Kacdoonka Dhexe

Kacdoonka Dhexe News/Entertainment


Maxaad kala socotaa Bankgii la daah-furay ee Shabeele Bank?
Qayb ka mid ah xog gaar ah! Ka digtoonow!!

Isku soo noqod wanaagsan, dhammaan dadweynaha Soomaaliyeed ee DDS.Ku soo dhawaada Kacdoonka Dhexe ee shacabka deegaanka ...

Isku soo noqod wanaagsan, dhammaan dadweynaha Soomaaliyeed ee DDS.

Ku soo dhawaada Kacdoonka Dhexe ee shacabka deegaanka Soomaalida.

Ku soo biir in aad kaalintaada ka qaadato Kacdoonka aad doonayso.

Xogta kaa dhiman halkan ka qaado. Xogta aad haysana halkan keen.


Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Xasan Sheekh Max'uud ayaa saacadaha soo socda ayaa saacadda soo socotay lagu soo dhawayn doonaa ...

Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Xasan Sheekh Max'uud ayaa saacadaha soo socda ayaa saacadda soo socotay lagu soo dhawayn doonaa aqalka Pentagon-ka ee wasaarada gaashaandhiga Maraynkanka.

Waxaa halkaas ku qaabbili doonaa Xoghayaha gaashaandhigga Maraykanka General Lloyd J. Austin III. Waxayna ka arrinsan doonaan arrimo la xidhiidha xidhiidhka labada dal.

Xukuumada Xasan Sh Max'ud ayaa la filayaa in ay xidhiidh wanaagsan la yeelan doonto Maraykanka oo Soomaaliya ka caawin doona dhinaca ammaanka & dibudhiska, iyada oo ka faa'iidaysan karta kaalinta ay Itoobiya bannaysay ee xidhiidhka wadamada ree galbeedka.

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin III will welcome the President of Somalia, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, to the Pentagon for an enhanced honor cordon and bilateral meeting.

Jumca Mubarak!!Marxalad kala guur ah ayaa lagu jiraa, guud ahaan geeska Afrika gaar ahaanna Itoobiya.Waxaa lagama maar m...

Jumca Mubarak!!

Marxalad kala guur ah ayaa lagu jiraa, guud ahaan geeska Afrika gaar ahaanna Itoobiya.

Waxaa lagama maar maan ah in laga shaqeeyo sidii isbeddalada socda looga gaashaaman lahaa dhibaatooyinka ka dhalan kara, sida oo kalena looga faa'iidaysan lahaa fursadaha jira.

Halkan ayaan ka wada socon doonnaa Insha Allah!

JOINT PRESS RELEASE.Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) and Congress for Somali Cause (CSC)An ONLF team led by the c...


Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) and Congress for Somali Cause (CSC)

An ONLF team led by the chairman Mr. Abdirahman Mahdi and the Congress for Somali cause led by Mr. Ahmed Mohammed Hassan (Baje) met in Nairobi and discussed the current crisis in Ethiopia and the Somali State. The two delegates extensively deliberated on the dire situation that all peoples in Ethiopia are facing, in particular, the looming catastrophe the Somali people are facing regarding the unfolding famine in the Somali state and the narrowing of the political space in the Somali state, which so far has the most peaceful area in the Horn of Africa.

The Somali region is experiencing one of the worst droughts in decades that is killing livestock and creating a dire humanitarian crisis. Since May last year, much of the region has received less than 30 percent of normal rainfall, wiping out pastures and worsening food and water shortages. Indeed, drought is a slow onset, creeping natural hazard and there is often more time to plan and implement an appropriate response. Although drought is a natural phenomenon, it never causes famine, unless there are other factors, such as bad (or lack of) governance, poor public policies, or misplaced priorities. Therefore, the current situation of the region, which leaves millions to deal with crippling famine, hunger, and malnutrition, proves the inability of the government to act responsibly, acknowledge the extent of the problem and invest in the right areas and programmes. Although, the drought has already caused significant loss of human lives (including children) and destroyed assets and livelihoods, the measures employed so far by the federal and local government are, not only ineffective to deliver the lifesaving services, but have exposed the carelessness and sloppiness of the state. Instead of drawing attention to the sense of urgency needed in tackling the draught, the Ethiopian federal leaders minimise the critical situation and danger the Somali people are facing in regard to the draught when they visit the Somali state.

