Guide Salmon River Pulaski NY Drift Boat Steelhead Fishing Report

Guide Salmon River Pulaski NY Drift Boat Steelhead Fishing Report I’m Randy Jones w/35 yrs. of Pro. EXP. As a Salmon River fishing guide in Pulaski NY. With over 2,000 Salmon River drift boat guide fishing trips done. In Oct. Jan.

Rate for 1 person $350. - Rate for 2 people $450. "I’m Randy Jones w/35 Yrs. As a Salmon River fishing guide in Pulaski NY. -

Enjoy a Salmon River fishing guides Steelhead or Salmon drift boat trip in Pulaski NY. Learn my Best Salmon River fishing guide spots in Pulaski NY. Enjoy learning Advanced fishing techniques and

Exact fish habitats. I always enjoy sharing my wealth of Salmon River Fishing Guide Knowledge with all my guests. Especially if you are planning a return trip to the Salmon River on your own. To help you become self sufficient. We can do Spin fishing, Fly fishing or Float fishing off the Salmon River Guides drift boat in Pulaski NY.
I've done over 2,000 Salmon River drift boat guide fishing trips in Pulaski NY. Catch more Salmon and Steelhead. On a Salmon River drift boat guides fishing trip in Pulaski NY. -
Enjoy Steelhead fishing during the Fall, Winter or Spring on the Salmon River in Pulaski NY. These are the best times for Salmon River Steelhead fishing Pulaski NY. -
Enjoy my Salmon River Steelhead and Salmon fishing reports. For Salmon Steelhead fishing Salmon River Pulaski NY. -
Salmon River fishing guides steelhead drift boat Rate for 1 person $350. Rate for 2 people $450. Pulaski NY guide trip includes. All the Best Salmon River steelhead spin fishing, float fishing and fly fishing equipment, gear and tackle. Book your fishing trip on the Salmon River, Pulaski NY. -

A $150 deposit check (per day) is required to Book and Hold your date. (To be received within 7 days of Booking). Check mailed and payable too:
Randy Jones, 87 Clark Rd., Mexico, NY 13114. (Sorry, no credit cards or online payment methods excepted). Email.
Ph. 1-315-963-2065
CATCH MORE STEELHEAD! Spring Steelhead fishing Salmon River Pulaski NY -
Winter Steelhead fishing Salmon River Pulaski NY -
Steelhead fishing Pulaski NY Report. -
Fall Steelhead fishing Pulaski NY -
Fall Salmon River Steelhead fishing Pulaski NY -
Steelhead fishing Salmon River NY. -
***FREE - Expert and Advanced U-Tube Fishing Video's to help YOU CATCH MORE FISH! -
Steelhead Fishing on the Salmon River in Pulaski NY. Your Salmon River Steelhead fishing season begins in Pulaski NY in the Fall. The Steelhead fishing will last all Winter, Spring into April on the Salmon River in Pulaski NY. Fall Steelhead fishing Pulaski NY is one of the Best Times! is when our Fall Steelhead fishing season starts in Pulaski NY. These Fall Steelhead are entering the Salmon River to eat all the Salmon and Brown Trout eggs. The number of Fall Steelhead will increase in Nov. With fresh fishing Runs of Fall Steelhead Catapulting, Somersaulting, Bullet Runs and Tail-walks across the Pool in Pulaski NY. November and December are 2 of the Best Months for Steelhead fishing Pulaski NY.
The Winter Steelhead fishing in Pulaski NY is Good over the entire Salmon River. and February are one of the Best Times for Winter Steelhead fishing Pulaski NY. With only a few Winter, February steelhead anglers fishing. Winter fishing for steelhead goes until about the end of February. Fall and Winter Steelhead fishing in Pulaski NY is one of the Best Times.
Late Winter into Spring is “Prime Time” for Steelhead fishing Pulaski NY. With fresh Steelhead fishing runs from late Winter into Spring. They are entering and running the Salmon River to prepare for their Spring Spawn. March and April are great Spring Steelhead Fishing days on the Salmon River NY. The Spring Steelhead fishing in Pulaski NY is Good over the entire Salmon River. From the Upper Salmon River to the Lower Salmon River NY you will have Spring Steelhead fishing. One of the Best Times for Spring Steelhead fishing on the Salmon River in Pulaski NY. Is in March and April. Spring Steelhead fishing on the Salmon River is Great in April. April is the Best Time for Spring Drop Back Steelhead fishing. Some of your Best Salmon River Steelhead fishing is all Spring thru the end of April. April its one of the Best Times for Salmon River Steelhead fishing in Pulaski NY.
What's the Best Time for Steelhead Fishing Salmon River Pulaski NY? Fall, Winter, Spring and April are the Best Times for Steelhead fishing on the Salmon River in Pulaski NY.
Guest Testimonial. Randy,
I just wanted to thank you for sharing your experience and knowledge to make our trip an unbelievable experience for us. With me having 8 to 9 hookups, and my friend Tim with somewhere between 5 to 6 that is more fish on in a single day than some people have for an entire season. I'm a true believer in that hot spot on "Pucker Brush Creek :)

