COMMUNITY SERVICE BEYOND the FCC Requirements For a Generation :
TV 10, [ w10BM , w06bC w05CB ] local low power TV - LPTV station : on the air since about 1994 in the Morehead Area , reaching out to Bath Carter Fleming & Rowan county . Cable box 5 or 114.1628 10.039 ( one or 2 clicks below 115.x or 11 & some TVs scan 114.8 or .9 or 114.6, or 114.100128 ? Hit 115 and down one or 2 or ch 5 on a Spectrum box. See when looking for basic info, links to a couple of FB groups too. This page is a Facebook generated page which was put up before I was forced to join in order to ‘capture’ and delete several duplicates. GROUPS are public or semi-private: TV 10 Newslines : LOCAL and State events & welcome or share what you see. BUY A DOG ~ SELL A HOG - over 13000 locals only, TV 10 WHEELS... FARM STUFF, RENTALS & for sell by owner , CRAFTY FRIENDS, all are just for our area about 19miles from Morehead or around the towns traditionally reached by cable or Antenna. THANKS FOR SUPPORTING LOCAL MEDIA , use it, support it, or like anything in a precarious economic climate of the “Coal Hole” economy things vanish. TV 10 does what I call ‘trickle UP “, economics, by helping move things out of not being utilized into the hands of those that need non-retail prices & put savings back in to the LOCAL economy, BUY LOCAL as you can so there is a chance it can ‘boomerang back’ to you , otherwise it is Ameri-gone crime *p**f*, never to return, & Fakes are never in fashion so don’t buy bootleg or counterfeit goods. If you see such report it . THANKS for watching and calling. QUESTIONS ? I will have answers & more ways you can help. QUESTIONS ? Contact me back at here or ^ use LINK TO FILE A COMPLAINT with FCC to keep ours as well as others many hundreds or more have already went dark.