While, the parties are therefore, sympathising with the victims, who lost their loved ones and whose livelihoods have been destroyed, we are condemning the gross negligence and dismissal of the reality on the ground by the administration. The parties are urging the federal and regional governments to stop denying the facts, reverse course and act responsibly before many more lives have been lost.

With regard to the already floundering national dialogue, the fact that Amb Mohamud Dirir (the least credible Somali politician) is being selected by Addis Ababa to represent Somalis in the forums, without appropriately consulting key Somali stakeholders including the local representatives of the now divided Prosperity Party, which illustrates the depth and scale of political, economic and social marginalisation that Somalis have been experiencing for decades. As we firmly believe that the same is true in all other regional state. Thus, such an approach that the government has adopted, will render the spirit of the dialogue invalid and will never serve the interest of all peoples in Ethiopia.

We, therefore urge the government to appreciate the scale of the challenge that Ethiopia is facing and devise measures that can bring the communities, torn apart by devastating conflicts and distrust, together. More importantly, the government must realise, that without cessation of hostilities in all parts of Ethiopia, and exclusion of key stakeholders, there will be no mindful dialogue that can bring a lasting peace to this part of the world.

The two parties condemn the recent illegal detention of political leaders and youth in the Somali state and the increasing narrowing of political space and denial of the basic democratic right of freedom of expression and right of assembly that the current Somali state government is implementing, which is in against the spirit of democratic change that was promised in 2018 after changing the previous regime.
Finally, the two parties agreed to continue cooperating on advocating for the democratic rights of the people and highlighting the the effect of the impending famine in the Somali state.

February 10th, 2022

3rd International Conference of Somali State 2021

3rd International Conference of Somali State 2021

የሶማሊ ምሁራን በአፍሪካ ቀንድ በተለይም በኢትዮጵያ ሁኔታ እና በሶማሌ ህዝብ ላይ ስላለው ተፅእኖ እንዲሁም አስፈላጊ መፍትሄዎችን በሚመለከቱ ጉዳዮች ላይ አስተያየት የሚሰጡበት የአፍሪካ ቀንድ...

የሶማሊ ምሁራን በአፍሪካ ቀንድ በተለይም በኢትዮጵያ ሁኔታ እና በሶማሌ ህዝብ ላይ ስላለው ተፅእኖ እንዲሁም አስፈላጊ መፍትሄዎችን በሚመለከቱ ጉዳዮች ላይ አስተያየት የሚሰጡበት የአፍሪካ ቀንድ የፖሊሲ ማዕከል (HAPIC) ተመስረታውል.

በዝግጅቱ ላይ ቁልፍ አባላትም ይሳተፋሉ ፣ በመጪው ቅዳሜ (ሐምሌ 24 ከምሽቱ 1 ሰዓት ) በቀጥታ የተለያዩ የመገናኛ ብዙሃን እና ማህበራዊ ትስስር መረቦችን ይታላላፋል ፡፡

የአፍሪካ ቀንድ የፖለሲ ማዕከል (HAPIC)


CNN interview with Fetsum Arega, Ethiopian ambassador to U.S.A.


Xayle Sillaase, Mangistu Xaylamaryam, Meles ........ Way iska sii socotaa!! Ilaahay ha u naxariisto Saado Cali Warsame.

Cidna uma maqna ceelna uma qodna!!

Guled Adnan
Saint Paul, MN

25kii degmo ee u danbeeyay waxay matalaadda baarlamanka federaalka la wadaagayaan degmooyinkii ay ka tirsanaayeen!!In ti...

25kii degmo ee u danbeeyay waxay matalaadda baarlamanka federaalka la wadaagayaan degmooyinkii ay ka tirsanaayeen!!

In tirada goleyaasha baarlamaanka Federaalka Itoobiya wax laga beddalaayi waxay ku xidhan tahay in dastuurka dalka wax laga beddalo.

