Omg what a #TBT 😂 I FORGET how huge I was with baby Matteo. This was exactly a year ago... just days before our miracle baby was born.
My cravings while pregnant? pineapple 🍍, ice water and any vegetables (I could not see or smell meat or anything that moo 🐮 or had feathers 🐓 ).
Any fears? That I wouldn’t have any diapers or baby wipes or the every day things you need for a newborn bc of the international pandemic everything was out of stock. Oh and that I had to wear a mask 😷 while in labor (ÓSEA!!!)
Did I fear labor? Nah! I remember hubby @drtigrettendo wanted me to watch all these videos on labor and I fell asleep 😬. I figured, what you don’t know can’t hurt you.
Hardest thing of being pregnant? My nausea. It lasted the entire pregnancy and a month after baby was born. In my life I have vomited 🤮 so much. I could smell anything miles away. I was so miserable in wine country bc everywhere you walk anytime of the year there is always an aroma. I am already very sensitive to smells and this was 1000x more. Hubby was encouraging me to be a sommelier. 🙄
Did I miss wine 🍷 ? Nope. I did miss my bubbles 🥂. I was craving @schramsberg so bad and sushi 🍣 towards the end of my pregnancy.
What I loved the most on being pregnant? How everyone was so nice to me. I was in shock. And seeing how my body changed, it was hilarious 🤣 every time I saw myself dancing. Seeing my big belly while dancing, feeling Matteo move and hearing his heart beat. 😍🙏🏼
Do I love to be pregnant? Believe it or not, yes. I know. I am crazy. 🤪
What would I do different? Journal my experience. And take my time while pushing for labor to have avoided my 4 degree tear. 🙈 You live and you learn. I am a Capricorn super competitive and when doc told me to push... well I pushed and 3 minutes later Matteo was in my arms. No joke. In labor for 32 hrs but pushed for 3 minutes. 🙈🙉🙊
Thank to my amazing supportive and loving hubby. I wou
Love Wednesday so so much!! I get to swim with mi lil 🐬. Today it was underwater photo day with Nicole @apoppyphoto . So much fun... here’s a behind the scenes . You know how much I love photos + swimming 🏊♀️!!
Thank you @makaiswimschoolnapa for organizing the underwater photo day today.
P.S I changed my #winewednesday for #swimwednesdays 😍