As a matter of fact Tim and I went back on our own the next day and the fish were there waiting for us just like you said they would be. Again we had a combined count of over 10 hookups and Tim had the hot hand that day with his 6 weight fly rod. Our only regret was that we did not have enough days left to explore some of the other high percentage areas you showed us as we had to go back to work sometime. Who says old dogs can't learn new tricks?:) Tim and I have been coming up there for over 15 years, and yet we still learned a few valuable lessons from you, thanks again. I would highly recommend you to anyone, beginner or experienced steelheader, it's the combination of little things and techniques that make all the difference in the world. Feel free to pass on my contact information if you need any references for anglers. I would be more than happy to vouch for your professionalism, knowledge, and stream courtesy to fellow anglers anytime. Thank You, Ted
Thanks for your many kind and generous words Ted! My head almost didn't fit thru the front door after that one :) Randy
About Randy Jones. – Author Biography. – Established in 1980. I started off guiding in VT. for Trout for 10 years. Then split my fishing seasons by guiding Here for 33 yrs. and Cape Cod for Stripers and Blues for 12 yrs. Randy Jones is the Owner, Author and Publisher of and this page. A Salmon River Guide based Service, Marketing Agency and Outfitter. Specializing in Expert Salmon and Steelhead fishing. Professional sales and marketing of his vastly successful Salmon River Guide fishing business and local fishery. SEO and Social Media. Paid Featured Guest Speaker at Sports Shows, Fresh and Saltwater fishing. Distributed World Wide Books. Magazine and Newspaper - Covers, feature articles and guide profiles. Guest Speaker at most Trout Unlimited Chapters, fly tying, tackle and Orvis shops around New England and beyond. Many World Wide Internet Fishing Sites and News Feeds. Represented the Orvis Corporation as a guide and chief instructor of their 2 1/2 day Cape Cod Saltwater Fly fishing Schools. (P.S. I don’t discriminate. I also enjoy guiding you spin anglers too! – yukyuk)

Thanks for stopping by! Randy Jones, 87 Clark Rd., Mexico, NY 13114

Late Winter into Spring.Is one of the BEST TIMES for Steelhead fishing Pulaski NY.With fresh Steelhead spawning runs on ...

Late Winter into Spring.
Is one of the BEST TIMES for Steelhead fishing Pulaski NY.

With fresh Steelhead spawning runs on the Salmon River. Combined with all the older Fall and Winter Steelhead, we have in the Salmon River currently.
Making late Winter into Spring “Prime Time” for Steelhead fishing.
By Randy Jones of
With 35 Yrs. of drift boat EXP. And over 2,000 trips.
Steelhead RUNS started in Sept. and have continued thru the Winter. Adding MORE Steelhead into the River.
In February and March, we will continue to see fresh runs of Spring time Steelhead.
***Adding even MORE Steelhead into the Salmon River, for your fishing ENJOYMENT.
Winter thaws and Spring rains create Run-off on the River.
Along with higher Dam released water levels.
Which helps to generate fresh runs of Spring time steelhead.
These Spring running Steelhead are making their Spawning Runs.
Their biological clock is ticking. And telling them its time to re-produce.
Causing fresh Spring steelhead to enter, run and spread out over the entire Salmon River in Pulaski NY.
***It’s TIME to Get Yer FISH ON!
TODAYS Salmon River Fishing TIP.
Most of the Older and Spring Steelhead will remain in the Salmon River Winter Habitat's thru February into the 3rd week of March.

