Holy Trinity Publications

Holy Trinity Publications Holy Trinity Publications makes the heritage of Orthodox Russia accessible to all today who seek to live a life of faithfulness to God within His Church.

Holy Trinity Publications is the name given to the publishing work of Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville, New York. Founded in 1930, the monastery began both printing and publishing books in 1947, operating its own print shop of St. Job of Pochaev within the monastery. Since then some five hundred works have been published in both Russian and English. In particular, the monastery played an impo

rtant role in providing spiritual literature to believers in Russia during the seventy plus years of Communist rule. Holy Trinity Publications now seeks to take this work into the future, making the heritage of Orthodox Russia accessible to all today who seek to live a life of faithfulness to God within His Holy Church.

ONE WEEK LEFT FOR ESCALATING DISCOUNTS ON OUR ONLINE STOREWe are thankful to you, our readers, for all your support in g...


We are thankful to you, our readers, for all your support in growing the mission of Holy Trinity Publications. Our special “thank you” offer continues until Sep. 30th for almost everything in our catalog. For each book you purchase, the discount increases, up to 50%.

10% off 1 book
20% off any 2 books (mix & match)
30% off 3 books
40% off 4 books
50% off 5 or more books


On September 17th, Metropolitan Nicholas of Eastern America and New York met with Metropolitan Saba of North America of ...

On September 17th, Metropolitan Nicholas of Eastern America and New York met with Metropolitan Saba of North America of the Antiochian Orthodox Church.

During their meeting, Metropolitan Saba gave Metropolitan Nicholas a reliquary with a part of the uncorrupt mantle of St Raphael of Brooklyn, recently obtained along with his relics.

You can read more St Raphael of Brooklyn and the relationship between the Antiochian and Russian Churches in "Glorified in America: Laborers in the New World" - https://bookstore.jordanville.org/9780884654803

Source: https://synod.com/synod/eng2024/20240918_enmnms.html



On September 17, 2024, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia received Archpriest Michael Protopopov, Chancellor of the Diocese of Sydney, Australia and New Zealand of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, Rector of the Church of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos in Dandenong, Australia, at the Patriarchal residence in Chisty Lane in Moscow.

Taking part in the meeting was His Eminence Metropolitan Anthony of Volokolamsk, Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations.

In recognition of his labors for the good of the Holy Church and in connection with his 80th birthday, the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church presented Archpriest Michael Protopopov with the Order of St Sergius of Radonezh, First Degree.

In the course of the talk, His Holiness shared his memories of previous meetings with Fr Michael, in particular, of their contact in Australia many years ago. Patriarch Kirill also expressed his heartfelt gratitude to Fr Michael for his active participation in one of the most important events in the modern history of the Russian Orthodox Church – the reestablishment of unity between its two once separate parts in 2007, when the Act of Canonical Communion was signed.

"The History of the Russian Church in Australia" is part of our special Thank You sale. Save up to 50% on any 5 books at:https://bookstore.jordanville.org/9781942699347

NEW ARTICLE ON "ORTHODOX LIFE", "The Madness of Herod and the Victory of St John the Baptist"."In the heart of every man...

NEW ARTICLE ON "ORTHODOX LIFE", "The Madness of Herod and the Victory of St John the Baptist".

"In the heart of every man, there is a great conflict between good and evil, between light and darkness, between serving God, and serving the devil. No man walking the path of life on this earth is wholly on one side or the other. Rather, he fights a constant battle either to serve the Creator who loves him, nurtures him, and died on the Cross for him, or to serve the one who hates him and seeks to make him suffer in hell along with himself.

Rightly did St John of the Ladder say, “A true Christian is he who fights with himself and against himself as if with an enemy.” This is true of all men, and all men either win this battle and enjoy their reward in heaven, or lose it, and suffer eternally for it."

Herod fell to his passions, but St John prevailed. The former was a king but became a slave, while latter was a prisoner and became royalty in heaven.

MONTHLY FEATURE: LIVING WITHOUT HYPOCRISYThis month, we are highlighting this collection of the sayings of the Holy Elde...


This month, we are highlighting this collection of the sayings of the Holy Elders of Optina. The Optina Elders are an important link in the spiritual heritage of Orthodox Russia. Their wisdom has been a guiding light for Orthodox Christians for generations. In 2005, Archimandrite (now Archbishop) George Schaffer translated a collection of sayings of the Optina Elders for the now-classic Living Without Hypocrisy: Spiritual Counsels of the Elders of Optina.

