The last post in our series on AI in healthcare:
Dr. Jigar Patel explains AI-driven drug discovery. Click on the link in the bio for the full episode on AI in health care with Dr. Jigar Patel.
Have you ever used Chat GPT? Here our expert Dr. Jigar Patel explains how Chat GPT works in under a minute. AI services like Chat GPT are becoming more and more popular, in fact, this post video was created using an AI service.
#podcast #healthcomm #science #chatgpt #AI
This post was created using AI, what else can we use AI for?
In our episode on AI in healthcare, expert Dr. Patel chats with Stan and Clarence about AI, ChatGPT, applications of AI in healthcare, and implications of AI in society. Listen on your preferred podcast streaming platform or on our website here:
#publichealth #podcast #science #healthcomm #scicom #ai #chatgpt #aiinhealthcare
Impact of Health Literacy
Only 12% of Americans are considered proficient in their health literacy skills.
Our episode on health literacy with Genelle Lamont discusses the impact of health literacy on healthcare utilization and proposed solutions. #healthliteracy #publichealth #healthpodcast #podcast #science #scicom #healthcomm #md #ContinuingMedicalEducation