These Winter Habitats, will normally have 10 to 100 Resident Steelhead in them.
Dependent of the size and quality Current Breaks it has.
***Offering You 100% Opportunity! With a 100% presence of Steelhead!
CURRENTLY on the Salmon River.
We have approx. 94% Older Fall and Winter Resident Steelhead.
4% fresh Steelhead, that are entering and running the Salmon River currently.
And 1% Spawning Steelhead.
With 1% Drop Back Steelhead.
Spring Steelhead fishing is when the ENTIRE Salmon River comes ALIVE.
From Top to Bottom. To one side of the river to the other. (within reason).
With Salmon River Pre-Spawn Steelhead, Spawning Steelhead and Drop Back Steelhead.
Currently, we have Steelhead in all 3 stages of the Spawn.
98% Pre-Spawn.
1% Spawning.
And the1% that have finished Spawning.
And are now Dropping Back to Lake Ontario.
Now thru the 3rd week of March.
The number of Spawning and Drop Back Steelhead will "very very slowly" increase.
After the 3rd week of March thru most of April.
You will see an EXPLOSION of Spawning and Drop Back Steelhead.
During this Time Period.
You will see a transition of Steelhead from the holes onto the gravel, where they will spawn.
They will then turn into HUNGRY drop-back Steelhead.
Another Salmon River Fishing TIP.
If you plan to target Drop Back Steelhead.
April is the BEST TIME with the LARGEST numbers!

These drop back Steelhead appetites are on fire.
As they slowly drop back down the Salmon River into Lake Ontario.
***Returning next year to the Salmon River, even BIGGER! - Ye-Haa!
In early May, fish the lower Salmon River for your BEST Steelhead Fishing OPPORTUNITIES!
*The Salmon River is not loaded (in most spots) and you will have to work for them. And possibly, cover a bunch of water.*
But they are in every current break, directly related to the water temperature and water level.

***No matter what 3 stages of the Spawn they are in. (That can put them in different parts of the River).
It's all 100% current Break related.
All Salmon River Steelhead fishing methods will work.
Whether your Steelhead float fishing, spin fishing, fly fishing, plug fishing or spey fishing in Pulaski NY.
It’s going to be a Good Spring with descent #’s of older and fresher Steelhead in the Salmon River.

***Offering you TONS of Opportunities to Catch that TROPHY Steelhead of a Fishing Life-Time! – Ye-Haa!

IMAGE - Tom with a 16 pd. Male Winter Steelhead!

FOR MORE – Steelhead Fishing Salmon River NY. -
CHECK OUT! - All the MONSTER Fish you can catch up here.
From my Salmon River Photo Gallery.
Salmon, Steelhead and Brown Trout. -
VIEW ALL of MY Salmon River Fishing Video's. -

CATCH MORE Fall - Winter - Spring STEELHEAD.
Salmon River Drift Boat Guide Randy Jones SHARES 35 Yrs. of Pro. EXP. targeting Steelhead.

Fall Steelhead fishing Pulaski NY. -
Fall Salmon River Steelhead fishing Pulaski NY. -
Steelhead fishing Salmon River NY. -
Winter Steelhead fishing Salmon River Pulaski NY. -
Winter Steelhead fishing Pulaski NY. -
Spring Steelhead fishing Salmon River Pulaski NY. -

Sharing my 35 years of Salmon River Steelhead drift boat Guiding Experience with you.
Stay tuned for more entertainingly informative and mildly educational reports and articles.
On this never-ending fishing trip with your host Randy Jones "The Yankee Angler".
I sincerely hope that what little I've been able to share with you.
Will help you along the path to more enjoyable and knowledgeable fishing.
Thanks for stopping in and spending your valuable internet fishing time here!

Hope your all enjoying the fishing!

Best Fish's, Salmon River Drift Boat Guide Randy Jones @

For the latest on the STEELHEAD RUNS! Please follow me on Facebook.

