✨✨✨Body by R+F ✨✨✨
Introducing our holiday exclusive, limited edition body products. A skin plumping hand cream, a soul soothing foot cream and a sparkling body oil. Light up every room you enter this holiday season!!! Available October 23rd!!
I can hear the whispers now… “she’s glowwwwing…” 🤩
💜 Volumizing Hand Cream
Provides anti-aging benefits using hyaluronic acid and replenishing oils.
🩷 Ultra-Rich Moisturizing Foot Cream
Renews, smooths, and nourishes dry, rough soles while locking in the skin's moisture.
💛 Shimmer Body Oil
A silky, lightweight body oil that helps seal in moisture and dresses the skin with a shimmering veil.
**these products go away November 20th if they don’t sell out first. And they WILL sell out. Our Limited Edition items ALWAYS do.
So think💡
•Holiday Parties•Stocking Stuffers•Coworker Gifts•Teacher Gifts•Your Favorite Aunt•Besties•Coaches•Sunday School Teacher•Pastors Wife•Dirty Santa•Secret Santa•
Y O U R S E L F•