to tap into beauty within reach, change monotonous customs and move forward while looking back with nostalgia.




📣 It’s time to Empty the Shelters! 🎉

Meet Mel! Pictured with our Development Director Lori, Mel is a very wonderfully tempered dog that is often out with our volunteers. Find out more by clicking on the link here-

From December 1–17, we’re partnering with BISSELL Pet Foundation and Cathy Bissell to help adult pets find forever homes.
🐶 Adult Dogs under 90 days in the shelter: $50
🐶 Adult Dogs over 90 days in the shelter: $25
🐱 Adult Cats: $20
🐾 Puppies and kittens excluded.

Adopt, save a life, and make the holidays special for you and a furry friend! 🐾



Pet Happy: How Animals Help Kids ThriveAs any parent whose child has begged long and hard for a puppy or kitty can testi...

Pet Happy: How Animals Help Kids Thrive

As any parent whose child has begged long and hard for a puppy or kitty can testify, animals are close to children’s hearts. Up to 90 percent of kids are lucky enough to live with a pet at some point in their childhood, and studies show the effects can be profound for their health, character development and well-being.

Kids and pets seem to share a deep and special bond. “Kids often recognize a kindred spirit in animals, especially pets. Like children, pets are cared for and nurtured in families by big people who get to make the rules,” says Gail F. Melson, Ph.D., professor emeritus of developmental studies at Purdue University and the author of Why the Wild Things Are: Animals in the Lives of Children.

In one of Melson’s studies, 40 percent of 5-year-olds said that they turn to their pets when they feel sad, angry or have a secret to share. Children with pets demonstrate more empathy toward their peers and are less anxious and withdrawn than children without pets, her research shows. A University of Cambridge (UK) study reported that kids were happier with their dogs and cats than with their brothers and sisters.

Pets enhance kids’ health. A study by UK’s Warwick University found that children with pets had more robust immune systems and attended school an extra nine days on average each year compared to those without pets. Early exposure can be optimal: Babies living in homes with two or more dogs and cats are less than half as likely by age 7 to develop reactions to indoor and outdoor allergens like pet dander, dust mites and ragw**d, reports a Medical College of Georgia study.

Pets can have a measurable impact on children with special conditions. In a University of Massachusetts Medical School study of young people with Type 1 diabetes published in PLOS ONE, those that actively helped care for family pets were 2.5 times more likely to have well-controlled blood sugar levels, perhaps by learning the importance of daily routines. In families with an autistic child, owning a dog reduces stress and significantly improves interactions, benefits that grow over time, report UK University of Lincoln researchers.

Pets build social skills. According to a large American Humane study, small pets like guinea pigs and reptiles in third- and fourth-grade classrooms improve students’ levels of communication, cooperation, responsibility, empathy, engagement and self-control. Pets can also train kids to set boundaries. Growing up in Verona, Wisconsin, twins McKenna and Samara Fagan became skillful at stopping their 70-pound golden retrievers and great Pyrenees from jumping on them, stealing their toys or persisting after a petting period had concluded. “As girls, they learned how to create boundaries not just with words, but also with body language and energy,” says their mother, Tia Fagan, a certified conscious parenting and authenticity coach. Now, she says, the 20-year-olds know “how to create and hold healthy boundaries with people.”

Pets teach responsibility. “A child who knows that every day they will need to walk the dog (if it’s safe), feed the dog (with guidance) or even scoop the yard, will thrive on the routine of care and often will feel a confidence boost because they are taking care of their dog. This is empowering for kids who may not have much control over other things in their lives,” says Antoinette Martin of Cornelius, North Carolina, head veterinarian with the online vet locator Hello Ralphie.

Pets teach the cycles of life. Because pets have shorter life spans than humans, surveys indicate that about 80 percent of children first experience death when a beloved pet dies, offering a teachable moment for the whole family, says Melson. Veterinarian Michelle Burch’s 3-year-old daughter grieved when the family dog died, but the child was encouraged to express her sadness and was helped by the award-winning book Dog Heaven, by Cynthia Rylant. A year later, “She loves to bring up her dog Baxter to strangers and how he is in dog heaven, but she knows that not all animals will stay on Earth forever,” says Burch, veterinarian for the pet insurance site

Difficult as the grief is, it’s still worth it, says Fagan. “Our pets have taught my children that to give and receive love unconditionally is the greatest gift of all and is worth the sadness and pain we feel when they pass.”