Qolo kasta intii h**e ayay haysataa, oo xilligan dawladdu waxyaabo badan bayna taaban karin, tirakoobkii sharciga ahaa bayba tabar u la’ dahay!!

23kan iyo mid Diridhabe ah ayay Soomaalidu leedahay illaa baarlamaankii ugu horreeyay oo waxay la saami tahay magaalada Addis Ababa oo 24 xubnood leh.

Sida Soomaalida loogu qaybiyay gobol kasta saluug baa ka jira, waana xaqiiq oo gobol kasta waxbaa ka maqan.

Gobolka Jarar wuxuu ahaa 4 degmo xilligaas, waxayna u kala haystaan Dhagaxmadow (1), Awaare (1), Dh/buur (1), iyo Gaashaamo (1).

5 degmo oo Fiiq hoos timaadda 1 xildhibaan bay leeyihiin, sida oo kale Sagag, Dhuxun iyo Garbo 1 xildhibaan baa ka dhexeeyay.

Laakiin xildhibaanada heer deegaan waa la biiriyay mar kasta oo degmo ama maamul magaalo la ansixiyaba goob doorashooyinka waa la ballaadhin jiray, golaha baarlamaanka deegaanka ayaana ansixin jiray tirada xubnaha barlamaanka.

25kii degmo ee ugu danbaysay waxay matalaadda baarlamanka federaalka la wadaagayaan degmooyinkii ay ka tirsanaan jireen, laakiin baarlamaanka heer deegaan waa sidii doorashadii ugu danbaysay oo xubnaha ay leeyihiin barlamaanka deegaanka ayaa ansixiyay, waxaana wax ka beddali kara oo kali ah baarlamaanka deegaanka ee hadba xilligaas jira!!!

Bahal caydhiin ma daayo!Xidhayga Gafdiid Khaliif lagula kacay waa mid ku socda qof kasta oo damiirkiisu siiyay in uu dul...

Bahal caydhiin ma daayo!

Xidhayga Gafdiid Khaliif lagula kacay waa mid ku socda qof kasta oo damiirkiisu siiyay in uu dulmigii jiray ka hadlo.

Sharciga dhawaan la soo saaray hawshiisu ma fududaan doonto, waxaa loogu talo galay in sidii la doono loo adeegsado oo lagu xakameeyo cid kasta oo xukunka jira ka aragti duwanaata.

2 wariye ayaa loo ciqaabay sawir dhawaan laga sameeyay Abiy Axmed iyo xaaskiisa oo qolka hurdada jiifa, arrinta Gafdiidna taas ayay dabo-socotaa, waana arrin laga soo shaqeeyay.

Waddaniyiinta dulmiga neceb ayay u taallaa in ay dhaqankan mar kale ka dagaallami doonaan.

ONLF jawaab baa laga sugayaa umana malaynayo in ay sugi doonaan inta maalinba midba qoorta la soo qaban doono!!

Guled Adnan - Kali TV St Paul, MN

Fadlan la wadaag dadk Af-soomaaliga wax ku akhriya.COVID 19 ama Hargabka cusub 19 iyo sida looga samatabixi karoCudurkii...

Fadlan la wadaag dadk Af-soomaaliga wax ku akhriya.

COVID 19 ama Hargabka cusub 19 iyo sida looga samatabixi karo

Cudurkii COVID 19 Afrika wuu galay; Kenya waa cadaysay, xili dhawna ka filo Itoobiya, Djibouti iyo Soomaaliyaba.

Lixdan Talaabo ayuunbaa Illaa hada la hayaa.

Sawirka 1aad: had iyo jeer gacmahaaga saabuun ku maydh mudo 25 secondi oo sacabada isku xoq (Biyo kulul iyo kuwo qabooba waad ku maydhi karta).

Sawirka 2aad. had iyo jeer ka foogow shaqsi kale oo in 6 jaamood (6 feet) iyo in ka badan ka fogow. Hana salaamin qofna. (social distancing).

Sawirka 3aad: hadii lacala aad wax iska garanweydo ood qabto hargab noockasta ah, gurigaaaga joog oo publik ha u soo bixin.