Many pilgrims don’t realize there is a church in the monastic dormitory dedicated to the Optina Elders. Every year, on the Synaxis of the Optina Elders (10/23 October), the full cycle of services is held here. You may recognize the icons of Christ and the Theotokos on the iconostasis from the opening pages of the Jordanville Prayer Book!

One of the great treasures held at the monastery is a reliquary containing many of the Optina Elders.

Given the brotherhood’s deep veneration for these holy elders of our times, we are honored to continue transmitting their salvific teachings contained in Living Without Hypocrisy:

“Guard the holy faith, that priceless treasure, and with it enter the Kingdom: it is not for something trivial that we labor, but for acquiring a kingdom, and what a kingdom – a heavenly one! We want to be made its citizens.”

— St Barsanuphius of Optina

“Without the visible Holy Church, there could not be the Holy Mysteries of Christ, without which man could not inherit eternal life. Prayers during church services have so much power and significance that just the words, “Lord, have mercy’ surpass all the spiritual exercises performed in one’s cell. For this reason the Holy Fathers, while standing in church during divine services, imagined themselves standing before the very throne of God in heaven!”

— St Anthony of Optina

Don’t forget about our special “Thank You” offer of discounts up to 50%, which includes Living Without Hypocrisy:https://bookstore.jordanville.org/9780884650928

Holy Trinity Publications announces new collection of Western European saints’ lives.True to the heritage of Orthodox Ru...

Holy Trinity Publications announces new collection of Western European saints’ lives.

True to the heritage of Orthodox Russia in reviving the veneration of ancient, pre-schism Orthodox saints in Western Europe, Holy Trinity Publications is pleased to announce the release of Saints of Switzerland, an extensive compilation of the lives of saints of ancient Helvetia, modern-day Switzerland.This publication continues in the footsteps of St John (Maximovitch), Bishop Ambrose (Cantacuzène) (+2009), and many others within ROCOR who strove for the revival of Orthodox veneration for ancient Western saints. Specifically, it represents the culmination of the project begun by Bishop Ambrose to compile the lives of and compose hymnography to the ancient saints of his homeland. By the efforts of Subdeacon Claude Lopez-Ginisty of St Barbara Church in Vevey, Switzerland, Saints of Switzerland is now available to all readers.

The book is organized as a Synaxarion, or annual calendar of Swiss saints, beginning with the Church New Year. In addition to these lives, troparia are provided at the end of each entry, providing the reader hymns to sing in honor of each saint. Thus, Saints of Switzerland can be used as an aid in daily devotion. A liturgical service and akathist to the Saints of Switzerland, both composed by Bishop Ambrose, are also included. In Switzerland, as established by Archbishop Michael of Geneva and Western Europe, this liturgical service is served on the third Sunday of September (according to the civil calendar), coinciding with the Federal Day of Thanksgiving, Repentance, and Prayer.

We pray that Saints of Switzerland will become an integral part of the growing collection of works dedicated to the saints of the ancient Christian West, reviving their memory and veneration among Orthodox Christians today.

Save 15% on Pre-Orders of "Saints of Switzerland" from the HTP online store: https://bookstore.jordanville.org/9780884654957

SPECIAL THANK YOU SALE - UP TO 50% THROUGH SEPTEMBER2024 has been a record-breaking year for Holy Trinity Publications. ...


2024 has been a record-breaking year for Holy Trinity Publications. Thanks to you, the readers, our mission is growing. Sales have increased dramatically, making the Heritage of Orthodox Russia accessible to all.

We’ve been able to hire new staff, publish new books, update and republish old ones, and find new channels to distribute our books, spreading the faith worldwide.

As a thank you, we’re giving you a special offer on almost everything in our catalog. For each book you purchase, the discount increases, up to 50%.

-10% off 1 book

-20% off any 2 books (mix & match)

-30% off 3 books

-40% off 4 books

-50% off 5 or more books

The direct ordering website of Holy Trinity Publications (Jordanville, NY), offering the Heritage of Orthodox Russia for today.

"Dr. Larchet: the Aerial Toll-house Tradition was Affirmed by the Pre-Schism Latin West."The "Divine Fire" blog shares t...

"Dr. Larchet: the Aerial Toll-house Tradition was Affirmed by the Pre-Schism Latin West."

