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Spiral staircase in the State Capitol Law Library in Iowa (USA) 1886.More:

Spiral staircase in the State Capitol Law Library in Iowa (USA) 1886.


Egyptian god Thoth in Luxor temple. - considered one of the more important deities of the Egyptian pantheon.

Egyptian god Thoth in Luxor temple. - considered one of the more important deities of the Egyptian pantheon.

من آثار رمسيس الثاني بمتحف المطرية المفتوح📸 Egypt With Ahmed

من آثار رمسيس الثاني بمتحف المطرية المفتوح

📸 Egypt With Ahmed

The Sacred City of Caral in peru. At almost 5000 years old, it"s the oldest city in the Americas and predates even the g...

The Sacred City of Caral in peru. At almost 5000 years old, it"s the oldest city in the Americas and predates even the great Pyramids of Egypt. It includes 6 pyramids, the largest of which measures 150x160 meters, 2 sunken ceremonial plazas, residential districts and an irrigation system

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Shambles, an old street in York, England; and one of best-preserved Medieval Shopping Streets in Europe. With its cobble...

Shambles, an old street in York, England; and one of best-preserved Medieval Shopping Streets in Europe. With its cobbled streets and overhanging timber-framed buildings, some dating back as far as 14th Century AD.

As recently as 1885 AD, thirty-one butchers" shops were located along street, but now none remain. Although butchers have now vanished, a number of shops on street still have meat-hooks hanging outside and, below them, shelves on which meat was displayed. Street was made narrow by design to keep meat out of direct sunlight.


They"re really not that far, if you think about it...

They"re really not that far, if you think about it...

The Temple of Khnum is an ancient Egyptian temple in the city of Esna in Luxor Governorate, Upper Egypt, about 55 kilome...

The Temple of Khnum is an ancient Egyptian temple in the city of Esna in Luxor Governorate, Upper Egypt, about 55 kilometers south of Luxor. It had the ancient Egyptian name Hout-Khenmu (“House of Khnum”). The only surviving part of the temple is the pronos, the actual temple vestibule. The hall is supported by 24 columns and has an intact roof. It is located in the city center on the Nile River, 200 meters west of the river bank.

The unique golden coffin of king tut 🇪🇬Photo by paoloverzone

The unique golden coffin of king tut 🇪🇬

Photo by paoloverzone

💛 this c. 1976 photo of French Egyptologist Christiane Desroches Noblecourt & the 3350 year old scribal statue of the hi...

💛 this c. 1976 photo of French Egyptologist Christiane Desroches Noblecourt & the 3350 year old scribal statue of the high official Amenhotep son of Hapu.

She"s indicating how the inscriptions on his lap were worn away by generations of ancient temple visitors

Ancient Egypt Pharaoh.

Ancient Egypt Pharaoh.

This Roman Merchant Shipwreck was discovered off coast of Kefalonia, Greece. The 35m long ship was carrying about 6000 A...

This Roman Merchant Shipwreck was discovered off coast of Kefalonia, Greece. The 35m long ship was carrying about 6000 Amphorae (Terracotta Vases) that consisted of goods such as wine, olive oil, grains and other foodstuffs.

This massive ship sailed Mediterranean between 100 BC - 100 AD, transporting goods within Roman Empire. It is unknown why ship sank.

Shipwreck has potential to yield a wealth of information about shipping routes, trading, amphorae hull stowage and ship construction during that period


Luxor Temple looked with your eyes

Luxor Temple looked with your eyes

An impressive and rare coin hoard from the Abbasid period, dating around 1,100 years ago! The coins are made of pure gol...

An impressive and rare coin hoard from the Abbasid period, dating around 1,100 years ago! The coins are made of pure gold - 24 carats. The total weight of the hoard is about 845 grams of pure gold - a significant amount of money in those days.

Ushabti of Tutankhamun

Ushabti of Tutankhamun

Details from Ceremonial Throne of Tutankhamun - Wood covered with gold foil and is inlaid with semi-precious stones and ...

Details from Ceremonial Throne of Tutankhamun

- Wood covered with gold foil and is inlaid with semi-precious stones and colored glass.

📸 Egypt With Ahmed
Egyptian Museum in Cairo
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Head of a Leopard with Cartouche of TutankhamunThe tomb of Tutankhamun contained many leopard heads like this gilded one...

Head of a Leopard with Cartouche of Tutankhamun

The tomb of Tutankhamun contained many leopard heads like this gilded one. This head differs from others in having the king’s cartouche incised atop its head. The leopard head adorned a garment that imitated the animal’s skin. This was the distinctive garment of the Sem priest.

The leopard’s body and fur were particularly valuable in ancient Egypt: its fur was worn by the Sem priests performing the ritual of the Opening of the Mouth ritual and often by the king in ceremonies.