4.Sawirka 4aad: markaad hidisayso, xaashi ama maskar ku qabo. Hadii kalena maradaada iyo xusulkaaga ku hindis. Inaba ha ku hindisin calaacashaada. Sida ugu muga leh ee cudurkani ku faafaa waa dhibco qoyan oo qof cudurka qabaa soo tuuray oo ku soo gaadha. Ka fogoow cid aan qoyskaaga caafimaadka qaba aan ahayn ilaa inta daawo loo helayo.

6. Sawirka 6aad: meelaha la taabtay ee laga yaabo in aad adan isticmaasho ama aad taabao, sanitizer ama saabunta cayayaanka disha ku buufi.

Ta Eebena aad ugu dar. Qofka Salaada tukada ama cibaadada badiyaa difaaca jidhkiisu (immune system) wuu xoogan yahay. Cukurkanina waa inta badan mid immune systemka la xidhiidha.

Alow Umadaada Ilaali

Waxaa qoray: Faisal Roble

Ilhan Omar oo shaacisay guurkeeda!!

Ilhan Omar oo shaacisay guurkeeda!!

The Minnesota congresswoman announced the marriage Wednesday on Instagram.


Madaxweynaha Maraykanka oo tallaabadii ugu adkayd ka qaatay CoronaVirus!

Hadal uu jeediyay saacad ka hor ayuu Trump ku sheegay in uu gabi ahaanba joojiyay duullimaadyadii Yurub ee Maraykanka imanayay laga billaabo saqda dhexe habeeenka jimcaha ee soo socda.

Go’aankan waxaa ka badbaadaya oo kali ah Dadka ka imanaya Ingiriiska iyo muwaadiniinta Maraykanka ee soo laabanaya oo baadhitaan dheeraad ah la marsiin doono.

Joojinta socdaalkan waxbaa laga beddali karaa iyada oo xaaladda la eegayo sida uu sheegay Madaxweynaha Maraykanka Donald Trump.

Isuduwaha hay’adda Caafimaadka Adduunka Dr Tewedros Adhanom ayaa war saxaafadeed uu soo saaray ku sheegay in -118,000 oo...

Isuduwaha hay’adda Caafimaadka Adduunka Dr Tewedros Adhanom ayaa war saxaafadeed uu soo saaray ku sheegay in

-118,000 oo qof oo ku kala nool 114 waddan uu haleelay Coronavirus

- 4,200 oo qofna ay u dhimatay

Sida oo kalena ay tiradu sii kordhayso marba marka ka danbaysa cudurkuna uu isu beddalay Panademic oo ah in uu ku faafayo qaarad ka qaarad illaa waddan ka waddan.

Wuxuuna ku baaqaay in dawalaha caalamka, hay’adaha iyo dhammaanba in la iska kaashado sidii cudurkan loola dagaallami lahaa!!

Media briefing on with .

Congratulations Filsan Cabdulahi Axmed Yuusuf, oo loo magacaabay wasiirka Haweenka, Dhallinyarada iyo Carruurta ee dowla...

Congratulations Filsan Cabdulahi Axmed Yuusuf, oo loo magacaabay wasiirka Haweenka, Dhallinyarada iyo Carruurta ee dowlada federalka Ethiopia.

Filsan Waa mulkiilaha Nabad TV oo ahaa midkii baryahan laga soo daynayey taariikhda 1977 iyo guushii Somalida.

Hambalyo ayaan leeyahay Marlabaad walaal, rabbi hakaa dhigo midii dadkeeda ugu adeegta xilkan.


WHO Press Conference!!

Jaamacadda Johns Hopkins oo ku taalla Washington iyo Maryland ee dalka Maraykanka islamarkaana xarumo ku leh dunida gaar...

Jaamacadda Johns Hopkins oo ku taalla Washington iyo Maryland ee dalka Maraykanka islamarkaana xarumo ku leh dunida gaar ahaan China iyo Italy ayaa shalay sheegtay in guud ahaan caalamka laga xaqiijiyey 113,584 kiis oo cudurka Coronavirus ah, iyo dhimashada 3,996, kuwaas oo intooda badan China ah.