The "Divine Fire" blog shares this passage from our book, "Life after Death According to the Orthodox Tradition"

Dr. Jean-Claude Larchet, one of today's most famous Orthodox patristic scholars, states that aerial toll-houses are not a monopoly of the Greek East and can be found in the ancient Fathers of the West

BACK IN STOCK: PRAYER BOOKThe latest printing of our Prayer Book has just arrived in our warehouse, and is ready to ship...


The latest printing of our Prayer Book has just arrived in our warehouse, and is ready to ship from our online store! All back-orders placed before restocking will be fulfilled automatically. The Prayer Book will be available through other retailers in the coming weeks.

As the most popular English-language Orthodox Christian prayer book, the Jordanville Prayer Book has been a consistent best-seller for over fifty years.

Click below to order now:

The direct ordering website of Holy Trinity Publications (Jordanville, NY), offering the Heritage of Orthodox Russia for today.

Yesterday, Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary held convocation for the new school year. The Seminary Dean, Dr Nicholas Schid...

Yesterday, Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary held convocation for the new school year. The Seminary Dean, Dr Nicholas Schidlovsky, enthusiastically recommended last year's HTP Bestseller, "Glorified in America", telling students that, "everyone needs a copy of this book!"

Thank you Dean Nicholas!

Buy a copy of "Glorified in America" by following the link below: https://bookstore.jordanville.org/9780884654803

NEW WEBSITE AND APP COMING THIS FALL:Alongside the many new books we’re publishing, we’ve been busy for the last few mon...


Alongside the many new books we’re publishing, we’ve been busy for the last few months working on our new website and app. This new website will have a lot of major advantages over the old website. Take a look below to see what we’re working on.

The new website will have the same URL as our current one, holytrinitypublications.com.

The HTP bookstore will be merged into our website. No need to follow external links to buy our books!

Browse, preview, and purchase our books on one website with an integrated shopping cart.

Existing HTP Bookstore accounts will be automatically transferred over. As we approach the launch date, we’ll contact you with instructions on updating your account.

Order worldwide with localized pricing and optimized fulfillment.

Save 15% on Pre-Orders of our Forthcoming Books this Fall!We are happy to announce the release of five new books this Fa...

Save 15% on Pre-Orders of our Forthcoming Books this Fall!

We are happy to announce the release of five new books this Fall! Among these are brand new titles, as well as a updated editions of Jordanville classics.

Follow the link below to Pre-Order!

The Life of Saint Gall will be available in English in our new book, "Saints of Switzerland", releasing this Fall.https:...

The Life of Saint Gall will be available in English in our new book, "Saints of Switzerland", releasing this Fall.



В 2018 году Священный Синод Русской Православной Церкви включил в месяцеслов Церкви древнего святого неразделенной Церкви преподобного Галла Гельветийского. В последнее время в месяцеслов нередко вносятся имена древних святых, подвизавшихся в различных странах, что подчеркивает межнациональный, вселенский характер Церкви, которая не забывает никого из своих чад, разбросанных по миру. Чему можно научиться на примерах из жизни преподобного Галла и как живут русские приходы в Швейцарии — в материале «Журнала Московской Патриархии».
Осенью 2023 года в Швейцарии, в Лозанне, появилась новая община Русской Православной Церкви, посвященная всем святым, в земле Швейцарской просиявшим. В состав собора входят крупные богословы IV века Афанасий Великий и Амвросий Медиоланский, известный сербский святой XX века святитель Николай Сербский, наш соотечественник святитель Иоанн Шанхайский. Однако первым из них, просветителем земли Швейцарской, по праву считается преподобный Галл Гельветийский.
По происхождению ирландец, святой Галл родился в середине VI века, приблизительно в 550 году, в Ленстере в знатной семье. Вторая половина VI века в Ирландии характеризуется бурным распространением христианства, что сопровождалось развитием монастырей, причем не только в Ирландии, но и в соседней Британии. Видя подвиг многих преподобных кельтских отцов, просиявших в те годы, преподобный Галл, повзрослев, и сам подался в монашество. Первым местом его подвигов стал монастырь Бангор, который в те годы достиг своего расцвета. Там святой Галл сблизился с другим святым миссионером — преподобным Колумбаном Люксейским.

Полностью читайте в июльском номере «Журнала Московской Патриархии» (№7, 2024) и на нашем сайте:


Joyous Feast! Today is the Leavetaking of Transfiguration.

