Here is this weeks Arts, Cultural and Entertainment Minute for Friday February 14th
Thank you for supporting our talented Musicians, Venues and Hard Working staff
that keep it all going.
Have a great week and be safe.
Please don’t drink and drive. !
Also if you can Please tune in to
ChefStuarto’s The All Around The World Music Show
at 8:00PM pacific Worldwide at
Also on Terrestrial at KSVR 91.7FM or at KSVU 90.1FM
Take care
Here is this week’s Arts, Cultural, and Entertainment Minute for
Friday October 18th 2024.
Thanks for supporting our local Musicians, Venues and hard working Staffs ..
Remember! Please don’t drink and drive.
Concert this saturday at the Tarro Theater at Skagit Valley College !
Here is
ChefStuarto with Rhonda E. with this week’s Arts, Cultural and Entertainment Minute for Friday October 4th 2024
Thank you for supporting our talented and hard working
Musicians, Artists, Venues and amazing staff!
Have a safe and great weekend and enjoy yourselves to the MAX!
And remember!!!
Please Don’t Drink And Drive!
Take care of each other .
Here is
ChefStuarto with Rhonda E. with this week’s Arts, Cultural and Entertainment Minute for Friday September 27 th 2024
Thank you for supporting our talented and hard working
Musicians, Artists, Venues and amazing staff!
Have a safe and great weekend and enjoy yourselves to the MAX!
And remember!!!
Please Don’t Drink And Drive!
Take care of each other .
ACE 9-20-24
Here is
ChefStuarto with Rhonda E. with this week’s
Arts, Cultural and Entertainment Minute
for Friday September 20th2024
Thank you for supporting our talented and hard working
Musicians, Artists, Venues and amazing staff!
Welcome to OYSTER RUN 2024!!
Have a safe and great weekend and enjoy yourselves to the MAX!
And remember!!!
Please Don’t Drink And Drive!
Take care of each other .
ACE 9 13 24
Here is
ChefStuarto with Rhonda E. with this week’s
Arts, Cultural and Entertainment Minute
for Friday September 13th 2024
Thank you for supporting our talented and hard working
Musicians, Artists, Venues and amazing staff!
Have a safe and great week and enjoy yourself to the MAX!
And remember!!!
Please Don’t Drink And Drive!
Take care,
This week’s A.C.E. 9/6/24
Here is
ChefStuarto with Rhonda E. with this week’s
Arts, Cultural and Entertainment Minute
for Friday September 6th 2024
Thank you for supporting our talented and hard working
Musicians, Artists, Venues and amazing staff!
Have a safe and great week and enjoy yourself to the MAX!
And remember!!!
Please Don’t Drink And Drive!
Take care,
Tune in tonight to ChefStuarto’s
The All Around The World Music Show
Starting at 8:00PM Pacific
streaming worldwide at
On terrestrial at
KSVR 91.7 FM and KSVU 90.1 FM
If you miss the show or want a replay
go to and choose
All Around The World Music Show
ACE 8-30-24
Here is
Rhonda E. and ChefStuarto with this week’s
Arts, Cultural and Entertainment Minute
for Friday August 30th 2024
Thank you for supporting our talented and hard working
Musicians, Artists, Venues and amazing staff!
Have a safe and great week and enjoy yourself to the MAX!
And remember!!!
Please Don’t Drink And Drive!
Take care,
This week’s ACE
Here is
Rhonda E. and ChefStuarto with this week’s
Arts, Cultural and Entertainment Minute
for Friday August 23rd 2024
Thank you for supporting our talented and hard working
Musicians, Artists, Venues and amazing staff!
Have a safe and great week and enjoy yourself to the MAX!
And remember!!!
Please Don’t Drink And Drive!
Take care,