Istaahil Dayib, Kali TV Addis Ababa

Gafdiid Khaliif oo ah xubin ka tirsan Golaha dhexe ee ONLF, Isla markaana ah qoraa in badan ku soo jiray u halganka shac...

Gafdiid Khaliif oo ah xubin ka tirsan Golaha dhexe ee ONLF, Isla markaana ah qoraa in badan ku soo jiray u halganka shacabka ayaa saaka xabsiga loo taxaabay magaalada Jigjiga.

Gafdiid oo ka tirsan bahda Kali TV ahna tafatiraha Hud’Hud Media Network ayaa lagu xasuustaa qoraalladii dhaxalgalka ahaa ee uu ku qori jiray Websitekii faadumofirimbi oo xilli adag dadka u dhawaaqay!

Waxaa muuqda gad-gaddoon siyaasadeed oo khasaare badan iyo dib u noqosho sabab u noqon doona.

‘’Dareenku wuxuu diidan yahay waxa soo socda’’ waa hadal murtiyeedkii Siraje Adan!!

5 dal ee ree Yurub ah oo oggolaaday in ay magangelyo siinayaan carruurta yaryar ee ku xanniban xadka u dhexeeya Turkiga ...

5 dal ee ree Yurub ah oo oggolaaday in ay magangelyo siinayaan carruurta yaryar ee ku xanniban xadka u dhexeeya Turkiga iyo Giriigga!

Guddigii Golaha Midowga Yurub u xil saareen inay ka shaqeeyaan sidii loo xallin lahaa xaaladda Qaxootiga ayaa ku tilmaamay xaaladda dadkaasi ku sugan yihiin mid aan la eegan karin oo kaalmo aadaminimo u baahan.

Wadamada Yurub ee ogolaaday inay qaadan doonaan caruurta ayaa kala ah Finland, France, Germany, Luxembourg iyo Portugal, waxayna caddeeyeen inay baaditaan dhinacyo badan ah marsiin doonaan Caruurta Qaxootiga ah, oo uu ugu horreeyo baadhitaanka CoronaVirus!

Ururka xuquuqul insaanka caalamka ee Human Rights Watch ayaa ku tilmaamay (kaligii taliye) Raysal wasaaraha dalka Ethiop...

Ururka xuquuqul insaanka caalamka ee Human Rights Watch ayaa ku tilmaamay (kaligii taliye) Raysal wasaaraha dalka Ethiopia Dr. Abiy Ahmed.

Qoraal ay la wadaagen warbaahinta caalamka ayeey ciwaan uga dhigeen sidatan " Kaligii taliyaha Ethiopia ee ku guulaystey Biladda Nabad Aduunka waxaan ugu baaqaynaa inuu khadka internetka iyo telephone ka ufuro gobalka Oromia"

Warbaahinta caalamka ayaa baryahan ku tilmaamaya kaligii taliye Dr. Abiy oo bilowga xukunkiisa u muuqdey nin ilaalin doona xoriyadaha dadka iyo shucuubta. Arintan ayaa sababtey in laga hakiyo wadanka Ethiopia lacago badan oo loogu deeqay ee hub uu ka codsadey dalka faransiiska.

Laba qof oo Itoobiya ka soo jeeda oo laga helay Corona Virus!!Wasaarada Caafimaadka ee Imaaraadka ayaa sheegtay in 2 qof...

Laba qof oo Itoobiya ka soo jeeda oo laga helay Corona Virus!!

Wasaarada Caafimaadka ee Imaaraadka ayaa sheegtay in 2 qof oo Ethiopian ah laga helay cudurkan taas oo ka dhigaysa in 45 qof dadka Imaaraadka ku nool ee cudurkani ku dhacay.

Warbixinta wasaarada ayaa lagu sheegay in 45kaas qof 13 ka mid ah ay ka soo kala jeedaan Thailand, China, Morocco iyo India, 2 Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia and Iran, halka 3 kali ah ay UAE u dhasheen.

Ilaahay ha inaga badbaadiyo aafada dhaxaysa!