Join me for a guided Salmon River drift boat fishing trip in Pulaski NY. For Steelhead during the Fall, Winter or Spring.
Enjoy learning Advanced fishing techniques and Exact fish habitats.
I always enjoy sharing my wealth of knowledge with all my guest’s. Especially if you are planning a return trip on your own.
Established in 1980.
Randy Jones is a Pro. Salmon River fishing guide w/35 Yrs. EXP. And over 2,000 drift boat trips down the river.
Salmon River Guide RATES. - One Angler rate $350. - Two Angler rate $450 total.
Included in Salmon River Guide Rates. – All Salmon River Spin fishing, Float fishing and Fly fishing equipment, gear and tackle.
BOOK Your Fishing Trip. With Additional Booking Info. -
Email - "Randy Jones"

Salmon River Fishing Report Pulaski NY. - STEELHEAD.100% GUARANTEE!1. Bright fresh chrome Steelhead are entering and run...

Salmon River Fishing Report Pulaski NY. - STEELHEAD.

1. Bright fresh chrome Steelhead are entering and running the Salmon River now, as I type this.
2. All of the Resident Steelhead in the Salmon River are holding in their Winter Habitat.
Offering You 100% Opportunity with a 100% presence of Steelhead.
3. Your optional Local Creeks and Streams are with fresh Steelhead!
By Randy Jones of
With 34 Yrs. of drift boat EXP. And over 2,000 trips.

It’s going to be a Good Winter with descent #’s of older and fresher Steelhead in the Salmon River.

Offering you TONS of Opportunities to Catch that TROPHY Steelhead of a Fishing Life-Time! - Ye-Haa!
*The Salmon River is not loaded (in most spots) and you will have to work for them. And possibly, cover a bunch of water.*

But they are in every MAJOR current break, directly related to the water temperature and water level.
CURRENTLY on the Salmon River.
We have approx. 95% Older Fall and early Winter Resident Steelhead.
With 5% fresh December Steelhead. With some of those running the river currently.
While stopping to rest mid. day between approx. 9:30am until 6:30pm.
Then continuing up the Salmon River, until they have found their Prime Winter Habitat that satisfies it’s survival instincts.

These NEW Winter Steelhead are Top to Bottom of the Salmon River.
What's the #1 question I'm asked, when a guest lands a Salmon or Steelhead?

***WHY have 100% of the Resident Steelhead moved into their Winter spots?
Water Temp's. below 42 degrees, FORCES them into these Winter Habitats.
Combined with the numerous MAJOR Current Break's these area's provide.
Which allows them to conserve energy. When holding for an extended period of time, in cold water.
Otherwise - They would DIE!

By targeting the MOST. - Highest concentration.
Bulk of Steelhead in a SINGLE SPOT.

CHECK OUT my Video, that I made just for YOU!

Where do Resident Winter Steelhead hold, for Extended periods of time on the Salmon River?
CHECK OUT ALL my Salmon River Fishing Video's. -

If your Winter Steelhead fishing anytime soon.
You will have older steelhead that have been entering the Salmon River since Sept.
But also some fresh Winter Steelhead that will be easier to catch!
Current HIGHER water levels on the Salmon River.
Have kept MANY Winter steelhead anglers away.

Once the Salmon River water level drops. It will provide you with many unpressured steelhead, that are easier to fool!

TO INCLUDE. - During these colder Mo.’s. = Less anglers and drift boats = more opportunity for you!

We will receive MORE Steelhead this Winter. And even MORE Steelhead in the Spring.
Making these two Seasons. One of the of the BEST TIMES for Steelhead fishing in Pulaski NY.
When is one of the BEST TIMES for Steelhead fishing Pulaski NY. – Winter into Spring.

Late Winter into Spring is “Prime Time” for Steelhead fishing in Pulaski NY. With fresh Steelhead spawning runs.

There are not only leftover Fall and Winter steelhead. But also fresh fishing runs of Spring time Steelhead. Adding even MORE Steelhead into the Salmon River for your fishing enjoyment.

Winter thaws and Spring rains create Run-off on the Salmon River. Along with higher Dam released water levels. Which generates runs of steelhead.

PLUS the Steelheads biological clock to reproduce. Brings in the balance of our late Winter, Spring, March and April Steelhead.

March into All of April.
You will see a transition of Steelhead from the holes onto the gravel, where they will spawn. They will then turn into drop-back Steelhead. These drop back Steelhead appetites are on fire. As they slowly drop back down the Salmon River into Lake Ontario.