Caring for Anxious Pets While We’re Away: How To Choose the Right Kennel or Pet SitterAll pets, including cats and dogs,...

Caring for Anxious Pets While We’re Away: How To Choose the Right Kennel or Pet Sitter

All pets, including cats and dogs, can feel distress when their routine or environment changes. Long-term stress can weaken their immune system, leading to behavioral problems or illness. It is essential to find ways to reduce anxiety when leaving a pet with a kennel or sitter.

Stress During Owner Absence
A report by Zoetis, an animal health company, the Federation of European Companion Animal Veterinary Associationsand the Human Animal Bond Research Institute shows that the bond between pets and their owners provides both physical and mental benefits. When this bond is interrupted, even temporarily, pets may become anxious. Staying in a kennel or with an unfamiliar pet sitter can cause feelings of insecurity and stress, which can negatively impact their mental health.

Their anxiety may manifest through destructive behaviors, excessive barking or meowing, or aggression. Changes in appetite, pacing and excessive grooming are also common indicators of tension. Pets that are particularly attached to their owners may experience heightened levels of the stress hormone cortisol in their absence, making them more susceptible to anxiety in new environments.

Repeated exposure to stressful separations can result in chronic anxiety, which may damage the bond between pets and their owners, creating lasting behavioral issues that make it difficult for pets to reconnect when their owners return.

Priorities for Anxious Pets
Beth Hrnciar, a holistic pet health coach and trainer in Connecticut, emphasizes the importance of considering a pet’s anxiety level when setting care priorities. For pets with mild anxiety, she recommends ensuring the pet sitter is able to provide over-the-counter anxiety relief supplements. “It is also crucial that the kennel or sitter knows how to use calming products, such as a "Thundershirt or a calming collar,” Hrnciar advises. For more severe anxiety, she recommends trial runs to help the pet acclimate and become familiar with the staff.

Hrnciar also recommends choosing facilities that offer a safe space for pets that are anxious about fireworks or storms, opting for kennels or sitters with secure enclosures and amenities like white noise machines or calming soundtracks.

Experience, Cleanliness and Routine
“Anxious pets need experienced caregivers,” Hrnciar asserts. “While some anxiety is normal and may decrease as a pet adjusts to a new environment or routine, it is crucial to have someone who can provide a quiet space for them to relax.” Someone without the right experience may not fully understand how frightened an animal is and how they might injure themselves while trying to escape from a stressful situation.

Cleanliness is critical, Hrnciar notes, particularly for pets that self-soothe by chewing. A clean environment prevents infections from unsanitary conditions.
“Dogs thrive on structure,” she says. “Regular feeding and walking schedules help reduce stress in nervous dogs.” Caregivers should maintain the routine established during trial visits, allowing pets to feel more secure by knowing what to expect.

“Cats are creatures of habit,” Hrnciar explains. It is important to keep anxious cats in familiar environments—maintaining their regular routine is key. Pet sitters should avoid introducing new scents or sounds, and, if possible, visit beforehand to build trust with the pet.

Questions for Potential Pet Sitters
“Knowing who will be handling your pet and their qualifications is essential for ensuring the pet’s safety and comfort,” says Hrnciar. To find the right sitter for an anxious pet, ask about their experience with similar animals. For pets that are wary of strangers, it is important to ensure the sitter understands how to give them space to adjust. Ask kennels about group play, temperament testing, dietary accommodations and emergency protocols.

Holistic Strategies
“Socialization should be tailored to each pet. Introduce anxious animals to new settings at their own pace,” Hrnciar advises. For pets that are accustomed to being around other animals, group play can offer comfort and help ease their nerves.

Hrnciar highlights the benefits of calming scents, such as essential oils and pheromone sprays, for reducing stress. Pairing these with calming music or therapeutic tools like pulsed electromagnetic field pads or light therapy can create a soothing environment for anxious pets.