In 2008, Ben Wormington's deployment ended, and Ted, the translator for his reconnaissance unit, applied for a Special Immigrant Visa. About seven years later, Ted messaged Wormington on Facebook. “Where

Qoraal ka soo baxay wasaarada arrimaha dibadda Itoobiya ayaa lagu cambaareeyay taageerada indho la’aanta ah ee ay Jaamac...

Qoraal ka soo baxay wasaarada arrimaha dibadda Itoobiya ayaa lagu cambaareeyay taageerada indho la’aanta ah ee ay Jaamacada carabtu ku garab istaageen Masar arrimaha la xidhiidha Biyo-xidheenka.

Kulanka 153aad ee Jaamacada Carabta ayaa laga soo saaray qaraar lagu diidayo waxkasta oo ka hor imanaya ka faa’iidaysiga khayraadka biyaha ee Nile ee Masar.

Itoobiya ayaa wajahaysa culays diblomaasiyadeed oo kaga imanaya dawlado waaweyn iyo hay’ado caalami ah, ka dib markii ay Masar dalbatay in Maraykanku uu dhexdhexaadiyo muranka u dhexeeya labada waddan.

Ururka Jaamacadda Carabtu wuxuu ka kooban yahay 22 dawladooda oo kala ah: Algeria, Bahrain, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, the United Arab Emirates and Yemen. Waxaa sidoo kale kor joogeyaal ka ah Brazil, Eritrea, India and Venezuela.

President Trump signed an $8.3 billion measure to combat the coronavirus outbreak!

President Trump signed an $8.3 billion measure to combat the coronavirus outbreak!

California, Washington state deaths add to U.S. coronavirus tollTwo more people have died of coronavirus in the United S...

California, Washington state deaths add to U.S. coronavirus toll

Two more people have died of coronavirus in the United States, bringing the toll to 11, and new confirmed cases were reported on Wednesday around the two most populous cities, New York and Los Angeles.

California's governor declared a state of emergency with 53 confirmed cases in the state.

Source: Reuters

Wargayska The New York Times ayaa lagu baahiyay Joe Biden oo ahaan jiray Madaxweyne kuxigeenka Maraykanka uu ku guulayst...

Wargayska The New York Times ayaa lagu baahiyay Joe Biden oo ahaan jiray Madaxweyne kuxigeenka Maraykanka uu ku guulaystay natiijada hordhaca ah ee Super Tuesday oo xisbiga dimuqraadigu ay ku xulanayeen musharraxa uga qaybgeli lahaa ee doorashada Maraykanka ee bisha November ee sannadkan.

Joe Biden oo ahaan jiray kuxigeenkii Barak Obama, islamarkaana ah qunyar socod ayaa la saadaalinayaa in uu si adag ula tartami doono Donald Trump haddii uu ku guulaysto codbixinta gobollada hadhsan.

Iowa Teen Still Missing 6 Weeks After Leaving Job at Target: 'We Just Want Him to Come Home'As the search for 18-year-ol...

Iowa Teen Still Missing 6 Weeks After Leaving Job at Target: 'We Just Want Him to Come Home'

As the search for 18-year-old Target employee Abdullahi "Abdi" Sharif entered its sixth week Monday, his family told Dateline they are worried and just want to know if he’s OK.

“Just call us, Abdi. Just get in touch with me... or someone, and let us know that you’re OK,” Abdi’s sister, Ifrah Mohammad told Dateline on Monday. “My mother is especially worried. She prays every night. Even when I tell her she should get some sleep, she continues to pray. We just want to know that Abdi is safe.”

Abdi was last seen on security video Friday, January 17, 2020, leaving the Target store at Merle Hay Mall in Des Moines, Iowa. He and his sister Ifrah, 22, have both worked at the store for nearly two years.

Ifrah told Dateline there was bad winter weather in Des Moines on January 17 and her brother had the day off from Roosevelt High School, where he was a senior.

According to Ifrah, Abdi told his family he was called in for a shift at Target that day, so their mother drove him to the mall around noon. They later discovered that Abdi was not on the schedule that day.

“It was not unusual for him to be there,” Ifrah said. “He loved working there and would sometimes just hang out. And the mall was in the same area, so he’d spend hours there.”