April is the Best Time for drop back steelhead fishing on the Salmon River Pulaski NY.
IMAGES. - 34 years of being rewarded with the Santa Hat.
Upon landing a Steelhead or Brown Trout during the Holidays.
FOR MORE – Steelhead Fishing Salmon River NY. -
CHECK OUT! - All the MONSTER Fish you can catch up here. From my Salmon River Photo Gallery. Salmon, Steelhead and Brown Trout. -
VIEW ALL of MY Salmon River Fishing Video's. -
Catch MORE Fall - Winter - Spring STEELHEAD.
Salmon River Drift Boat Guide Randy Jones SHARES 34 Yrs. of Pro. EXP. targeting Steelhead.

Fall Steelhead fishing Pulaski NY. -
Fall Salmon River Steelhead fishing Pulaski NY. -
Steelhead fishing Salmon River NY. -
Winter Steelhead fishing Salmon River Pulaski NY. -
Winter Steelhead fishing Pulaski NY. -
Spring Steelhead fishing Salmon River Pulaski NY. -

Enjoy a Scenic FUN and FAST Salmon River guide Drift Boat trip in Pulaski NY.
Covering 3 mi. in 4 min. on the Upper Salmon River off the Drift Boat. In the Fall for Salmon and Winter for Steelhead. -
What helps to cause a BIG RUN of Steelhead?
This could help you plan your Salmon River fishing trip. -

Sharing my 34 years of Salmon River Steelhead drift boat Guiding Experience with you.
Stay tuned for more entertainingly informative and mildly educational reports and articles.
On this never-ending fishing trip with your host Randy Jones "The Yankee Angler".
I sincerely hope that what little I've been able to share with you.
Will help you along the path to more enjoyable and knowledgeable fishing.
Thanks for stopping in and spending your valuable internet fishing time here!
Hope your all enjoying the fishing!

Best Holiday Fish's, Salmon River Drift Boat Guide Randy Jones @
For the latest on the STEELHEAD RUNS! Please follow me on Facebook.
Join me for a guided Salmon River drift boat fishing trip in Pulaski NY. For Steelhead during the Fall, Winter or Spring.
Enjoy learning Advanced fishing techniques and Exact fish habitats.
I always enjoy sharing my wealth of knowledge with all my guest’s. Especially if you are planning a return trip on your own.
Established in 1980.
Randy Jones is a Pro. Salmon River fishing guide w/34 Yrs. EXP. And over 2,000 drift boat trips down the river.
Salmon River Guide RATES. - One Angler rate $350. - Two Angler rate $450 total.
Included in Salmon River Guide Rates. – All Salmon River Spin fishing, Float fishing and Fly fishing equipment, gear and tackle.
BOOK Your Fishing Trip. With Additional Booking Info. -
Email - "Randy Jones"
or Call - 315-963-2065.

Salmon River Fishing Report Pulaski NY. - STEELHEAD.By Randy Jones of 34 Yrs. of drif...

Salmon River Fishing Report Pulaski NY. - STEELHEAD.
By Randy Jones of
With 34 Yrs. of drift boat EXP.
***What will 100% effect your future Steelhead fishing Opportunities and Successes? Please review everything I've written below about Water Temp. To help YOU CATCH MORE FISH!***
We have Steelhead Top to bottom of the river.
With all the Salmon and Brown Trout eggs in the River. It continues to bring in fresh Steelhead into the River for your enjoyment.
As everyday passes, we are seeing MORE Dime Bright Silver Bullet Chrome Steelhead enter and run the Salmon River.
Offering You MORE Opportunity to catch that TROPHY Steelhead of a fishing life-time! - Ye-Haa!
We will receive MORE Steelhead in Nov. and even MORE in Dec.
Making these two Months one of the BEST TIMES for Steelhead fishing.
***The Salmon River is not loaded in most spots. And you will "normally" have to work for them. And possibly, cover a bunch of water.***
But they are in "almost" every type of current break, directly related to the water temperature and water level.
Seeing some Steelhead daily, in certain high viz. transitional resting area's mid-afternoon. As we slowly float by them in the drift boat.
Presently, If you can hook 1 or 2 Steelhead in a day you did GOOD. 3-4 in a day, you did GREAT!
With some Steelhead anglers doing BIGGER #’s.
It’s Time to Get Yer FISH ON!