For severe anxiety, Hrnciar recommends natural remedies over pharmaceuticals. “Properly sourced CBD [cannabidiol], calming mushrooms and essential oils can offer significant relief with minimal side effects,” she advises. She also encourages exploring zoopharmacognosy—a method where animals self-select herbs, flowers and other natural remedies to restore balance to their systems. This approach allows pets to tap into their natural instincts, potentially finding relief in a more intuitive way.

Fermenting for Foodies: Preserving Food and TraditionsIf fermented food is a trend, it’s the oldest one on the planet. M...

Fermenting for Foodies: Preserving Food and Traditions

If fermented food is a trend, it’s the oldest one on the planet. More and more people are rediscovering the time-honored foodways of fermentation to promote health, boost flavor and preserve the bounty of the seasons. “There is huge potential to use high-quality fermented foods to enhance our health and well-being,” says Sandor Katz, a so-called “fermentation revivalist”, in Liberty, Tennessee, and the author of several bestselling books on fermentation, including the newly released Sandor Katz’s Fermentation Journeys: Recipes, Techniques, and Traditions from Around the World.

Katz caught the fermentation bug after moving from New York City to rural Tennessee in the 1990s and being faced with the “positive problem” of an overly plentiful garden to preserve. He’s since wandered the globe teaching and learning about fermentation traditions, from Korea’s spicy kimchi to Mexico’s funky pineapple tepache drink.

Fermentation is defined as the chemical breakdown of a food by bacteria, yeasts or other microorganisms. An estimated one-third of all foods are fermented, including coffee, cured meats, cheese, condiments and chocolate. Pickles and yogurt are traditionally fermented through lactic acid bacteria, while beer and bread are typically fermented through yeast. Kombucha, an ancient tea drink, is made using a symbiotic culture of yeast and bacteria.

Pascal Baudar, a Los Angeles writer, instructor and self-proclaimed “culinary alchemist,” turned to fermentation techniques to preserve the precious wild ingredients of the fleeting seasons. His books and workshops cover unusual culinary territory, like fermented and aged vegan cheeses from acorns and “seaw**d” made from fermented broadleaf plantain, a common w**d, using methods he’s studied and perfected. “I investigate new and lost flavors, and conserve them as gourmet foods through preservation,” he says.

Fermentation with Benefits
Fermentation transforms the nutrients in food in several ways, Katz explains. In a process known as predigestion, it breaks macronutrients down into more digestible forms (think proteins turned into amino acids) and renders minerals more bioavailable. Gluten, too, is broken down by fermentation, he says, as are potentially toxic compounds in foods such as cyanide and oxalic acid. The process also releases vitamins B and K and other micronutrients as metabolic byproducts.

Fermentation reduces the short-chain carbohydrates that are poorly absorbed in the small intestine and are prone to absorb water and ferment in the colon, causing gas and bloating. Found in wheat, beans and other foods, they can pose digestive problems for people with irritable bowel syndrome and other conditions, says Tayler Silfverduk, a registered dietitian nutritionist in Columbus, Ohio, specializing in celiac disease.

“The most profound nutritional benefit of fermentation is the live bacteria itself. You are ingesting a rich biodiversity of beneficial bacteria that can potentially improve immune function,” says Katz, an AIDS survivor who considers fermentation an important part of his healing process.

No Starter Required
“There is nothing you can eat that can’t be fermented, but the easiest and safest place to begin is with vegetables,” which need no special equipment or a starter like sourdough, kefir or kombucha, says Katz. To make sauerkraut, for example, simply shred cabbage, lightly salt and season it, and submerge it in a jar under its own juices, “burping” it daily for a week to 10 days to release the fermentation gases.

Katz and Baudar both like to debunk myths that fermenting foods is difficult or dangerous. “You don’t have to sterilize everything or have precise laboratory control conditions. People have been practicing fermentation for years, and they began before they knew bacteria was a thing. To the contrary, fermentation is a strategy for food safety,” says Katz.

While yeast or mold can grow on the top layer that is exposed to oxygen, Katz says “a lot of sauerkraut is needlessly discarded. Most such growth is harmless and normal, and can be skimmed off the top.”

