Don't own rights to song.
Garter Toss. Song: Pony by Ginuwine
Lauren & Drew Barton introduction. #aintnopartylikeanolimitparty #djandemcee #nolimitpremier
No limit Premier, Dayton's Premier Wedding Entertainment.
No Limit Premier Dayton's Premier Wedding Entertainment #aintnopartylikeanolimitparty #djandemcee #nolimitpremier
Check us out on tiktok & Facebook at No Limit Premier Or Instagram at ent.nolimit
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Sweet Caroline ❤
Sweet Caroline ❤
Ain't no party like a No Limit party!
❤❤❤ Do you believe in life after love
Sparkler send off for the grand exit.
The releasing of doves.
There are many positive attributes that are associated with white doves: hope, honesty, purity, and love are only a few. In the Bible, the white dove was often used as a symbol for the Holy Spirit, bringing messages to the man from heaven. Doves mate for life and are incredibly loyal creatures whose caring natures have been observed by humans for thousands of years.
Having a white dove release at your wedding service truly transcends all cultures and religions, and forms a beautiful backdrop for the final messages to your loved one.❤
Nolimitpremier.com 2020 wedding season
It's time for a No Limit Premier contest!! We will be giving out a prize to one lucky winner that can guess how many diamonds are in the glass vase!....
Here are the rules: you must like and share this post then leave your guess in the comments. One guess per person per day.
Winner will be the person with the closest number to the actual number of diamonds in the vase without going over!! If there's a tie then we will go with the one who commented the winning number first.
contest starts now, ends this Friday 16th at 8pm. Thanks for playing. Good luck!