From the Tomb of Tutankhamun (KV62), Valley of the Kings, West Thebes. Now in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo. JE 62629

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In Hierapolis, Turkey, an ancient Roman tomb is gradually being concealed by calcium carbonate deposits. Hierapolis is r...

In Hierapolis, Turkey, an ancient Roman tomb is gradually being concealed by calcium carbonate deposits.

Hierapolis is renowned for its thermal spas and became part of the Roman Empire around 133 BC when King Attalus III of Pergamon bequeathed his kingdom to Rome upon his death.


Broad collar of SenebtisiMiddle Kingdom, 12th Dynasty - early 13th, c. 1850–1775 B.C.From: Tomb of Senwosret (758), Pit ...

Broad collar of Senebtisi
Middle Kingdom, 12th Dynasty - early 13th, c. 1850–1775 B.C.
From: Tomb of Senwosret (758), Pit 763, burial of Senebtisi.
Lisht North, Memphite Region.
MMA excavations, 1906–07.

Materials: Faïence, gold, carnelian, turquoise.
Falcon heads and leaf pendants, originally gilded plaster, restored in gilded silver. Eyes originally gilded beads restored in gilded plaster.

Met Museum. 08.200.30

4,500 year old quartz crystal dagger with ivory hilt. Found in a Copper Age-era tomb in Valencina de la Concepción, Spai...

4,500 year old quartz crystal dagger with ivory hilt. Found in a Copper Age-era tomb in Valencina de la Concepción, Spain.


Statue of Satmeret, Wife of NeferherenptahOld Kingdom, 5th to 6th Dynasty, around 2345 BC. Painted limestone, found in s...

Statue of Satmeret, Wife of Neferherenptah
Old Kingdom, 5th to 6th Dynasty, around 2345 BC.
Painted limestone, found in situ in serdab of G 8412, Giza.
Now in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo. JE 87806

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القطعة الاجمل و الأغلى فى الحضارة المصرية القديمةقناع الملك توت عنخ آمون من الذهب الخالص و الاحجار الكريمة و شبه الكريمة...

القطعة الاجمل و الأغلى فى الحضارة المصرية القديمة
قناع الملك توت عنخ آمون من الذهب الخالص و الاحجار الكريمة و شبه الكريمة
الأسرة الثامنة عشر من عصر الدولة الحديثة
المتحف المصرى القديم بالتحرير و قريبا سيعرض فى قاعة خاصة بالملك فى المتحف المصرى الكبير ❤️

The Trier Gold Hoard is a hoard of 2516 gold coins with a weight of 18.5 kg, found in Trier, Germany, in September 1993 ...

The Trier Gold Hoard is a hoard of 2516 gold coins with a weight of 18.5 kg, found in Trier, Germany, in September 1993 during construction works, nearly 1800 years after it was hidden. It is described as the largest preserved Roman gold hoard worldwide.
Greater inspection revealed that it was not simply someone"s personal fortune but most likely an official treasury. The treasury had been carefully administered and had grown over time. The Hoard equated to the annual salary of around 130 Roman soldiers.
The aurei (gold coins) feature a total of 27 emperors, empresses and members of the imperial family, and some are still considered unique to this day. The gold coins were buried in a cellar during a civil war in 196 AD.

Original Roman Lead water pipe, 1-300 AD. Inscription cast of an official team in charge of maintaining the water supply...

Original Roman Lead water pipe, 1-300 AD. Inscription cast of an official team in charge of maintaining the water supply.

The Pazyryk Carpet is the world"s oldest intact carpet. This 2,500-year-old carpet was found frozen in a Kurgan in the A...

The Pazyryk Carpet is the world"s oldest intact carpet. This 2,500-year-old carpet was found frozen in a Kurgan in the Altai Mountains.




Hatshepsut: La Gran Reina Faraón del Antiguo Egipto

En las brumosas y misteriosas arenas del antiguo Egipto, una figura extraordinaria emerge de la historia, desafiando las convenciones de su época y dejando una huella imborrable en el imperio del Nilo. Su nombre era Hatshepsut, una mujer valiente y visionaria que se convertiría en una de las reinas faraón más notables de Egipto.

El Origen de una Reina

Hatshepsut nació alrededor del año 1507 a.C., en la dinastía XVIII del Antiguo Egipto. Su padre era Thutmose I, y su madre, Ahmose, provenía de una familia noble. Desde su nacimiento, Hatshepsut estaba destinada a desempeñar un papel fundamental en la historia de Egipto.

Sin embargo, su ascenso al trono no fue directo. Después de la muerte de Thutmose I, su medio hermano Thutmose II se convirtió en faraón. Hatshepsut se casó con él, pero su esposo murió temprano, dejando el trono a su hijo Thutmose III, quien era solo un niño en ese momento. Aquí es donde comienza la extraordinaria historia de Hatshepsut.