Baudar, a University of California Master Food Preserver, has kept foods he’s fermented for up to three years and only once encountered mold. “You need to work with the ferment,” he says. “That means regularly burping it, then shaking or stirring to promote the acidity that prevents bad bacteria from taking hold.”

“If it looks or tastes bad, throw it away,” he adds. “Some of my early experiments tasted horrible, but I just took my failures as learning and kept experimenting. The more you understand the fermentation process, the more you can play with it creatively and push the envelope.”

A Symphony of Skill-Building: How Music Spurs Childhood DevelopmentFor adults, music has the power to instill feelings o...

A Symphony of Skill-Building: How Music Spurs Childhood Development

For adults, music has the power to instill feelings of joy, relaxation and calmness, or to motivate us when we are exercising or performing a task, but for children, there are added benefits. Whether listening to a live orchestra, engaging in rhythmic games, learning to play an instrument or singing in a choir, musical pursuits have been proven to help with early brain development and teach kids important life skills.

Building a Better Brain

Researchers at the University of Washington Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences discovered that play sessions with music helped 9-month-old babies learn to detect rhythmic patterns, an important skill for both music and speech. According to lead author Christina Zhao, “This means that early, engaging musical experiences can have a more global effect on cognitive skills.”

In a five-year study involving 6- and 7-year-olds, neuroscientists at the University of Southern California Brain and Creativity Institute, in partnership with the Los Angeles Philharmonic, found that music instruction appeared to accelerate brain development in young kids, particularly in the areas of the brain responsible for processing sound, language development, speech perception and reading skills.

“Music learning, such as studying to play a musical instrument or singing in tune, are very complex activities for the brain. They use multiple senses but also require those senses to interact and exchange information in a highly synchronized way,” explains Dr. Anita Collins, founder of Bigger Better Brains and author of The Music Advantage: How Music Helps Your Child Develop, Learn, and Thrive. She asserts that complex musical activities are like full-body workouts for the brain, which sharpen a child’s ability to solve problems and think creatively and divergently. As these skills are mastered, they can be transferred to other types of brain activities.

Collins advises that singing to and with children at a young age can help them gain control of their voices, as well as their speech enunciation and processing, and to hear nuances in sounds. She recommends interacting with the world of sound while outdoors and adds, “Getting a young child to focus their ears onto a particular sound can help train auditory attention, which trains the attention network in general.”

Kids need to listen actively, rather than passively, most of the time, Collins notes. “Passive music listening is hearing music in a mall. Active music listening is focusing our auditory processing on a particular instrument, on the melody line over the bass line or mirroring the rhythmic ostinato of the drum part.”

Silence also plays an important role in early development. “The biggest mistake is not thinking about a child’s auditory environment and always having the TV on or having a highly stimulating auditory environment all the time. Children need variety in their food, and sound is food for the brain. They need quiet times, unusual sounds, unexpected sounds and repetitive sounds,” says Collins.

Learning Life Skills

Joan Koenig, author of The Musical Child: Using the Power of Music to Raise Children Who Are Happy, Healthy, and Whole, says that engaging in a musical practice can help kids develop language awareness and social skills. Such positive results are possible even without expensive music classes or instruments.

Simple call-and-response exercises can be effective in the brain development of babies and toddlers. “We are an orchestra within ourselves; we can create rhythm, melody and harmony,” Koenig explains. “A parent or caregiver can initiate a call-and-response game by singing a song, tapping a wooden spoon on pots and pans or singing nonsense words. Babies will imitate it. When the baby is involved in this game during the first year of life, they are experiencing a connection with the person that’s doing it. It is visceral proof that they are being listened to and understood long before the development of language. You’re giving them the building blocks for both music and language. It’s about repetition and engagement.”

Basic life skills can also be learned with the assistance of music. “A march-and-stop song game allows children to practice stopping something fun and waiting, which can carry over to stopping when we’re upset and waiting until we have a thoughtful response,” says Elise Pennington, chair of the early childhood program at the Wisconsin Conservatory of Music, in Milwaukee. “Playing games like Ring Around the Rosie or Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes can help with a number of areas. Enrolling in an organized music class where children are active participants and being challenged will help exercise a wider range of skills in a deeper way.”

