Raw,improvised and/or hastily made music on a low-budget.The place for subversive,diy artists and fans.Post,any genre,style,sound quality.JOIN THE GROUP because THIS IS THE PAGE NOT THE GROUP.I post my own stuff here!JOIN THE GROUP!!! Its an illusion. It can break you if taken personally
What matters is right NOW. Right here and right now is all that counts. Focus on your breath like in a square.
In 4 counts and hold 4 counts ,then out 4 counts. Hold 4 counts ,then in 4 counts. Hold 4 counts. On and on and on. Let your mind wander and never judge your thoughts. Let your thoughts pass . I'm serious about not being serious... seriously. I want you to live your best life! I hope that by sharing. "The Music and the Art of Being Matt Spears" and "Raw DIY Po' Folks Music" pages as well as the "Group of Raw DIY Po' Folks Music" you'll be immersed in discussion, topics, news, sharing in a way that will enrich your life in ways that are indescribable, remarkable, comedic and brings happiness and joy and all kinds of interesting existential experiential individualistic perceptions and thoughts to you and so that others want to be drawn to by your charismatic magnetic charming persona or are they are offended by you repelled, disgusted, disturbed and perturbed because of what you've become and your new found knowledge and worldliness and the blatant "I don't give a f**k " attitude. Which ever... I wish you the best. .I can recommend treatments but I can't prescribe meds. Like a friend of mine says "Take my advice. Don't take my advice." Choose good logic.