PA CareerLink Berks County
Here's a recent commercial we did for PA CareerLink. If you know someone that wants to get a new job or change careers, they are the ones to get in touch with to set you on the right course.
Have a safe and happy holiday!
Time Train #242 The New Penn Street Bridge
America The Beautiful
I'm posting this on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month. It is Veterans Day and to celebrate we're sharing a video clip of local artist and Grammy Award winning musician David Cullen. It was recorded as part of the Pennside Presbyterian Church's midweek devotion series "Hope For Today" that we have been producing for them since mid April this year. There is a lot of poison going around Facebook right now and when I heard David do this rendition of America The Beautiful, I knew I had to share it. Please listen to all of the verses. They carry a lot of meaning and right about now we need to come together as a nation and ask God to continue to shed his grace on us.
Happy Thanksgiving
Courtesy of our intern William Moat!
Come Fly With Us!
Here are a few drone shots from some of our recent productions.
Daniel Boone Christkindlmarket 2018
This is footage we shot last year. It's a great event and something fun to do this weekend!
Berks County United Way's Big Cheese 4 plus More!
The Berks County United Way's Big Cheese 4 + More event this year was a huge success! We were happy to be there to see a thousand of our neighbors get together to make 500,000 meals for more of our neighbors!
Time Train episode 204 - Ford's Model T
This is a Time Train episode that I especially enjoyed producing since my son Colin and his car was the focus of the interview.
Yuengling Brewery Tour
Another video in our series for the Schuylkill County Visitors Bureau. It's great when you are asked to enjoy samples at the end of a shoot!