“When children or adults make music together, they become part of the musical creation,” Koenig says. “When a young child feels this kind of visceral belonging, anxiety is low and empathy and confidence are high. These are the ideal conditions for all learning.”

Converting Food to Energy: Learning How Metabolism WorksMetabolism is the process by which the foods and drinks we consu...

Converting Food to Energy: Learning How Metabolism Works

Metabolism is the process by which the foods and drinks we consume are converted into energy. We may not notice the cellular mechanisms that transform fat and glucose into the oomph in our step, but when they start to wane, we definitely know something is wrong. We may feel lethargic and weak, our brains may get foggy or we may start putting on weight around the belly, with blood pressure, blood glucose and triglyceride levels on the rise. In most cases, modifying our diet is the most powerful way to regain vitality and get those biomarkers back on track.

“Metabolic imbalance occurs when the body stores fat but can’t access it or burn it as efficiently,” says Alan Christianson, a naturopathic physician and author of The Metabolism Reset Diet: Repair Your Liver, Stop Storing Fat and Lose Weight Naturally. “In one year, our bodies manage about 1 million calories in and out. We never get exactly what we need on any day, so we must be able to store and release energy in a healthy fashion. However, people get better at storing and poorer at releasing. This is a big part of gradual weight gain and accompanying fatigue.”

Christianson describes good metabolic health as having steady energy levels and maintaining a good body weight. “When there’s too little energy available and the body can't make energy that well, I see symptoms of metabolic imbalance as mental fatigue and poor memory, less muscular endurance, less recovery from exercise, weight gain and resistance to weight loss,” he explains. “If not addressed, metabolic imbalance can develop into obesity, cardiovascular disease, chronic kidney disease, insulin resistance, diabetes and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.”

According to Christianson, certain lifestyle choices can throw our metabolism out of balance, including the overconsumption of carbohydrates, processed foods and caffeine; frequent snacking and late-night meals; and poor sleep routines. Too much stress creates a hormonal cascade that promotes storing fat instead of using it.

James Forleo, a doctor of chiropractic and author of Health Is Simple, Disease Is Complicated, recommends the elimination of certain foods that wreak havoc on our metabolism: “The inflammatory agents in much of the food consumed in the Standard American Diet—high-glycemic refined carbohydrates, high-fructose corn syrup and other sugars, and hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated fats—are the biggest offenders of metabolic health.”

Correcting Liver Function

“The key mechanism to correct and maintain metabolic health is helping the liver to function well. Once corrected, it is not difficult to maintain metabolic health if people eat reasonably healthy,” Christianson advises. “The liver is the main site for storing the body’s fuel. It does this in the forms of glycogen and triglycerides. When things go wrong, there's too much of one relative to the other. We need some glycogen, which comes from carbohydrates, to burn triglycerides—kind of like how you need kindling to burn a log. The problem is triglyceride buildup in the liver.”

Fixing the liver is the central focus of Christianson’s 28-day metabolism reset. “To correct a fatty liver, you need adequate protein and adequate nutrients, but a low enough amount of total carbohydrates and healthy fats,” he says. “You also need adequate levels of glucose, a simple carbohydrate that we get from the food we eat. My metabolism reset guides you in eating less refined and processed foods, and more real, nutritious food; pairing carbohydrates with protein; exercising; managing stress levels; and avoiding sugar.”

Personalized Diet Plan and Nutritional Coaching

Metabolic Balance, a German-based company with certified nutrition coaches around the globe, helps people optimize their health with personalized diet plans and follow-up coaching sessions. “The program was created by Dr. Wolf Funfack, a specialist in internal and nutritional medicine, whose research revealed that every human body can produce all the hormones and enzymes it needs for healthy metabolism. We need to give it the necessary nutrients with the right food, which is precisely what Metabolic Balance does,” says Sylvia Egel, CEO and director of coaching and education.

"Based on an individual’s personal medical history and blood levels, we determine what substances the body lacks to produce all the enzymes and hormones necessary for their bodily functions,” she explains. “The personal roadmap recommends the right combination of foods to keep the various bodily functions in balance. The foods aren’t based on their caloric content, but rather on their essential components such as vitamins, minerals and trace elements, and the relationship between carbohydrates, fats and proteins.”