La Reina que Desafió al Tiempo

Ante la perspectiva de ser relegada al papel de regente en nombre de su joven sobrino, Hatshepsut tomó una decisión audaz y controvertida. En el año 1479 a.C., se coronó a sí misma faraón de Egipto, adoptando todos los atributos masculinos que el título conllevaba. Aunque no fue la primera mujer en gobernar Egipto, su reinado fue excepcional en su duración y en sus logros.

Hatshepsut gobernó durante más de dos décadas, y su gobierno estuvo marcado por una paz y prosperidad sin precedentes en el antiguo Egipto. Fomentó el comercio con tierras lejanas, enviando expediciones a la misteriosa tierra de Punt en busca de incienso y otros recursos exóticos. Bajo su dirección, la arquitectura y las artes florecieron, dejando monumentos espectaculares como el Templo de Deir el-Bahari, una maravilla arquitectónica que todavía asombra a los visitantes hoy en día.

El Templo de Deir el-Bahari

Además de su reinado notable, Hatshepsut es famosa por el impresionante Templo de Deir el-Bahari en Tebas Occidental. Este templo, dedicado a la diosa Hathor, es conocido por su arquitectura innovadora y su ubicación en un acantilado, lo que lo hace único en su tipo en el Antiguo Egipto.

Estilo de Vestimenta Único

Como faraón, Hatshepsut adoptó una apariencia masculina, incluyendo la vestimenta y el uso de una falsa barba ceremonial. Estas representaciones han desconcertado a los historiadores y arqueólogos, pero también revelan su determinación para consolidar su autoridad.

Redescubrimiento de su Tumba

Durante siglos, la ubicación de la tumba de Hatshepsut permaneció desconocida. Fue redescubierta en el siglo XIX, pero su momia nunca se encontró. Esto ha llevado a teorías sobre su posible destino, incluyendo la idea de que fue eliminada intencionalmente de la historia.

Campañas de Comercio a Punt

Uno de los logros más notables de su reinado fue la expedición a Punt, una tierra misteriosa conocida por sus valiosos recursos. Las inscripciones en Deir el-Bahari muestran a los egipcios intercambiando regalos con los habitantes de Punt, incluyendo especias, incienso y ébano.

Los Obeliscos Gemelos

Hatshepsut ordenó la construcción de dos obeliscos gemelos en el Templo de Karnak. Cada uno de ellos pesaba varias toneladas y fue transportado desde una cantera lejana. Estos obeliscos son un testimonio de la habilidad y el ingenio de la ingeniería egipcia antigua.

El Legado de una Gran Reina Faraón

El reinado de Hatshepsut dejó un legado perdurable en la historia de Egipto. Aunque intentaron borrar su nombre de la historia, su legado se ha mantenido intacto. Es recordada como una líder excepcional que desafió las normas de género de su época y dejó un imperio más fuerte y próspero.

Después de su muerte en el año 1458 a.C., Thutmose III finalmente asumió el pleno poder, pero reconoció el impacto positivo del reinado de Hatshepsut. A menudo se le representa como un faraón en los registros históricos, junto a su tía y antecesora. El respeto a su memoria se refleja en la preservación de sus monumentos y tumbas, lo que permite que su historia perdure

Pharaoh AkhenatenThe KV55 coffin,Akhenaten or Amenhotep IV – among many other names – was the tenth pharaoh of the 18th ...

Pharaoh Akhenaten
The KV55 coffin,
Akhenaten or Amenhotep IV – among many other names – was the tenth pharaoh of the 18th dynasty who reigned Egypt between 1353 and 1334 BC.
Now in the Egyptian Museum of Cairo, Egypt.

Knocking at Death’s Door: A Sculpture by Giovanni Battista CevascoIn this poignant artwork created in 1875 by Giovanni B...

Knocking at Death’s Door: A Sculpture by Giovanni Battista Cevasco

In this poignant artwork created in 1875 by Giovanni Battista Cevasco, a widow is depicted knocking on death"s door with one hand, while holding a wreath of victory in the other. The wreath symbolizes triumph over death, representing resurrection and renewal.

The widow in the sculpture is identified as the wife of Pietro Badaracco, a person of wealth as indicated by her attire. Above the door, various symbols are depicted, including a compass, an anchor, books, a globe, and a ship"s helm, alluding to the deceased"s occupation as a captain of a ship or shipping fleet. The door-knocker itself bears a winged hourglass, symbolizing the fleeting nature of time.


‏ثويا‏مُنشدة معبد الكرنك ،، جدة الملك اخناتون! ‏Egypt With Ahmed 📸‏المتحف المصري

‏مُنشدة معبد الكرنك ،، جدة الملك اخناتون!

‏Egypt With Ahmed 📸
‏المتحف المصري


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