STEELHEAD avg. 8-10 lbs. with some Larger! – (Nov. thru April.)
Our Fall and early Winter Steelhead are without a doubt. One of the hardest fighting and most acrobatic fish that swims in the Salmon River.
With Torpedo – Speeding Silver Bullet runs and changing direction in a blink of an eye.

While taking your line 100 to 200 feet out in seconds. This well surely jump start your fishing heart!

Catapulting Tarpon jumps, like a rocket ship 3-4 feet in the air.

Somersaulting flips like a jugglers baton back to earths atmosphere before splash down.
Sounding like a cinder block with water spraying 20 feet in all directions.

Steelhead Tail Walks across the pool for 40 to 60 feet, will live in your Salmon River memory forever!

Todays Humor – Ever happen to you?
John told me a funny story about his wife and a 15 lb. Steelhead on the Salmon River.

Turns out that as John rushed for the net, he ripped a big hole in his waders and cold water rushed in.

When he dove for the Steelhead with the net, he fell in. Causing more cold water to fill his waders.

When he tried to net the Steelhead for the third time, he smashed his watch to pieces on a rock.

Steelhead was netted, picture was taken and Steelhead was released back into the Salmon River.

I’m sure Johns wife was very appreciative of his efforts.

I was extremely flattered to be a contributor to Max Loesche’s Steelhead article.
Filled with LOTS of my Steelhead fishing tips.
And I hope you ALL find it Entertainingly Informative or Mildly Educational.

We have 2 different types of Steelhead in the river now.
1. Those that have found a PRIME LYE where they will hold for an extended period of time. That satisfies all its Survival Instincts. Which is ALL water temp., water level and current break related.
2. And those that are running the river currently. ALL looking for a PRIME LYE.
Complementary Steelhead PRIME LYE locating TIPS.
Catch MORE Steelhead by knowing the Water Temp. on the Salmon River.
And what PRIME LYE the bulk or majority will be in.
To help YOU catch MORE fish!
Above 43 degrees – All the Steelhead will be in their Fall Habitats.
At 43 degrees, it's transition time. – Many of the Fall steelhead will transition to their Winter Habitat.
1/2 the Steelhead will be in the Winter spots and 1/2 will be in their Fall spots.
So fish both.
At 42 deg. and below. – Most Steelhead will be in the Winter spots with some in their Fall spots, as they run the river.

HEY RANDY, why does water temp. play such a MAJOR ROLE in my Steelhead fishing Opportunities and Successes?
Here's a HUMOROUSLY FUNNY story.
That happened to ME on Nov. 18 2012, that will answer your Q.
With a perfect example of KNOWING your water temp. the first day. And NOT knowing your water temp. the second day.
Lesson Learned!
These Steelhead were what I call Residents.
They had found a PRIME LYE that satisfied all there survival instincts. Where they will hold for an extended period of time.

***Unless something DRASTIC happens.***
First Day. - Checked the water temp. @ 44 degrees.
That told me the bulk of Steelhead would be in their PRIME LYE Fall Habitat.

Anchored the drift boat in a normally productive Fall spot, directly related to the current water temp.

We set my Drift Boat record for the LARGEST # of Steelhead played with in a single day, by a single person, for that Fall so far!

*Dam, I love this job!*
2nd Day. - Didnt check the water temp. and 100% expected to find these EXACT same Residents in the EXACT same FALL spot, as yesterday.

Anchored my drift boat in the same spot.
Got my net ready, expecting another BANNER DAY!!!!!
For the first hour - SKUNK, NOTHING, NADA, not even a SUCKER in a spot, where they had been LOADED the day before.
I started to chain smoke, 2 AT A TIME!
I was getting NERVOUS and stated to SWEAT.

*Dam, I hate this job!*
I knew that most of these Steelhead were residents who had set up shop in this PRIME LYE. - BUT, WHERE WERE THEY?
***Did something DRASTIC happen, that caused them to all move?***
***Then I remembered that the night time low was in the lower 20's. - I checked the water temp. @ 42 degrees.***
So the water temp. had dropped by 2 degrees from the previous day.
Which would play a Major Role in our future Steelhead opportunities and successes that day.
I immediately pulled my drift boat anchor and drifted another 75 feet down river and set my anchor.

