PSA ⚠️
― Winter Maintenance Alert ―
Motorists should plan for delays early Sat., morning on US 160 Wolf Creek Pass
CDOT performs safety-critical maintenance operations beginning at 5:30 a.m.
Southwest Colorado — The Colorado Department of Transportation has scheduled critical winter maintenance operations on US Highway 160 Wolf Creek Pass for tomorrow morning at 5:30 a.m., (Sat., Mar. 16). Motorists traveling between South Fork and Pagosa Springs are urged to plan ahead, allow for extra travel time, or arrive and drive through the gates before the designated closure time.
US 160 Wolf Creek Pass Closure Locations:
Both eastbound and westbound motorists will encounter full stops and one extended delay of up to two hours.
West Closure Point: Treasure Falls (Mile Point 157), 13 miles east of Pagosa Springs
East Closure Point: Wolf Creek Pass Ski Area (Mile Point 167), 19 miles west of South Fork
Delay times are estimated and dependent on weather conditions as well as the extent of snow removal required to make the road safe for travelers. Visit COtrip.org for the latest information on road closures and conditions.
Colorado Department of Transportation WInter Maintenance Operations Banner
Know Before You Go
Travelers are urged to “know before you go.” Gather information about weather forecasts and anticipated travel impacts and current road conditions prior to hitting the road. CDOT resources include:
Road conditions and travel information: COtrip.org
Download the COtrip Planner app: bit.ly/COtripapp
Sign up for project or travel alerts: bit.ly/COnewsalerts
See scheduled construction lane closures: bit.ly/laneclosures
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Download the COtrip App!
The free COtrip Planner mobile app was designed to meet the growing trend of information on mobile and tablet devices for the traveling public. The COtrip Planner app provides statewide, real-time traffic information, and works on mobile devices that operate on the iOS and Android platforms. Visit the Google Play Store (Android devices) or the Apple Store (iOS devices) to download!
About CDOT
The Colorado Department of Transportation’s mission is to provide the best multi-modal transportation system that most effectively and safely moves people, goods and information. CDOT maintains more than 23,000 lane miles of highway, more than 3,400 bridges and 35 mountain passes. Our team of employees works tirelessly to reduce the rate and severity of crashes and improve the safety of all modes of transportation. CDOT leverages partnerships with a range of private and public organizations and operates Bustang, an interregional express bus service. Find more details at codot.gov.
Reports regarding traffic incidents, winter road conditions, traffic cameras, active and planned construction, etc.