Who's a good little boo boo. You are. Yes you are. Now before you eat your mashed peas or do doody in your diapers. Before you throw a toy block at mommy or spit up on daddy don't forget to get you Live Link for Vinny K's upcoming comedy special.
Any donation of $10 or more gets a live link to the show, edited download and bonus features. He needs to raise cash because a bad man ran him down while he was drinking. Yes he did. Hopefully dead man isn't around in a few years when your walking. And the cops just let him go. Always remember the police are there to help you. But these officers made a serious lapse of judgment that's going to come back to bite them in the ass.
👶 👨🍼 🚼 🍼 🤱 👶 👩🍼 🚼 🍼 🤱 👶 👩🍼 🚼
Venmo vincent-montalto
Zelle 305.748.7196
[email protected]