I’ve thought a lot about this day.
The fear of judgment.
The sadness of failure.
The finality of the decision.
The joy that another dream is moving in my life.
The confidence in His will.
The peace in knowing that seeds were laid and will day be reaped.
It is time for me to say “See ya later” to Mustard Seed Media. It is beyond bittersweet and I feel like I could write a book simply on my gratitude for what this business has meant to me.
Mustard Seed replanted confidence in my heart. It reminded me that I am worthy, that He is more than able, that no matter how the world may try to tear me down, that I have the capacity to carry joy in my heart and plant seeds of gratitude and kindness everywhere I go.
While praying over the words to share, I saw a testimony from someone I admire discussing the lense through which he views failure. “I choose not see failure as the world sees failure, because I don’t see my life the way the world does. I see it through the eyes of my Creator, and His word tells me that ALL things work together for the goodness of those who have been called by Christ Jesus for a purpose.”
I want to see my life through the eyes of my Creator and step confidently into this next season knowing that this business worked for the good.
Thank you friends for all of the support, the kindness, the encouragement, and the sharing of my business.
Thank you to all of my clients who trusted me with their brands and businesses — you were a gift to me in more ways than you know. I hope you walked away feeling happier, more secure, and more grateful for the important work you do every day as a small business owner.
Because you are so very important.
To my beloved small business community, please do not give up. Please keep going, keep believing, and know that you are seen and so, so loved. If there is EVER anything I can do for you, please let me know. I will always be your #1 fan.
See ya later, Mustard Seed. I’m not sure if and when I’ll be back, but I’ll count it all joy either way.