Part 3-What NOT to say to a parent of a child living with autism #autismodyssey #autismparenting #autismmom #autismawareness #drstevenshore
Thank you Peter Beamish for the priceless footage #johnhicksmd #lettinggo #findyourjoy #autismodyssey
“Hi, I’m here!” #didiscareyou #scaredsh*tless #momshere
#autismodyssey #bekindvest #buffet #choices #parentingautism #autismmom #autistic #autismparent
The vest is meant for autistic individuals who can’t communicate and quickly need to convey that special considerations are needed. We all deserve kindness 💜
Replying to @Slayafitz860 #autismodyssey #binding #autism #selfabusive #copingstrategy
#autismodyssey #cycling #autismcycling #changes #outofshape #ferndalewa #autismmom #outofbreath
#pickyeatingsolutions #autismodyssey #delicatasquash #ghee #sidedish #eatyourveggies #belikejoey
#autismodyssey #advice #suggestions #givingadvice #belikejoey
#autismodyssey #advice #suggestions #givingadvice #belikejoey
#autismodyssey #advice #suggestions #givingadvice #belikejoey
#autismodyssey #wsdot #washingtonferry #lummiisland #sanjuanislands #bellinghamwa #belikejoegatto
#autismodyssey #wsdot #washingtonferry #lummiisland #sanjuanislands #bellinghamwa #belikejoegatto
#crescentlakeoregon #pnw #belikejoey #cousins #included #keepingthelightson
#keepingthelightson #crescentlakeoregon #cousins #belikejoey #pnw #autismodyssey #included
#pnw #cousins #autismodyssey #included #belikejoey
#autismodyssey #belikejoey #crescentlakeoregon #cousins #included #pnw
Where’s Ron? Occasionally there are cameos, but he’s an enigma even to my family. #autismodyssey #belikejoey #familyreunion #keepingthelightson
#autismodyssey #parentingautism #parenting #autismmom #autismdad #anxiety #stressed
#autismodyssey #baddoctors #parentsknowbest #doctorswhodontlisten