As we finish celebrating this Great Feast of the Lord and look foward to the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos, read our latest post on Orthodox Life, "The Glory of the Lord on Mount Tabor". This was a sermon given on Transfiguration this year at Holy Trinity Monastery by Deacon Nicholas Kotar.

MONTHLY FEATURE: CONVERSATIONS WITH MY HEARThttps://www.holytrinitypublications.com/conversations-with-my-heartHoly Trin...


Holy Trinity Publications is proud to announce a monthly series of featured books from our back catalog. This month, we are looking at "Conversations With My Heart", the diaries of ROCOR's second Primate.

Metropolitan Anastasy lived through the throes of revolution, and wisely guided the Church through the trials of World War II, finally moving the headquarters of ROCOR to New York in 1950.

Vladyka Anastasy holds a special place in our hearts at Jordanville. His first pastoral visit in America was to Holy Trinity Monastery, where he presided over the Great Consecration of our cathedral, alongside St. John (Maximovitch) and Archbishop Vitaly (Maximenko). Vladyka Anastasy can be seen in side-profile censing the altar in the photo below.

The Monastery is also blessed to have a set of his vestments which are still wearable. Metropolitan Mark (Arndt) of Berlin wore them during the burial service of Metropolitan Hilarion (Kapral).

Previously, only short excerpts of Conversations With My Heart could be found in English from Fr. Seraphim Rose’s Orthodox Survival Course. Now, the prayers, reflections, and thoughts of this luminary hierarch are available to all of our readers.

Vladyka Anastasy is buried in the crypts underneath the altar of our cathedral alongside ROCOR's many other notable hierarchs, including his successors, Metropolitans Philaret (Vosnesensky) and Laurus (Skurla), Archbishops Anthony (Medvedev) of San Fransciso, Tikhon (Troisky), Averky (Taushev) and many others.

The International Patristics Conference at the University of Oxford has finished and our table is bare. Thankful for man...

The International Patristics Conference at the University of Oxford has finished and our table is bare. Thankful for many new contacts made and old ones renewed.

The first day of the International Patristics Conference. Good to meet many friends both old and new.

The first day of the International Patristics Conference. Good to meet many friends both old and new.

What HTP titles has your parish read as part of a group study?

What HTP titles has your parish read as part of a group study?

TEEN YOUTH GROUP 2024-25! Fr. Colin will lead our Teen Youth Group in the reading of “Alexander Schmorell: Saint of the German Resistance”. To acquire the book please see Svetlana in the parish Kiosk. This is a VERY important book about a contemporary (World War II) Orthodox saint who resisted the evil of totalitarianism. Learn more about the book and the author here: https://www.holytrinitypublications.com/alexander-schmorell-saint-of-the-german-resistance

Set up and ready at the Clergy Symposium of the Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese of North America.

Set up and ready at the Clergy Symposium of the Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese of North America.

Re-vamped home page at our shopping cart site:

Re-vamped home page at our shopping cart site:

St. Raphael is one of 13 saints featured in “Glorified in America.”

St. Raphael is one of 13 saints featured in “Glorified in America.”

St. Raphael was the first Orthodox bishop consecrated in America, where he faithfully served the mission of the Russian Orthodox Church under St. Tikhon, the future Patriarch of Moscow, together with a number of other saints.

Order before shipping rates increase July 1st! -

Order before shipping rates increase July 1st! -

We understand that shipping & handling charges are a huge component of decision making when shopping online. So we’re reaching out to you in advance of a significant increase in USPS shipping rates. The US Postal Service has announced an average price increase of 7.8% on mailing services, taking e...

[EXPIRES TONIGHT] SALE: Make room for a monk! -

[EXPIRES TONIGHT] SALE: Make room for a monk! -

We have some great news to share with you today - Holy Trinity Monastery is running out of space! Why is that good news, you ask? Because it means that the monastic community is growing and there’s a need for more space to house the novices, postulants, and laborers joining the brotherhood.

SALE: Make room for a monk! -

SALE: Make room for a monk! -

We have some great news to share with you today - Holy Trinity Monastery is running out of space! Why is that good news, you ask? Because it means that the monastic community is growing and there’s a need for more space to house the novices, postulants, and laborers joining the brotherhood.

I spy several HTP bestsellers on this vendor table! Thank you for carrying our books, Orthodox Depot!

I spy several HTP bestsellers on this vendor table! Thank you for carrying our books, Orthodox Depot!

Come visit our Orthodox Depot table at St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church in Broadview Heights!


1407 Robinson Road
Mohawk, NY


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