Guessed with the water temperature dropping they were ALL just a lil lower in the Winter habitat.


We HAMMERED the Steelhead having another BANNER DAY!

And EXCEEDED the previous days record setting # of Steelhead!
One after the other in a short 4 hour period!

*Dam, I love this job!*
Lesson Learned!
And its why I take the water temp. each morning, especially after a very low night time temp. Before deciding on where to fish.
Either Fall Habitat or Winter Habitat or Both.
FYI - Years ago, we had a 43 degree water temp. for an entire Month.
43 degrees is TRANSITION TIME. Where the Steelhead will transition from their Fall habitat to there Winter habitat.

This water temp. put 1/2 the Steelhead in the Fall spots. And 1/2 in their Winter spots. So you had to fish both habitats.

IDEALLY - You want to be fishing to 100% of the Steelhead in either OR habitat. Not 50-50 during an entire MO.
To sum it all up. - 44 degrees fish Fall Habitat. - 43 degrees fish both Fall and Winter habitat. - 42 degrees fish Winter habitat.
If you are targeting fish that are running the river. Looking for a PRIME LYE. You will find them holding in both habitats.

MORE Salmon River HUMOR.
I’m hoping for a higher water release from the Salmon River dam, to flush all the dead smelling Salmon down river TO YOUR SPOT. P-U!
TOP SECRET (edited) FISHING REPORT. – LOADED with Steelhead!
I went 4 for 6 on Steelhead @ (edited for content) in the afternoon. All were caught using (edited for content).
This morning I fished the (edited for content) and was 3 for 5 on Steelhead using (edited for content).
The last spot I fished was LOADED with Steelhead @ (edited for content). – har har.

Stay tuned for more entertainingly informative and mildly educational reports and articles.
On this never-ending fishing trip with your host Randy Jones "The Yankee Angler".
I sincerely hope that what little I've been able to share with you.
Will help you along the path to more enjoyable and knowledgeable fishing.
Thanks for stopping in and spending your valuable internet fishing time here!
Hope your all enjoying the fishing!
Best Fish's,
For the latest on the STEELHEAD RUNS! Please follow me on Facebook.
Join me for a guided Salmon River drift boat fishing trip in Pulaski NY. For Steelhead during the Fall, Winter or Spring.
Enjoy learning Advanced fishing techniques and Exact fish habitats.
I always enjoy sharing my wealth of knowledge with all my guest’s. Especially if you are planning a return trip on your own.
Established in 1980.
Randy Jones is a Pro. Salmon River fishing guide w/34 Yrs. EXP. And over 2,000 drift boat trips down the river.
Salmon River Guide RATES. - One Angler rate $350. - Two Angler rate $450 total.
Included in Salmon River Guide Rates. – All Salmon River Spin fishing, Float fishing and Fly fishing equipment, gear and tackle.
BOOK Your Fishing Trip. With Additional Booking Info. -
Email - "Randy Jones"
or Call - 315-963-2065.
Best fish's, Randy Jones

I was extremely flattered to be a contributor to Max Loesche's article.And I hope you all find it Entertainingly Informa...

I was extremely flattered to be a contributor to Max Loesche's article.
And I hope you all find it Entertainingly Informative or Mildly Educational.
Best fish's, Randy

Known affectionately as "The Yankee Angler," Randy Jones has over 35 years of guiding experience on the river, sharing his passion and deep knowledge with everyone from beginners to seasoned anglers.

STEELHEAD! - Salmon River Fishing Report. - Browns Trout.By Salmon River Drift Boat Guide Randy Jones @ https://www.yank...

STEELHEAD! - Salmon River Fishing Report. - Browns Trout.
By Salmon River Drift Boat Guide Randy Jones @
With 34 yrs. EXP. and Over 2,000 drift boat trips.
We are seeing our first noticeable increase of Steelhead and Brown Trout. Entering and running the Salmon River.
Before this, they were sprinkled in with the Salmon.

