A couple of years ago we had the idea to collect the best of the biographical articles from the Cumberland Presbyterian magazine into a book that we could use both for promotion and as part of an alternate income stream. It seemed simple, after all the material was already nicely laid out, we just had to select the articles, change the page numbers, and design a cover. I had no inkling how hard it would be to massage those magazine layouts to the point where they would be printable as part of hardcover signatures. After 18 months, we are finally ready for press and should have copies on hand within the next 30 days.
Pre Order Now: https://www.cumberland.org/resources/ #!/Our-Stories-Biographies-from-the-Cumberland-Presbyterian-Magazine/p/717854614
Biographies included are:
Dale Alexander
Davy Crockett
Roxie Hart
Calvin Wilson
Charles Portis
Mattie Ross
Ira Landrith
William Jennings Bryan
Jade Snow Wong & Gam Sing Quah
James Terrell Wooten
Myles Falls Horton
Eric Westin
Chow King and H. William & Company
R.E.F. Records & Bob Scott Frick
Bob Goss
Fred Gladding
Mac Davis
Jimmy Dean
William Hamilton Parks
Zach Clinard
Jeri Ryan
Phoebe Apperson Hearst
William Dennes Mahan
Frank Ryan Esch
C. Ray Dobbins
John Price Buchanan
Margaret Daviess Hess
M.D. Anderson
William Lee Davidson Ewing
Gospel Families
Leonard A. Coffman