Dozens of Hispanic Ministries coordinators paused for lunch during day 3 of the annual El Centinela seminar.
Did you know . . .
❖ An average 50” roll of paper is 47,827 feet long, which is over 9 miles!
In 2023, we used:
❖ 4,851,974 pounds of paper on the web presses
❖ 3,762,573 sheets of paper on the sheet-fed press
❖ 73,165.8 pounds of ink on all presses
Signs of the Times News Boxes, Reaching Communities for 30 Years
Signs News Boxes, Reaching Communities for 30 Years
Nampa, Idaho—Outside many public buildings, such as a post office or business complex, you often see metal boxes filled with assorted print matter. Any of those boxes might be one of the 7,000 Signs news boxes placed outside businesses across North America. Each bright yellow Signs news box is stocked with copies of the latest Signs of the Times® magazines, free for the taking.
Signs news boxes have been around for thirty years. In that time, passersby have picked up more than two million magazines. And through those magazines, thousands of readers have requested Voice of Prophecy Bible study guides.
Signs news boxes work.
Shane and Amanda stood outside of a thrift store in a Wisconsin town. A Signs news box caught Shane’s eye. The wording on the side of the box said “Free,” so he took one of the Signs magazines. As Shawn leafed through the magazine, an article about Sunday in the New Testament caught his attention. Sometime later, Amanda noticed there were Signs of the Times® magazines on the counter in her chiropractor’s office.
“Hey,” she told the receptionist, “I read that magazine.”
“You know,” the receptionist responded, “the gentleman who brings these magazines to us also conducts a weekly Bible study. He would love to have you join his group.” Eventually, both Shane and Amanda ended up at the Bible study and soon began attending the local Seventh-day Adventist Church. In that church family they found love and acceptance, along with the truth they had been seeking for so many years. In time, their faith grew and they were baptized into an eternal relationship with Jesus Christ.
How Signs News Boxes Got Started
In April 1991, Pastor Kurt Johnson, then Personal Ministries and Sabbath School Director in the Oregon Conference, got a phone call. It was Chad McComas, pastor of the Corvallis, Oregon, Seventh-day Adventist Church. He wanted to place Signs magazines in the stude
Spring! Baby Ducks
We know spring is here when Pacific Press’s Sugar Beet Lake is teeming with newly-hatched water fowl, following close behind their mamas. Dad is usually keeping watch over the crew from a few feet away.
What can we learn about God from baby ducks and geese?
Happy New Year!
The staff of Pacific Press,, and Adventist Book Center retail locations wish you and yours and healthy, happy, and blessed 2020!
GSAA Soundwave Bell Choir
The Gem State Adventist Academy elite bell choir, Soundwave, performed a number of beautiful hymns for PPPA’s morning worship today. Enjoy “All Creatures of Our God and King,” hymn #2.
🌧 here in Nampa, Idaho. How’s your weather?
Eric, from the Sojourners Pathfinder Club, stopped by the Pacific Press and Guide Magazine booth at #Chosen2019 to spread some love. He "loves Guide Magazine!"
#pacificpress #adventistbooks #pathfinders #camporee #oshkosh2019 #guidemagazine #likeleavesofautumn #2019Chosen
Illustrated Desire of Ages by Ellen G. White
Illustrated Desire of Ages. Full text, beautiful pictures. Now available for sharing for as little as $3.99 each!
The Desire of Ages tells the story of the greatest spiritual leader the world has ever known, the One around whom all of human history turns—Jesus Christ.
It brings the stories of Jesus to life so vividly that you will feel as if you are right there. But more important, it reveals a God of love, the One who can satisfy the deepest longings of your heart.
Within these pages, you will find answers to the questions we all ask, reassurance that we are here for a reason, and hope that our lives today are not all there is. You will see that God is love and that He loves you.
This illustrated version of the classic book on the life of Christ is perfect for sharing the story of Jesus with others.
#Adventist #SDA Ellen G. White Ellen G. White Estate Ellen G. White Estate Branch- Philippines
The Devotional Clear Word
Have you always wanted to read through the Bible in a year?
Let me guess, Genesis and Exodus go great, around Leviticus it starts to get hard—by Deuteronomy you've lost motivation.
The Devotional Clear Word can help! 365 days of readings. Each day features a section from the Old Testament, the New Testament, and Psalms or Proverbs. And best of all, this is The Clear Word, the paraphrase by Jack Blanco that so many have come to love. Beautiful color pictures and inspirational quotes will make your personal worship a pleasure.
Save $5 with the introductory price of only $34.99 during December.
See The Devotional Clear Word today at your local Adventist Book Center, order by phone at (800) 765-6955, or order online at