Ready Steady GO!
I gave in to Peer Pressure and decided to try an autocross track day event with the Corvette. Keep in mind, my whole goal was to not have to explain to Darla how I crashed it... Needless to say, we made it around without hitting anything - slow, but safe.
So proud of Miriam, she is rocking the parallel parking and 90 degree back-ins! By the way, there is twice the pressure when your uncle has cameras all over the car...
Well... Grandma liked it!
Grandma and Grandpa have been in covid isolation too long. Tonight we took them for a ride.
#Grandma #grandmagotrunoverbyareindeer #C63 #c63amg #toomuchfun #laughter #youhavetolikethisone
I really miss the days when we had more rear wheel drive cars ok, that's not entirely true. Here in MN, once you go 4 wheel drive or even all wheel drive for that matter, you never go back... and yet I did!
#c63 #c63amg #donuts #mercedes #Fun
First Hard Pull
First Hard Pull - Enjoy
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It's Here
Please take a look at our new intro video, Its here! Call it a mid-life crisis or a new passion, but we are going to have some new adventures in this thing and we can't wait to share them with you.
We hope that you will like, follow and share Way Gooder Media on all platforms.
Remember, it "Way Gooder" cuz if you say "More Gooder" than you just sound stupid...
First Cold Start
First Cold Start and in MN it really is a COLD start!
First cold start for you all, and here in Minnesota, it truly is a cold start!
#coldstart #c63 #C63AMG