Average to Exceptional
How many things in your lives are average? Just OK, the same as everyone else? What would happen if you turned it around and looked at what is exceptional in your life? Can you think of something in your life that actually is exceptional? Let’s start with the fact that YOU are even here, alive, right now? Think about it. In the whole world, all the people in your family’s history...if ANY one of them met someone else and had children, YOU would not be here! THAT is exceptional! You learned how to walk, talk, read, write, think and add something to this world! Everybody does that, it must be average. Maybe you had a family of your own and created life? Lots of people do that, so it’s just average. Maybe you started a business and struggled to get it going and hired people and gave them jobs and they were able to feed and clothe their own families? Lots of people have success stories, that’s no big deal, it’s average, too.
Average is a sad word. It’s boring, lifeless, plain. But Exceptional is a POWER word! It has life, energy, purpose! People pay attention to those who are exceptional. They want to be around people who are exceptional. Which one do you want to be? You can be like everyone else, average, going through motions, getting by. Or you can DECIDE to be exceptional. Those success stories aren’t because they were better than anyone else. It’s because they made a decision, a choice, to stand up and stand out. They chose to make a difference, they chose their playing field. They decided that they were going to live life on their terms.
There are 3 points I’d like you to consider:
1. Feed your mind. Read books that help you grow into excellence.
2. Ask for help. The most exceptional people didn’t get there themselves, and it takes courage to admit you can’t do it alone.
3. You become the 5 people you spend the most time with. Get around those who are where you want to be. If you can’t get around them, refer to step number 1.
External motivation is just that, external. It is the “want” of things. Money, cars, the girl, the guy, the house, the respect, the being noticed, the being appreciated and feeling valued. The people around you and society in general told us that these “things” are important. Maybe they are, but it is a learned habit. Just like learning to read and write, the value of “things” is learned as well.
Internal motivation is completely different. It is the knowing that “I AM”. I AM important to someone. I AM valued. I AM significant. I AM worthy. It is also something that you have to learn. Too many people believe that they are a failure if they don’t have certain ‘things” or reach certain levels in the company or have the spouse of your dreams. People begin to believe they’ve “settled”.
I would like to suggest that there is no such thing as “failure”. If you don’t do anything else, please remove that one word from your vocabulary. Failure is nothing more than a thought. I would like for you to consider “ What Else Is Possible”. Every action you take produces a result. If you did not achieve the desired result, that is NOT a failure. It is a reminder to change your actions.
If you don’t CHANGE anything, you don’t change ANYTHING.
It’s your turn to choose. It’s your decision. It’s a state of mind. It will not be easy, being exceptional will bring you to your knees, you will cry you will hurt, you will fall, but you will rise again, and be seen. You will win, if you believe that you are exceptional. If you’re reading this, you’re already on the road to being exceptional. Congratulations!
I’ll be waiting for you.