Taking full advantage of the snow today with a sled pulling harness to strengthen this lovely Australian Shepherd after femur fracture. He is almost 5 months post injury but had pin migration of the internal fixation with femoral and peroneal branch of sciatic peripheral nerve damage. Its been a challenge to get weight bearing on the left hind limb. Time is the best way is to choose an activity that is inherent to the particular breed. Though he's not a husky he enjoys the pulling exercise and I'm purposely crouching down low with my center of gravity behind him to target his hip and thigh musculature. His mind was on running to this owner and
Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas, a joyous Hanukkah, and safe holiday season for your family, which includes your pets! I am thankful for all of you! Dr. Sue
#physicaltherapyfordogs #yorkshireterrier #christmastime #animalphysiotherapy
Trying to align and mobilize the spine facet joints of a wiggly, vocal pug...but mission accomplished! This is also a testament to the importance of staying mobile and fit as a senior citizen still practicing PT!! #physicaltherapyforpets #fitatanyage #keepmoving #puglove #seniordog #neurorehabilitation #jointhealth
Stifle brace fabrication at My Pet's Brace! Teamwork. Precision timing and manual skill needed to apply the final outer component. #custombraces #conservativemanagement #cruciateligament #arthritisrelief #americaningenuity #teamwork
Nigel going over the cavalettis!!! #yorkielife #physicaltherapyforpets
Working with James, age 16, recovering from a cervical disk extrusion, plus a little snuggling! #physicaltherapyforpets #animalphysicaltherapist #seniordog #neuroplasticity
How cute is this little lady?!! #physicaltherapyforpets #englishbulldog #sittingpretty
Its Jeffrey!!! From a few years ago when he needed to make sure to bring the proper equipment along for his visit. But I think his real reason was to try to get in some extra massage time. And for those of you that still refuse to believe that Jeffrey can talk!!! #bassethound #talkingdog
I loved being Jeffrey's Physical Therapist!! #animalphysicaltherapist #physicaltherapyforpets #bassetthound #seniordog
Pug Finn hamming it up for PT today! Telling me all about his recent Canadian vacation! #pug #travellingdogs #animalphysicaltherapist #physicaltherapyforpets
I knew my patient Raea needed wheels, but a different type of cart than I usually recommend. I am so happy that we tried Doggon Wheels as this cart is perfect for her! She needed a softer harness support rather that a fixed saddle, and an extremely lightweight yet sturdy frame. She moves so well in this cart and took off right away as soon as we put her in and made some minor adjustments. She really did not want to hold still while we made the adjustments and couldn't wait to move. I'm so happy for Raea and her family, as they can take walks together again. And no more rump scooting or taking a few steps and then toppling over for Raea, who is a very delicate mixed breed (ShihTzu/Dachshund) having a neurological disorder + hip dysplasia + stifle cruciate laxity! Lots of challenges! Thank you to my genius colleague Jenny Moe and her wonderful product! #animalphysicaltherapist #mobilitysolutions #neurorehabilitation #seniordog #thoracomyelopathy #ivdd