During an experiment using dowsing rods and a sword used during a violent domestic dispute that happened at the Belle Plaine Murder House, we had some intelligent interactions. On more than one occasion the rod(s) followed the sword exactly how we asked it to. Here’s a sample of our results.
#ghost #ghosts #ghostsighting #ghosthunting #ghosthunter #paranormal #paranormalactivity #paranormalinvestigator #paranormalinvestigation #paranormalinvestigators #haunt #haunted #haunting #hauntings #hauntedmansion #hauntedhouse #hauntedhouses #poltergeist #demon #eidolon #destinationfear #ghostadventures #ghosthunters #ghostnation #deadfiles
Something was in the wrestling room with us at the Haunted YMCA Rock Island this past weekend. It apparently was not a fan of Molly, rattling her chair as it shuffled out of the room. Can you hear the footsteps over Molly's voice?
#ghost #ghosts #ghostsighting #ghostsightings #ghosthunter #ghosthunters #ghosthunting #paranormal #paranormalactivity #paranormalinvestigator #paranormalinvestigation #haunt #haunted #haunting #hauntings #poltergeist #demon #eidolon #destinationfear #projectfear #ghostnation #deadfiles