Reading the scripture isn’t only about reading it to mark it off our to-do list. Reading the scripture requires meditation on it, in order to ensure that the Lord transforms our lives through his Word. #jesus #jesuschrist #jesucristo #christian #cristiano #gospel #evangelio #bible #biblia #prayer #oracion #amen #explorepage #motivation #motivacion
It is impossible for us to escape the evil of this world. However, it’s our decision to make whether we’ll choose to live righteously, or be drawn into the sin and practice it ourselves. #jesus #jesuschrist #jesucristo #christian #cristiano #gospel #evangelio #bible #biblia #prayer #oracion #amen
When you go to approach the Word, remember to meditate on the reading. Ask God and ask yourself the following questions: What is the passage trying to teach me? How can I apply this to my life? What does this mean?#jesus #jesuschrist #jesucristo #christian #cristiano #gospel #evangelio #bible #biblia #prayer #oracion #amen#explorepage #motivation #motivacion
If you can’t hear the voice of God, the read it. The Word of God is living, and through it, God speaks directly to your life. #jesus #jesuschrist #jesucristo #christian #cristiano #gospel #evangelio #bible #biblia #prayer #oracion #amen #explorepage #motivation #motivacion
How do you know when you are being guided by God? The first step is to be willing to die to yourself. Forget about your own desires, and focus your life on the desires of the heart of God. (Matthew 16:24) #jesus #jesuschrist #jesucristo #christian #cristiano #gospel #evangelio #bible #biblia #prayer #oracion #amen #explorepage #motivation #motivacion
Para poder impactar al mundo de la manera que Jesús lo hizo, debes seguir el camino que Jesús dejó trazado. Sigue detrás de El, y ten seguridad que El te llevará a donde debes de ir. #gospel #evangelio #christian #bible #biblia #jesus #jesucristo #prayer #oracion #amen
1 John 2:17 - “And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever.”Sin has the ability to produce a satisfaction - however, a very short lived one. Sin will never fill the void that exists within you, only the Spirit of God can bring the full fulfillment to your life that you seek so strongly. Run to the arms of God in which you can find full satisfaction and fulfillment in your life. 1 Juan 2:17 - “Y el mundo pasa, y sus deseos; pero el que hace la voluntad de Dios permanece para siempre.”El pecado tiene la habilidad de producir una satisfaccion - pero una de muy corta vida. El pecado jamas va a llenar el vacio que existe en ti, solamente el Espiritu de Dios puede traer el completo cumplimiento a tu vida que anhelas tan fuertemente. Corre a los brazos de Dios en los cuales puedes encontrar completa satisfaccion y cumplimiento en tu vida. #gospel #evangelio #christian #bible #biblia #jesus #jesucristo #prayer #oracion #amen
The Holy Spirit has been given to every believer so that the will of God may take place. When we receive the Holy Spirit, he is the one who guides us, strengthens us, and gives us authority. The Holy Spirit works through us to perform the miracles, signs, and wonders; these are not our own works, but the work of the Holy Spirit operating through us. El Espiritu Santo se ha dado a cada creyente para que la voluntad de Dios pueda tomar lugar. Cuando recibimos el Espiritu, el es quien nos guia, empodera, y nos da autoridad. El Espiritu Santo obra a travez de nosotros los milagros, maravillas, y prodigios; estas no son nuestras propias obras, sino las obras del Espiritu manifestandose a travez de nosotros. #gospel #evangelio #christian #cristiano #bible #biblia #jesus #jesucristo #prayer #oracion #amen