Ifrah said she knows Abdi was at Target around 5 p.m., because his location data was on when he posted to Snapchat at that time. His snap referred to "bad, bad news."

“I’m not sure what that meant or if it had anything to do with why he’s missing,” Ifrah said. “My brother and I are close. He’s a great brother. But I don’t know all his secrets. I just don’t know what it means.”

Abdi later texted their mother and asked her to pick him up from Target at 9:30 p.m.

But when Abdi’s mother showed up, he wasn’t there. Ifrah said her mother tried to call Abdi multiple times, but he didn’t answer. She finally went inside, but could not find him.

The family thought he might have met up with a friend. But they said Abdi would have told someone if plans had changed and that he no longer needed to be picked up from work.

Security video from Target shows the last images of Abdi as he is walking out of the store wearing headphones attached to his phone, which he is holding in his hands.

Family members said calls to Abdi that evening went straight to voicemail. They reported him missing the next day and an investigation by the Des Moines Police Department began.

“The only thing we absolutely know is that he walked out of Target on his own and apparently voluntarily,” Des Moines Police Sgt. Paul Parizek told NBC affiliate WHOTV last week. “That's really the only thing we can absolutely say for certain. After that -- from the time that phone powered off -- we don't know where he went. So this is a good way to try and either also not find evidence -- but eliminate possibilities of what may have happened or where he may be. This is just as good for us helping find something out as also ruling something out.”

The family has also hired private investigator Stephanie Kinney, who is working with the police department in the search for Abdi.

“We’re doing everything we can to connect the pieces,” Kinney told Dateline. “I follow every tip that comes in because one of those could lead us to Abdi. Someone knows something. People don’t just disappear.”

Several searches have been organized in the community over the past six weeks. They scoured wooded areas, abandoned buildings and residential neighborhoods, around the area of VA hospital and Prospect Park, where Abdi’s phone last pinged. Both are within a few miles of the mall.

Kinney said investigators gained access to Abdi’s iCloud account last week and are looking for anything that might yield evidence.

They are still investigating possible leads the public may have, but as of Monday, there have been no updates on Abdi’s whereabouts.

“We’re doing everything we can and I’m on the right track,” Stephanie said. “This is one of the hardest cases I’ve ever worked, but I’m not going to give up until we have answers for the family.”

Abdi’s sister Ifrah told Dateline it’s not just their family, but the community, who want to bring Abdi home safe. A page Abdullahi Sharif Community Search has been created for those who want to keep up with updates in Abdi's case.

“He has so many customers at Target who love him,” Ifrah said. “There are customers who only get in his line when he’s working the cash register. They look for him to help find something. And they joined us in searching with Abdi. We just want him to come home to us.”

Abdi is approximately 5'4" tall and weighs 120 pounds. He was last seen wearing a dark-colored winter coat, khaki-colored pants and tennis shoes.

A $5,000 reward is being offered by the family for information that leads to Abdi’s whereabouts.

Anyone with information about Abdi’s location, or anyone who believes they have seen him, is asked locally to call 911, or the Des Moines Police Department at (515) 283-4811 or email private investigator Stephanie Kinney at [email protected]

Source: NBC News

Baadariga Kaniisada masiixiga ah ee Vatican Pope Francis ayaa laga helay cudurka CoronoVirus sida lagu baahiyay warbaahi...

Baadariga Kaniisada masiixiga ah ee Vatican Pope Francis ayaa laga helay cudurka CoronoVirus sida lagu baahiyay warbaahinta caalamka qaarkeed.

Waxaa lagu sheegay in uu dhexgalay dad isu soobaxay maalintii arbacada toddobaadkii tagay, waxaana la arkay isagoo qufacaya oo wajigiisa dhidid badan uu ka socdo.

Waxaa sidoo kale cudurkan laga helay labo ka mid ah kaaliyeyaashiisa taas oo ka dhigaysa 400 oo qof Talyaaniga hal toddobaad gudihiisa.

Baadiragan oo 83 jir ah wixii maalintaas ka dambeeyay laguma arag fagaarayaasha dadka isugu soo baxaan ee Vatican-ka oo ku taala dalka Talyaaniga.


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