Happy Halloween
What's the best Halloween costume you've ever worn or seem?Comment below!
Save Your Videos!
Bring us your old VHS, Hi8, dvd's, WHATEVER you have laying around the house... and have them saved as digital files that will last forever! You KNOW you have those special moments stashed away somewhere in your basement or attic , and they're only going to deteriorate over time. Hot SEWP can take those old formats, and digitize them to a file that you can keep on your computer and share with family and friends. Take this clip, for example. This is me getting beat by the #1 ranked 152 pounder back in 1988. It was on an old vhs tape, rotting away. But NOW... I can re-live this moment over, and over, and over again. THANKS, HOT SEWP! It's not like I was sleeping good at night anyway! Shoot us an email, and let's start saving YOUR precious memories.
(Side note, at least I gave him a bloody nose!)