The Mylo Foundation always has vet bills to pay. Please donate. Any amount will help! Thank you for giving the urgent shelter dogs in our area a chance. 🐾❤🐾
DID YOU KNOW? Almost EVERY dog The Mylo Foundation rescues is an Urgent Shelter Dog?
We rescue them, send them to our vet to address all their medical needs and place them in foster homes or provide boarding to keep them safe. Then we begin the process of addressing any training or additional care they need to find them forever homes. If they are unable to find their home or they are returned, The Mylo Foundation ALWAYS takes them back. Once a Mylo dog, always a Mylo dog.
PLEASE DONATE to our Urgent Dog Fund to provide funding for the vet expenses and boarding for the dogs at the shelter who need our help.
❤ FACEBOOK: Use the donate button
❤ PAYPAL: paypal.me/themylofoundation
❤ MAIL: The Mylo Foundation, 4360 Ponderosa Rd, Milton FL 32583
Thank you for your support and for giving our dogs a chance! We love you! ❤🐾❤