According to a 2010 study published in the Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, participation in the Metabolic Balance program led to long-term health improvements due to a high degree of adherence by the participants. According to the researchers, “The emphasis of any dietary program should be set on both the aspect of nutrition as well as the aspect of motivation.”

Cellular Inflammation – The Root Cause of All DiseaseJust as Sherlock Holmes investigated every clue until the crime was...

Cellular Inflammation – The Root Cause of All Disease

Just as Sherlock Holmes investigated every clue until the crime was solved and the culprit found, Doreen DeStefano, ARNP and owner of Root Causes Holistic Health & Medicine in Fort Myers, wasn’t about to give up until she uncovered what lies at the heart of every disease. Surprisingly, the tiniest offender was found— inflammation at the cellular level. Cells, the basic units of life, perform all of life’s essential functions, and when they become inflamed, problems arise.

Inflamed cells are congested, which disrupts their functions and causes symptoms throughout the body. Inflammation, an immune response triggered by infection, injury, or toxins, is often the underlying cause of chronic disease, as it disrupts hormonal signaling networks across the body. When inflammation becomes chronic or misdirected, it can lead to a range of health issues, including autoimmune diseases, diabetes, and heart disease. Symptoms of inflammation include swelling, muscle and joint pain, fatigue, redness, stiffness, immobility, depression, brain fog, anxiety, neuropathy, and diabetes.

“I believe the future of medicine lies in the control of cellular inflammation, which is achieved through consistent, anti-inflammatory nutrition,” says DeStefano.

Understanding cellular inflammation is essential for developing strategies to treat or prevent inflammation-related diseases and promote overall health. This is because inflammation initiates chronic disease and disrupts hormonal signaling networks in the body.

Factors such as diet, stress, lack of exercise, and environmental toxins also influence cellular inflammation. Anti-inflammatory diets rich in omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants, along with regular physical activity and stress management, can help reduce chronic inflammation and lower the risk of disease.

“More people today suffer from chronic conditions caused by cellular and systemic inflammation, which eventually becomes chronic. The challenge is that inflammation is often linked to lifestyle which generally requires multiple changes,” advises DeStefano.

Putting Out the Fire of Cellular Inflammation

To test her theory on reducing cellular inflammation, DeStefano developed a three-phase program and enlisted her staff at Root Causes to assist in the research. First, each participant was tested to identify their level of inflammation on a scale from one to five.

“The program has three phases, each lasting one month. The first phase is a whole-body detoxification focused on restoring the cell's ability to perform its functions. We use Systemic Formulas, which are high-quality nutritional supplements, to help patients achieve optimal benefits,” she explains.

The second phase is a purification process that opens the detoxification pathways for cells in the liver, kidneys, lymphatic system, colon, and skin. The third phase targets the release of persistent organic pollutants (POPs)—toxins stored in fat cells (adipose tissue) from food and the environment. These toxins can contribute to weight gain and increase the risk of chronic diseases like high blood pressure and diabetes, as they alter gene expression in fat cells.

Treatment Packages Offered

Root Causes offers in-office packages for the Cellular Inflammation Program, which includes intravenous therapies, a chi machine, red light therapies, various EMF therapies, and a Webber laser helmet to address symptoms like brain fog and fatigue—common indicators of cellular inflammation. “Brain fog and fatigue are the two most consistent complaints I hear. I often have patients say, ‘I’m tired and can’t concentrate,’ especially since Hurricane Ian. Mold is a major toxic contributor in our area post-Ian. Many people are living in moldy environments because they have no other option,” says DeStefano.

Based on an individual’s response, DeStefano may recommend testing for specific toxins, such as environmental toxins, mold, heavy metals, or a combination. “We avoid releasing heavy metals into the bloodstream as they can cause harm. For those cases, we use IV chelation, oral, or suppository treatments, or a combination. The program has produced excellent results for me and my staff.”

Root Causes Holistic Health & Medicine is located at 12734 Kenwood Lane, Unit #56, in Fort Myers. For more information, call 239-347-9234 or visit


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