Big Cutie, The CEO of Cutie B***y Media KNEW these apps were going to go this way after the George Floyd protests in 2020
“The People covered the protests. People from ALL backgrounds came together…THEY CAME TOGETHER ACROSS THE GLOBE to combat racism. It was insane to see but I knew there would be backlash.”
And here it is. Today Mark Zuckerberg said he’d be “removing fact-checking.”
Think back to how connected ALL THOSE different cultures were based on the factual, raw video they shared on these apps. That CLEARLY scared the powers that be.
That said, Cutie B***y Media, INC has been developing our own social media app called “Cutie Chat,” for this exact reason!
Check us out! CutieB***yMedia.Com.
FULL DISCLOSURE: We are still small! So No! It is not like the current apps but mark our words…WE WILL GROW!
Come grow with us in Cutie Chat!
Upward and Onward, Cuties! ALWAYS forward motion, PeriodT!