Our mission is to provide a safe space for equine-assisted healing utilizing higher consciousness modalities and positive reinforcement (R+) ridership techniques. At Starr Horse Retreats and Arenas, we offer equine healing to illustrate parallel issues of trust, forgiveness, and threshold limits between participants and horses. Through exercises, we explore emotional intelligence skills for mindfu
l decision-making and past grief healing. Some of our unique modalities include sound healing and guided meditations in the barn, equine theater and movement in the arenas, barnyard yoga, animal Reiki and massage, and positive reinforcement ridership training workshops and clinics. SHRA is working in collaboration with Haven Horsemanship, an equine education company promoting holistic training for horses and humans. Our facility is located east of Lake Tahoe in the verdant Carson Valley. We have four arenas, a 10-stall horse barn, a workshop room, a bunkhouse for client interaction, a three-bedroom house dedicated to Gaia Gathering Inc. events, classes, and retreats, and 30 acres of pasture with multiple obstacle courses for walking and riding. We welcome and support positive reinforcement ridership and open our arenas to positive reinforcement, R+, clinics, and workshops.