TV10 Morehead Legacy

TV10 Morehead Legacy TV 10, local low power TV LPTV station on the air since about 1994 in the Morehead Area , reaching out to Bath Cart Fleming & Rowan county or beyond.

"TV 10" / TV10 Morehead" marketing ID for local TV studio: Commonly called "Buy a Dog~Sell a Hog" : Cable box 99(or 12) was Channel 5 for 21yrs from~1995 ~2016 Spectrum moved it to 99 /(12 Fleming Co.)135 Lee Cemetery Rd Morehead [Ky] until 2/18 2o22 Cable box 5 or 114.6128 ( one click below 115 some TVs scan 114.8 or .9 or 114.6, Hit 115 and down one or ch 5 on a box. See for basic info, links to a couple of groups too.

STINKIN' THINKIN': FOLKS Raising Children or Cattle, OR whatever, on the t***s,  there is a crying wailing resistance ti...

STINKIN' THINKIN': FOLKS Raising Children or Cattle, OR whatever, on the t***s, there is a crying wailing resistance time called "weening", and it can take a while ...AmeriKa has a lot of suckling "kids & foals calves & kittens" crying loudly about beeing cut off from the t***s to have to graze for themselves, to "bloom where they are planted"; and those best able to help their homeland need to stop being sucked into Amerika.

Yu bin hyear tree hours yu go now !  (Never mind if health code is kept more food will be tossed out than customers eat,...

Yu bin hyear tree hours yu go now ! (Never mind if health code is kept more food will be tossed out than customers eat, below 40f or above 140'F ) eating out is just not worth the risks same with eating chinese pork cheekon fish or any of such disese vectors .

Got this handed to me at Wesley Roger's Steak and Buffet and it’s not even a Chinese buffet what the heck!

7.2? Yeowww

7.2? Yeowww

🚨R2 radio blackout currently in progress caused by an M7.2 solar flare!


Overnight Dateline Charleston South Carolina & Washington D.C. - Officially no one is talking about the event which began with a overnight apparent undersea landslide on the edge of the continental shelf. In what was initially thought to be a earthquake, the massive 'cliff fall' has also unleished unknown massive trapped methane ICE which caused some ships to vanish unable to float in the 'sea champaine'. WHY is there no 'news' media coverages this morning, with massive numbers of flights diverted and road closures, diruptions to pipe lines as well as numerous other infrastructure issues ?

We asked former Google & Youtube Expert Zach Vorheeze how this is possible that only details getting out are being quashed. "The massive FACT CHECK system Social Media platforms developed preCovid as well as,
the files and fusion centers have censored AND REPLACED any communications from the areas affected.
IF your friends family business interests cannot be reached, try back soon, you may notice their conversation contains pauses and voice patterns are off, these are A.I. simulations of your contacts in the disaster area, these have been possible since the 2009 4GLTE cell phone era begain." - (Zach Vorheeze known for his whistleblower action against google's massive unbalanced censorship of the right, spoke via encrypted skype 8:33EST Feb 5th 2025 .
He further speculates this is to avoid a financial implosion of bankes as panic creates attempted withdrawles. Government learned a lesson from 9/11 on quashing local pockets of market panic.

The Good news here what there is of it, is the Nation's Capital as well as Georgia remain unaffected given the 'angle of attack' the outerbanks of North Carolina as well as the profile of the coastal plane means less than 4 Nuclear Steam plants were flooded as well as the prevailing winds will be shoving most of the Airborn pollution into the sea but sources inside the UNIV of South Carolina are speculating this will push clouds of debris and radioactive material into the UK and Europe via the Gulf stream and general weather systems.

More details to follow if not censored see videos captured just before sunrise from infrared GEOS EAST NOAA. HAM RADIO OPERATORS may also be a source of details on this being more difficult to censor or "Jam"
(PARODY of what could happen )

Did you know Many "smart" TV free Apps are available to avoid mindless b**b tube "programs" Just found this and set a wo...

Did you know Many "smart" TV free Apps are available to avoid mindless b**b tube "programs" Just found this and set a world record ! THERES CHECKERS CHESS BACKGAMMON & more!


Disrupt the delusions that's all you got left, people and family only support you if you help them stay ignorant of the truths they hate. They are more concerned with social status than family, thanks to decades of social manipulations by media to cults. SEEK not sings like The blue hex cloud around the North pole of saturn; A 400x smaller than the 400x bigger sun & 400x closer to just rarely for use to see once in a lifetime maybe twice such a master billiards/pool player showing off a bit the astronomical improbability of the grand cosmic "accident" which is our Goldilocks spot in Creation.

ANOTHER whakkko vegitarian athlete and he needs some fittment help, too small a top tube and short on the stem, too hunc...

ANOTHER whakkko vegitarian athlete and he needs some fittment help, too small a top tube and short on the stem, too hunched over for good lung intake volumn but that is just my 40+ Years of fitness and cycling interest, don't know as much about vegan diet due to all the noise from propaganda

This is Tommy Godwin from Stoke-on-Trent. At 5am on January 1st 1939 he set off on his Raleigh Record Ace, intending to set a new world record for the number of miles ridden in exactly one year.

The men’s record was 62,657 miles set in Australia by Ossie Nicholson. We say men’s because it’s important to mention Billie Dovey, the woman who rode 29,604 miles in 1937. She inspired many more women to cycle, and to become part of a fitness initiative called the Women’s League of Health and Beauty.

To verify his attempt Godwin’s bike was fitted with a sealed cyclometer mileage counter. He also carried cards he asked people to sign and record the time, date and place in which they signed.

