There is to be a time in the church where church business started church business. Period. I remember one time, at a church I was a member, a leader was "caught in a fault". It wasn't blasted all over the Internet and tabloids yes, church people ghosted, AMONGST EACH OTHER, NOT WITH THE WORLD, (doesn't make it right to gossip though). A church family business meeting was called. That is where members of that church only were to be in attendance. No visitors, no family from another church unless they were directly involved in the matter. The issue was discussed, people voiced their feelings, and WE PRAYED FOR THAT LEADER. WE PRAYED FOR THAT LEADER'S FAMILY. We were even administered to"leave their children alone", meaning don't go talking to their kids about it, not even to pay for them. Their children went to who they were comfortable talking to about their feelings anyway.
We "covered our leader's nakedness" with love and prayer. We even went on a fast. That church was blessed because of it too. We grew closer. We saw a mighty move of God during that coming year, corporately and individually.
I shared that to say this, whatever our feelings and opinions are concerning TD Jakes, if we are not moved to pay for him and his family, we have not the Holy Ghost. I don't know if the allegations are true or not, it's not my business. I'm not a member of his church and I'm not covered by him and his ministry. My job as a Christian is to cover him in prayer. Your job as a Christian is to pray.
The world already uses every opportunity it can to accuse the church and the Internet has made extra easy because anyone can make a vlog, podcast, or tiktok now to "expose" somebody.
Look, I've done things in my past, both before getting saved and while saved, that are embarrassing and sinful, so have many of you. Do you want someone sharing pictures of your shame or video? I know I don't!
If you aren't saved and you know you're not, if you know you're not a Christian, I AIN'T TALKING TO YOU!