Time! One of the things we all wish we can make more of Unfortunately but we can make the most of what we have!How?Most of us believe that time is money 💰 and this believe lead us to devote most of our time about a 3rd of our waking hours to making money leaving less than 2/3 to figure out our Physical health, Mental health and how to build meaningful relationships and that sounds like trying build Rome in one day! We have to find ways to make money independently from the amount of time we have to invest so we can allocate a great amount of time to the other aspects of live that is as important or even more important than money!
“In Life we don’t get what we want we get what we deserve!” If you want something go to work so you can become someone deserving of what you want! Mohamadi Tapsoba
On this Episode of the Entrepreneurship Podcast with Mohamadi Valeria talks about her business journey as well as some amazing lessons she learned along the way. Valeria runs a successful Social media marketing agency in downtown Miami called Splash Marketing she helps businesses and entrepreneurs showcases they products and services on social media. Check it out on the link on my Bio.Remember to follow @eformulapodcast Follow Valeria: @valeriasbrand ——-#theeformulapodcast #tannerchidester #mohamadiworks #entrepreneur #podcast
“Don’t let anyone from your past interfere with your future unless your goal is to go back to the pass or have them in your future” @mohamadiworks
Why you should invest in Bitcoin
You are who you hangout with!
Did you know @sergiotroconis_ dropped out before telling his parents? Yes! He did 😂! Go watch the full podcast on YouTube to learn more about Sergio, the business formula and relationship success secrets!———-Follow the E Formula @eformulapodcast
Short clip from the amazing The Entrepreneurship Formula podcast with Sebastian Beja on his journey to entrepreneurship. Sebastian Beja shared how he got started and this incredible first client story. watch the full video on
Youtube ► https://youtu.be/ZtEvt7mOfyg