Godwin wasn’t the only one attempting the record that year. Bernard Bennett matched him to 50,000 miles, then Godwin drew ahead by riding at least 200 miles every day from summer onwards, with 361 miles done on 21st June.

He eventually rode into Trafalgar Square on October 26th with 62,658 miles completed. The new world record, but Godwin continued through November and December to ride 75,065 miles in the year. That record lasted for 76 years, but Godwin wasn’t done after setting it.

He carried on through the winter of 1939 into 1940, also the first months of the Second World War - riding through bombs, night-time blackouts and all sorts of restrictions, until May 15th. Godwin finally stopped on the cycle track in Paddington Recreation Ground, with 100,000 miles ridden in 500 consecutive days. Another world record.

Riding every day in all conditions requires good health, and Godwin ascribed his to a lifelong vegetarian diet; although it was heavy on dairy. He was good at treating and maintaining his own body, so minimized possible harmful effects of the high mileage. However, at the end of 100,000 miles he could hardly shuffle on two feet, and had to learn to walk again in time for his war service in the RAF.

📸Cycling Legends Collection

Play it safer , seeds nuts  veggies fruits & Roots, dont believe the meat& puppet propaganda for various revenue streams

Play it safer , seeds nuts veggies fruits & Roots, dont believe the meat& puppet propaganda for various revenue streams

See sick pigs? Sound the alarm 🚨

Qui Bono , who benifits?  THE DUMPSTER FIRE on tires in front of a Trump branded location was a lot of free exposure as ...

Qui Bono , who benifits? THE DUMPSTER FIRE on tires in front of a Trump branded location was a lot of free exposure as Hollywierd types said decades "any PR IS good P.R." so running and watching massive social manipulation operations like fakejunk & twitsRus apps on so called Smart Phoes. . . Chutes for a troubled user are how difficult to set up to inspire a patsy?

Battery intact, tires still inflated, and ready to be back on the road with a quick buff. 💪🔥

You may have forgot (or not old enough to remember) a time before so many endocrine disruptions,  when:  glass milk bott...

You may have forgot (or not old enough to remember) a time before so many endocrine disruptions, when: glass milk bottles with foil caps, Or paper cartons... Returnable drink bottles, mostly paper and glass grocery packages; Paper grocery bags; ý wooden produce crates. Wire milk crates REAL RUBBER TIRES &

Can I point out there were whakkos who were warning about plastics by early 1980s : 40+ years back & even IN THE PRE-PREMARIN non-LBGTQRSTV America. JUST CONSIRACY theorists who've even took over Scientific American geeze...

I HAD TO QUIT DAIRY 4 TIMES TO FINALLY ADMIT the cheese pizza to butter to any dairy made my spring allergies worse and ...

I HAD TO QUIT DAIRY 4 TIMES TO FINALLY ADMIT the cheese pizza to butter to any dairy made my spring allergies worse and caused year round congestion, probably ALL my childhood ear infections by the dozens

Merry Xmas… ❤️🌟 🤶

Could the 2nd Comming end up in your Innoculation, if born today just placenta cells? Common place?

Could the 2nd Comming end up in your Innoculation, if born today just placenta cells? Common place?

This opinion addresses the licitness, quasi-benefits, and consequences of using aborted fetal tissue in vaccines and in medical research. The Catholic Church permits temporary use of vaccines generated using aborted fetal tissue to protect children ...

Just Aim for the ground and miss ... (as you run down hill or leap from a swing) ...

Just Aim for the ground and miss ... (as you run down hill or leap from a swing) ...


Formerly At 135A Lee Cemetary Road
Morehead, KY

Opening Hours

10:30am - 12pm
6pm - 8pm


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COMMUNITY SERVICE BEYOND the FCC Requirements For a Generation :

TV 10, [ w10BM , w06bC w05CB ] local low power TV - LPTV station : on the air since about 1994 in the Morehead Area , reaching out to Bath Carter Fleming & Rowan county . Cable box 5 or 114.1628 10.039 ( one or 2 clicks below 115.x or 11 & some TVs scan 114.8 or .9 or 114.6, or 114.100128 ? Hit 115 and down one or 2 or ch 5 on a Spectrum box. See when looking for basic info, links to a couple of FB groups too. This page is a Facebook generated page which was put up before I was forced to join in order to ‘capture’ and delete several duplicates. GROUPS are public or semi-private: TV 10 Newslines : LOCAL and State events & welcome or share what you see. BUY A DOG ~ SELL A HOG - over 13000 locals only, TV 10 WHEELS... FARM STUFF, RENTALS & for sell by owner , CRAFTY FRIENDS, all are just for our area about 19miles from Morehead or around the towns traditionally reached by cable or Antenna. THANKS FOR SUPPORTING LOCAL MEDIA , use it, support it, or like anything in a precarious economic climate of the “Coal Hole” economy things vanish. TV 10 does what I call ‘trickle UP “, economics, by helping move things out of not being utilized into the hands of those that need non-retail prices & put savings back in to the LOCAL economy, BUY LOCAL as you can so there is a chance it can ‘boomerang back’ to you , otherwise it is Ameri-gone crime *p**f*, never to return, & Fakes are never in fashion so don’t buy bootleg or counterfeit goods. If you see such report it . THANKS for watching and calling. QUESTIONS ? I will have answers & more ways you can help. QUESTIONS ? Contact me back at here or ^ use LINK TO FILE A COMPLAINT with FCC to keep ours as well as others many hundreds or more have already went dark.