A Liberian who goes by the name Farngalo-Wonokay expressed disappointments over the constitutional term of elected officials in Liberia ( Representatives, Senator, President); and he is calling for constitutional amendment.
Please Read his statements below 👇 👇 👇
Constitutional Amendment is required
Fellow Liberians, think about the elected officials that represent us today. Think about how much they put into the national budget for themselves at the expense of ordinary taxpayers.
Some of these people have held public offices for over a decade, and all they have done is enrich themselves.
Their characters do not reflect dignity, transparency, or love for country. They recently burnt down the capitol building over selfish disagreement surrounding the speakership.
In my opinion, there needs to be a national discussion on the issue of term limits and reduction of term duration.
The greatest democracy in the world, the United States, has it such that representatives must go back to their people every two years to submit to a new referendum related to their performances over the last two years.
Senators must also go back and submit to a referendum related to their performances over the last six years.
The President of the United States must do the same and submit to a referendum related to his or her performances over the last four years.
Yet in Liberia, representatives are elected for a six year term, the President is elected for a six year term, and senators for a nine year term.
It is very clear that this is one of the most critical issues that bears the strongest foundation for corruption in the Liberian society.
If our Representatives, Senators, and the President all had to go back to the people for a new mandate every two of four years, they will be obliged to work consciously hard to advance the interest of the people.
Read below what Articles 6,7 and 8 of the Liberian constitution says:
Article 6
The Republic shall, because of the vital role assigned to the individual citizen under this Constitution for the social, economic and political well being of Liberia, provide equal access to educational opportunities and facilities for all citizens to the extent of available resources. Emphasis shall be placed on the mass education of the Liberian people and the elimination of illiteracy.
Article 7
The Republic shall, consistent with the principles of individual freedom and social justice enshrined in this Constitution, manage the national economy and the natural resources of Liberia in such manner as shall ensure the maximum feasible participation of Liberian citizens under conditions of equality as to advance the general welfare of the Liberian people and the economic development of Liberia.
Article 8
The Republic shall direct its policy towards ensuring for all citizens, without discrimination, opportunities for employment and livelihood under just and humane conditions, and towards promoting safety, health and welfare facilities in employment.
I did not paraphrase anything here. The constitution is clear, the nation’s wealth is supposed to be used to provide equal access for good education, decent healthcare, opportunity for employment etc.
The 2025 budget forecast recently unveiled to the public is such a shame, just like the years before, a few persons, including law-makers, the President, Vice President etc,get to benefit from what belongs to the country while the masses continue to languish in abject poverty.
Today, Liberia is ranked “Poorest Country number 8”, yet one Liberian Senator’s monthly earning is equivalent to three United States Senators monthly earnings.
How is this acceptable?
Parents have to choose between sending their kids to good school and providing normal meal for them.
Police officers work very long hours but can barely afford their own kids school fees.
The situation in Liberia keeps getting worse, but we the people have to either choose to stay quiet and do nothing, or demand accountability.
Also, when election time comes, it is up to us to vote for individuals with impeccable records on human rights and the advancement of democratic institutions, or continue to vote into office public officials who only care about enriching themselves at the expense of the people.
It is up to us to continue to complain and do nothing, or demand change. By doing nothing, we are all guilty of the struggles of our people.
One thing is sure, elections do have consequences.
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