From now on, the Steelhead #'s will be increasing day by day on the Salmon River. And will be the dominant species entering the river, now thru the Spring.
Currently, the Salmon River is a Five Star smorgasbord of an all you can eat Salmon egg buffet for your Steelhead. Which is why the are entering the river.
Then in Nov. the Steelhead will continue to target Salmon eggs. To include Brown Trout eggs.
The Brown Trout are entering the river now, to prepare to spawn in Nov. So Nov. is the BEST Mo. to target them.
Steelhead avg. 8-12 lbs. with some Larger! – These Steelhead are without a doubt, one of the hardest fighting Fish that swims in the Salmon River.
With Catapulting Jumps, Somersaulting Flips, Speeding Bullet Runs and Tail-walks across the river.
Brown Trout avg. 3-5 lbs. with some Larger!

Many steelhead will be holding behind spawning Salmon and Brown Trout.
To include the first current break directly below these spawning Salmon or Brown Trout. Where they can easily intercept the eggs being laid, as they float down the river.
For Fall Steelhead, always fish the water that is rippled, choppy or white water. Not flat.
The rapids, combined with a current break is a Prime Holding location for Fall Steelhead.
They won’t be in the Pools until the water temp. drops more.
Offer the Steelhead what 99% of them want.
Use Quarter sized egg sacks in Orange, cream, peach, white, blue and pink. Pink is a great color for fresh Steelhead. Use Chartreuse if the water is muddy colored.

Use any egg imitations in the same colors. Single or multiple. Whether your Steelhead spin fishing, float fishing or fly fishing on the Salmon River in Pulaski NY.

*** If your fly fishing. - You owe me BIG TIME for this Tip!
#1 colored glow bug (egg imitation) is cream or peach. Day in and day out, it's pretty much the ONLY color I use.
What helps to bring more Steelhead in?
Cooler days and nights drop the Salmon River water temp. Higher water flows from the Dam or even run-off from rain.
Extended low-light periods caused by storms. A strong West wind.
Catch MORE Fall - Winter - Spring STEELHEAD.
Salmon River Drift Boat Guide Randy Jones SHARES 34 Yrs. of Pro. EXP. targeting Steelhead.
Fall Steelhead fishing Pulaski NY. -
Fall Salmon River Steelhead fishing Pulaski NY. -
Steelhead fishing Salmon River NY. -
Winter Steelhead fishing Salmon River Pulaski NY. -
Winter Steelhead fishing Pulaski NY. -
Spring Steelhead fishing Salmon River Pulaski NY. -
Enjoy a Scenic FUN and FAST Salmon River guide Drift Boat trip in Pulaski NY. Covering 3 mi. in 4 min. on the Upper Salmon River off the Drift Boat. In the Fall for Salmon and Winter for Steelhead.
What helps to cause a BIG RUN of Steelhead? - This could help you plan your Salmon River fishing trip. -
CHECK OUT! - All the MONSTER Fish you can catch up here. From my Salmon River Photo Gallery. Salmon, Steelhead and Brown Trout. -
For the latest on the STEELHEAD RUNS! Please follow me on Facebook.
I hope you found my “Salmon River fishing report” entertainingly informative or mildly educational.
The Steelhead fishing of your dreams.. ..well mak’m reeeeeel!
May all Your door k***s smell of BIG Steelhead!
Steelhead Fishing you Success!
Best Fish's, Salmon River Drift Boat Guide Randy Jones @
Join me for a guided Salmon River drift boat fishing trip in Pulaski NY. For Steelhead during the Fall, Winter or Spring.
Enjoy learning Advanced fishing techniques and Exact fish habitats.
I always enjoy sharing my wealth of knowledge with all my guest’s. Especially if you are planning a return trip on your own.
Established in 1980.
Randy Jones is a Pro. Salmon River fishing guide w/34 Yrs. EXP.
Salmon River Guide RATES. - One Angler rate $350. - Two Angler rate $450 total.
Included in Salmon River Guide Rates. – All Salmon River Spin fishing, Float fishing and Fly fishing equipment, gear and tackle.
BOOK Your Fishing Trip. With Additional Booking Info. -
Email - "Randy Jones"
or Call - 315-963-2065.
Best fish's, Randy Jones


87 CLARK Road
Mexico, NY





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