From: Clear The Airwaves Project. Tonight! 1 hr. commitment to assist in filling out this database! Who's coming??
We are in need of some assistance in populating this database! Working on one of the projects jointly for just an hour on Wednesday:
Peace and Love Fam! We had a great meeting last week and are gearing up for the Nubian Leadership Summit on Saturday, Sept 24, 2022.
In preparation, we are having a virtual work session next Wednesday in order to populate our database of radio stations that play music that is debasing to our community. We are looking for a minimum of 3-5 [ ](https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/volunteers?__eep__=6&__gid__=819904101841705&__cft__[0]=AZVfrtSvS3ebpy_aIH87YNpWGCyfbQz_jkz2WtYo-vhHFb_NblHnXktYiVQq9An-v744c-Qr6d13ADKr0IPcI-0j3sz9RUpxoserkLO6Ze3t2cdyxxVCY-KV4yDgox6-egoswEbDIoPRqP8XQSLacFuGdNrybPuW5uQ5JdLg3yl2wwbBScszNFQVAN2_C0mN-6I&__tn__=*NK-R) to join us for an hour that day to help with this project. If you're interested, plz respond in the comments or send a DM.
Meeting information below!
EACC Work Session
Wednesday, Sep 21 · 5PM PST/ 7PM CST/ 8PM EST
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: [https://meet.google.com/hmd-cupi-ryp](https://meet.google.com/hmd-cupi-ryp?fbclid=IwAR0f8BkMAppXr9NCj4-QyWzQ6l4Zc2jxq9aUObc-QDOAufAfEKPSE9JCH_Q)
Or dial: +1 513-666-7338 PIN: 924298687
More phone numbers: [https://tel.meet/hmd-cupi-ryp?pin=9771295551](https://tel.meet/hmd-cupi-ryp?pin=9771295551&fbclid=IwAR1kkJpNDWpyh45uYwGdS6YmsUsx96tn226JHxsAbBUGRVseFzgHisPPGak)
Educate, Create and Activate! Assistance is needed in populating this database of commercial radio stations that broadcast content that calls us ni**er(a)s & bi*ches, and encourages us to shoot and kill each other. Resolutions have been passed in Wilmington, DE and Gary, IN condemning the "Death" music radio stations that specifically 'Target' Afrikan Children & Youth. A resolution has also been introduced in the New York City Council. Our goal with this Nubian Leadership Circle Work Project is to end the mass media onslaught of dangerous propaganda (programming) on commercial radio stations in cities all-across the United States of America and beyond. We understand that the current violence epidemic in the U.S. has a direct relationship to the disrepectful and violent propaganda in the music lyrics broadcast constantly on these radio station. We are looking forward to working with the team on next week to populate this important document. In addition, we hope to build with you all at the Nubian Leadership Circle Summit on the morning of Saturday the 24th of September! One Love!!
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